Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Methusula Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:03 am

Often getting better results by dumping one more pyro after 2x IB into it before combustion.
How are you getting better results this way? The idea is to spread the big ignite from PC to the boss, the combusting the boss. If you burn your IB's first, that last Pyro is wasted on the crystal. Or are you saying that you are dumping the pyro on the boss after switching from crystal?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:37 am

Or are you saying that you are dumping the pyro on the boss after switching from crystal?
This I think. I saw similar results - after double IB and swapping back, sometimes ignite would grow if you landed another pyro crit. I'm not sure why that happens either.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby skiz Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:53 pm

Or are you saying that you are dumping the pyro on the boss after switching from crystal?
This I think. I saw similar results - after double IB and swapping back, sometimes ignite would grow if you landed another pyro crit. I'm not sure why that happens either.
Yip, exactly. Mostly happens with not many crits before, no 4pc procc, no trinket procc and stuff like that. However, even with okayisch proccs this happens.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Chuey Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:19 pm

Is it worth using kindling without combust glyph for this so you can abuse the third IB from combust more often on heavy cleave fights?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby TLTeo Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:03 am

Can't use kindling when you need PC for it :P
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Chev Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:17 am

Can't use kindling when you need PC for it :P
You only need PC for it on single target. There is nothing stopping you using Kindling on a multi target fight.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby TLTeo Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:27 pm

My bad i didn't think of that >.> i guess without the extra damage done on the PC the effect won't be nearly as noticable though.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Nisroc Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:32 pm

My bad i didn't think of that >.> i guess without the extra damage done on the PC the effect won't be nearly as noticable though.
Perhaps you missed the part where komma stated that meteor was better for this trick? :)
I could definately see it being usefull for kindling aswell but personally i gotta wait to get my hands on 2 piece to test it.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Garrod Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:46 pm

Got my 2pc last night, gonna spend a good chunk of time playing with it today ^_^ ... d/advanced Fire for Mythic Raiding
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Blugatti Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:57 pm

got a pretty DANK 32.8k ignite on maidens last night but we didnt get the kill that attempt, i got my 4pc to make up for it though so its all gucci ... r=Blugatti" target="_blank
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Lyrik Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:04 pm

May I ask how you use meteor together with this to increase your ignite? Because Meteor seems like a kind of useless spell to increase ignites. It´s supposed to land when my pyro hits, but it always lands earlier/later depending on if I cast a fireball or just burn the pyro proc
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Blugatti Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:16 pm

when I was playing on dummies, i got a heating up + insta-pyro set up, meteor, go through with pyro dump and the meteor usually hits in the middle of end of that, and from there its just IBx2, switch targets combustion. ... r=Blugatti" target="_blank
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Lyrik Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:57 pm

Lets take Iron maidens as an example. Would you want to use meteor or PC for this fight? I´m still at kromog with my guild, so didnt have the chance to play around with talents on the maidens fight yet.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Valounette Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:43 pm

Any estimates on how much DPS value on single target and AoE this adds?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Smaiki Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:03 pm

Any estimates on how much DPS value on single target and AoE this adds?
We tank them together, so rather Kindling? :)
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Garrod Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:26 pm

Best I was able to do was 26k Ignite on a Blackhand attempt with PC. Didn't really get to mess with Meteor on any of the multiple target fights yet, might dick with it in some PuG's this weekend though. ... d/advanced Fire for Mythic Raiding
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Blugatti Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:34 pm

yeah, I ran kindling. ... r=Blugatti" target="_blank
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Lyrik Sat Feb 07, 2015 1:16 am

so you basically just want to use up both IB after you burned all the pyros if I´m getting that right and after that switch targets and combust?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby DeXtreme Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:38 pm

I'm having trouble replicating this, double IB doesn't seem to stack at all it just spreads my new ignite and overwrites it. How important is the 1 sec global CD you were talking about? I get the theory of it but dumping everything then double IB doesnt net me much increase at all right now...
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:45 pm

so you basically just want to use up both IB after you burned all the pyros if I´m getting that right and after that switch targets and combust?
More or less, yes.
I'm having trouble replicating this, double IB doesn't seem to stack at all it just spreads my new ignite and overwrites it. How important is the 1 sec global CD you were talking about? I get the theory of it but dumping everything then double IB doesnt net me much increase at all right now...
It definitely doesn't just "overwrite". Getting close to the 1 sec GCD is important, to avoid too many ticks of ignite being lost in between spreads.

It's not trivial to reproduce, and the gain isn't substantial unless you have high haste and built a large ignite on your main target. Otherwise, the first IB's ignite contribution might overshadow whatever you spread.
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