Unread postby Faenya
Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:59 pm
I just have a general question about combustion, so rather than open a new thread figure I'd post in one that's somewhat on topic. If a mod sees this unfit, just let me know and I'll know for future instances.
From what I read in a previous thread, you're supposed to fireball spam until you have heating up proc(1), IB it to force a pyro proc(2), continue casting fireball until you have a new heating up proc [in addition to the pyro proc you have 'banked'(3)], pop trinkets etc and meteor(4), and then combust (5).
But I'm confused why you would do step 2 at all. I was practicing on a test dummy a bit ago, and it served no real purpose as far as procs go. At the point that I have the pyro banked, and get a new heating up proc, when you cast your free pyro proc you lose the heating up proc that's there, so what's the point of it? I thought initially it was to cast the free pyro, and then IB the heating up so you could immediately cast another free pyro, but it doesn't seem to work this way.