Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Frosted Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:15 am

I'm pretty sure this got fixed over the last 24 hours. Can't reproduce it anymore, was working fine last night
Can anyone confirm this?
How about you read the thread.
...I have read the thread. No one else mentions if this was hotfixed today or not.
As has been said over and over, this is a consequence of standard ignite function. It's not a bug. It's literally normal ignite refresh. "Fixing" this would mean a change to how ignite refreshes. I just did it on dummies with PC and a single target.
Clearly not.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Silaryia Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:30 am

Didn't see that one line in four pages of a thread, sorry. It's why I asked. No need to be so rude about it.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:54 am

Settle down, there's no reason for either of you to get worked up about an unverified claim.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby magsteg Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:00 am

Would Komma kindly explain how to make Meteor King for double IB usage with 2 T17?

Thank you.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Killget Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:53 pm

So are you using Combustion while the crystal is still up or is it IB > IB > (crystal disappears) Combustion on target?

Mod: This is covered earlier in original posts, please read everything before posting questions.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Tera Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:40 am

So are you using Combustion while the crystal is still up or is it IB > IB > (crystal disappears) Combustion on target?

Mod: This is covered earlier in original posts, please read everything before posting questions.

IB x2 just before the crystal despawns (at the end of the Crystal duration) and Combust the target that the Ignite, from the crystal, is spread to.

Watch the video in the OP and you'll see.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Faenya Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:32 pm

would this work without the 4p bonus? because it looks like just before burning IB you use the 4p bonus on the crystal to build a big ignite. In the event you didn't have 4p and it would still be a good trick to use, would you just build up HS and Pyro procs, trinket/warp etc, fireball hoping for a pyro proc or two, and then ibx2 and combust?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:16 pm

would this work without the 4p bonus? because it looks like just before burning IB you use the 4p bonus on the crystal to build a big ignite. In the event you didn't have 4p and it would still be a good trick to use, would you just build up HS and Pyro procs, trinket/warp etc, fireball hoping for a pyro proc or two, and then ibx2 and combust?
I'm not sure what makes you think this. In the video I don't even have 4T17 equipped.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby methwow Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:39 pm

Any confirmation that this doesn't work anymore?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:52 am

Any confirmation that this doesn't work anymore?
There is no confirmation because there is no reputable claim that anything has been changed.

To repeat again: there is no bug, no weird interaction, and everything is working as intended. There is no obvious candidate for a "fix", and any change that stops this from working would involve a nerf to Fire Mages who don't even use this.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Methusula Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:21 am

Any confirmation that this doesn't work anymore?
There is no confirmation because there is no reputable claim that anything has been changed.

To repeat again: there is no bug, no weird interaction, and everything is working as intended. There is no obvious candidate for a "fix", and any change that stops this from working would involve a nerf to Fire Mages who don't even use this.
They would have to add a CD to Inferno Blast similar to what they did with novas to keep us from using it back to back. The issue here, is it would render the 2 piece nearly useless, and produce some really unfortunate gameplay in practice. I honestly just don't see them doing anything at all with this. I wouldn't mind seeing them address this officially still, however.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:02 pm

Any confirmation that this doesn't work anymore?
There is no confirmation because there is no reputable claim that anything has been changed.

To repeat again: there is no bug, no weird interaction, and everything is working as intended. There is no obvious candidate for a "fix", and any change that stops this from working would involve a nerf to Fire Mages who don't even use this.
They would have to add a CD to Inferno Blast similar to what they did with novas to keep us from using it back to back. The issue here, is it would render the 2 piece nearly useless, and produce some really unfortunate gameplay in practice. I honestly just don't see them doing anything at all with this. I wouldn't mind seeing them address this officially still, however.
Fairly sure they indeed won't "fix" it, since it's an actual intended game mechanics, which 2pc just is able to "abuse".

My guess is they'll just accept it as a gimmicky thing for fire to do in t17, and "fix" it by not giving t18 the same bonus.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Faenya Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:59 pm

I just have a general question about combustion, so rather than open a new thread figure I'd post in one that's somewhat on topic. If a mod sees this unfit, just let me know and I'll know for future instances.

From what I read in a previous thread, you're supposed to fireball spam until you have heating up proc(1), IB it to force a pyro proc(2), continue casting fireball until you have a new heating up proc [in addition to the pyro proc you have 'banked'(3)], pop trinkets etc and meteor(4), and then combust (5).

But I'm confused why you would do step 2 at all. I was practicing on a test dummy a bit ago, and it served no real purpose as far as procs go. At the point that I have the pyro banked, and get a new heating up proc, when you cast your free pyro proc you lose the heating up proc that's there, so what's the point of it? I thought initially it was to cast the free pyro, and then IB the heating up so you could immediately cast another free pyro, but it doesn't seem to work this way.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:05 pm

Some fun ignite numbers:

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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Carwey Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:27 pm

How are people handling this with 4P? I just got mine today(although 3/4 are normal pieces). If I use inferno blast in the beginning to get a pyro, my 4set procs and after the 3-4 pyros my 2nd IB charge is still on cd for 3-4 seconds.

edit: So I tried a few things: First thing was that I just didn't inferno blast and hoped for a "manual" crit after getting heating up but that was very inconsistent despite my heroic Goren Soul Repository. Another option I didn't get to try yet was equipping one tier piece right as the pull is about to come, so that the equip-rppm would still be on CD for ~5 seconds after the pull. I'm pretty sure trinkets work that way(with the alchemy trinket prepull shenanigans it does at least).
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:15 pm

But I'm confused why you would do step 2 at all. I was practicing on a test dummy a bit ago, and it served no real purpose as far as procs go. At the point that I have the pyro banked, and get a new heating up proc, when you cast your free pyro proc you lose the heating up proc that's there, so what's the point of it? I thought initially it was to cast the free pyro, and then IB the heating up so you could immediately cast another free pyro, but it doesn't seem to work this way.
This is the wrong thread to ask, because the question doesn't relate to the thread at all. You should check out one of the guide threads. Here's an excerpt from Dutch's guide as an answer though.
4. Cast" target="_blank when you got both Pyroblast! proc and Heating Up proc and there's a fireball in the air flying towards the boss.

Why only cast pyroblast with both a heating up proc and a fireball in the air?:
This is because if you got a heating up, and both fireball+pyroblast land on the boss at the same time, only one out of the two have to crit to give you a new pyroblast, so you're increasing your chance of getting a pyroblast significantly.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Fleks Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:05 pm



Thats what a double 4pc procc looks like,rng is real..
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:23 pm


Code: Select all

00:00:13.749 Dutchmagoz Ignite Admiral Gar'an Tick 21199 00:00:14.269 Dutchmagoz casts Inferno Blast on Admiral Gar'an 00:00:15.364 Dutchmagoz casts Inferno Blast on Admiral Gar'an 00:00:16.152 Dutchmagoz casts Combustion on Marak the Blooded 00:00:16.305 Dutchmagoz Ignite Marak the Blooded Tick 36120 00:00:16.421 Dutchmagoz casts Inferno Blast on Marak the Blooded 00:00:16.862 Dutchmagoz Combustion Marak the Blooded Tick *57792* 00:00:17.141 Dutchmagoz Combustion Enforcer Sorka Tick *57793* 00:00:17.141 Dutchmagoz Combustion Admiral Gar'an Tick *57792* 00:00:17.298 Dutchmagoz Ignite Enforcer Sorka Tick 54180
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Unclechicken Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:39 am

Hey, I've seen in a couple logs that ignite is growing significantly following the use of combustion. Can anyone explain this to me? ... iew=events" target="_blank ... iew=events" target="_blank

In both cases, the mage casts their first combustion on a 34-36k ignite, and then following combustion, the ignite grows upwards of 50k.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Fleks Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:04 am

Well,if you double Infernoblast,you increase the Ignite,guess what happens when you Ib a third time after your Combustion-you can see it in Komma´s post above aswell

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