Combustion Glyph in BRF?

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Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Waylandir Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:11 pm

My guild is holding lust for execute phase on many of the BRF heroic fights. I imagine we will do the same in Mythic. With no lust at the beginning, would it make sense to NOT glyph Combustion?

Seems to me that it would give more opportunities for combustion which should yield more consistent damage. Not to mention the fact that many of the adds in BRF die quickly. Having twice the opportunities to line up with adds seem like it might make more sense.

What do you guys think?

Mod edit: There have been several threads discussing explaining why Combustion should be always glyphed for boss damage. However, there is no discussion on BRF specific boss mechanics, such as unglyphing for short-lived add packs. For this reason I am leaving the thread open, but please focus your discussion on the interaction with specific bosses, and how glyphing or unglyphing works in each occasion.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Komma Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:24 pm

I can sort of see unglyphing being a thing for Beastlord/Thogar/Blast Furnace, but in all cases it seems better to put more focus on bosses and priority targets, which would put unglyphed Combustion at a disadvantage. Do you have any specific examples where you thought the timing had great synergy with unglyphed Combustion?
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby TLTeo Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:29 pm

I think for add packs it's way too situational. If you just so happen to be the only cleave class in the raid it might be viable, but realitically i don't think it's going to happen consistently enough.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Garrod Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:32 pm

I saw benefits to using unglyphed Combustion on Blast Furnace so that I had a Combustion up for each Elementalist and Operator, but outside of that I haven't seen much reason to use it on anything else. ... d/advanced Fire for Mythic Raiding
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Tera Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:04 am

I prefer Glyphed combustion and Kindling on Beastlord -- it ends up being every forth-or-so pack you get to roll combustions while they are at full health (enabling the double ignite trick) and doing maintaining high boss damage.

I've used it un-glyphed on Furnace and liked it (used Meteor as well).

Thogar was the same as Beastlord.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby TLTeo Fri Feb 13, 2015 1:19 am

I was running kindling last week but i've gone meteor this week and i like it a little better on all the aoe fights; it gives better single target damage and the extra combustion uptime doesn't do much because the adds die really quickly. I can see it being pretty decent on Maidens if you never go on the boats though.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Tera Fri Feb 13, 2015 1:21 am

I was running kindling last week but i've gone meteor this week and i like it a little better on all the aoe fights; it gives better single target damage and the extra combustion uptime doesn't do much because the adds die really quickly. I can see it being pretty decent on Maidens if you never go on the boats though.

I can agree with that, which is great because we all get to have a choice in the matter of how we do the fight :D
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Pixelexip Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:02 pm

I can sort of see unglyphing being a thing for Beastlord/Thogar/Blast Furnace, but in all cases it seems better to put more focus on bosses and priority targets, which would put unglyphed Combustion at a disadvantage. Do you have any specific examples where you thought the timing had great synergy with unglyphed Combustion?
Unglyphed Combustion is definitely the way to go for Beastlord Mythic when you have a group full of high aoe damage specs in. It lines up very well with all add packs and each combustion ends on Beastlord right before he hops on the next mount.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby TLTeo Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:07 pm

I think it's the other way around, i you have lots of aoe adds will die so fast that spreading combustion to them will only result in a couple of ticks. Good point on losing combustion uptime when he mounts up though, that's annoying as hell.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Churika Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:24 pm

I killed Darmac yesterday on Mythic difficulty and I was (as fire mage) one of the 3 people on add duty. I tried both options and I definitely ended up doing a lot more damage having Combustion glyphed. And not just the boss but the adds too.

The real trick to this fight as a fire mage is to get 2 Living Bomb explosions on the boss/mount per beast pack. Usually with a non glyphed combustion you would end up delaying it so you can spread it on to every add pack, but unfortunately this makes the adds die faster thus reducing your Living Bomb damage from explosions which results in a net dps loss.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Idiotbox Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:58 pm

does anyone else feel like unglyphed combustion could just be flat out better considering an increased probability of lining more combustions up with the 4 pc proc?
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Chev Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:29 pm

does anyone else feel like unglyphed combustion could just be flat out better considering an increased probability of lining more combustions up with the 4 pc proc?
We actively try to discourage 'feel(s) like' answers as this could result is someone stating one option is better than another because when they compared in game one option felt better but in fact it was due to completly unrelated RNG that one option performed better over the other.
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Zoltan Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:44 am

The real trick to this fight as a fire mage is to get 2 Living Bomb explosions on the boss/mount per beast pack. Usually with a non glyphed combustion you would end up delaying it so you can spread it on to every add pack, but unfortunately this makes the adds die faster thus reducing your Living Bomb damage from explosions which results in a net dps loss.
Can you explain this please? I'm pretty new to fire :)
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Re: Combustion Glyph in BRF?

Unread postby Tera Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:20 am

The real trick to this fight as a fire mage is to get 2 Living Bomb explosions on the boss/mount per beast pack. Usually with a non glyphed combustion you would end up delaying it so you can spread it on to every add pack, but unfortunately this makes the adds die faster thus reducing your Living Bomb damage from explosions which results in a net dps loss.
Can you explain this please? I'm pretty new to fire :)

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Chev's example is well stated.

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