Beastlord Darmac AoE

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Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby hungerr Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:37 am

Hey guys, im strugling to match warcraftlogs parses on beastlord darma.
My raid has plenty of cleavers with 3 retris and 1 enh shammy.
Im doing arround 45-50k aoe dmg during this fight.
Would it be better to use double blastwave + meteor on this fight for adds since they seem to die rather fast? i can barely get 1 LB explotion on them.

It seems that every top parse on warcraftlogs are using LB + pyro as their primary dmg source. ... ada/simple" target="_blank
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby Wilderness Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:30 am

If you have time for the GCDs to use double BW and Meteor, then you have time to get 2 LB explosions on each pack if you time it well enough.

But the better question is if you have that much AoE in your raid, why not just go Arcane and focus on single-target damage?
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby hungerr Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:52 am

because im a dpz whore and i want to beat the rest rofl! (I KNOW IM AN AWEFULL PERSON :( ).

How is everyone dealing with double LB explotion? how do you perform this on lets say darmac / operator ?
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby Chev Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:50 pm

I DPS whore more with Arcane than I do with Fire on this fight. Like you, our raid has some strong AoE / Cleavers so the adds don't stay up very long and often don't make it to the boss for me to spread my ignites / bomb before they die.

I park myself by the pen that the adds come out, glyph Arcane Explosion and Cone of Cold and spec into Arcane Orb. When the adds come out, I ABarr them, Cone of Cold, Arcane Orb, ABarr again and then use AE until there are only ~4 adds left up. I then switch back to focusing the boss and leave the last few adds to classes with natural cleave.
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby hungerr Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:37 pm

how much dps are you doing with this method chev? can i ask for your ilvl?
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby Chev Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:56 pm

I topped out at 40k two weeks ago with 767 ilvl (dropped slightly last week) ... #boss=1694" target="_blank
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby Komma Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:10 pm

I topped out at 40k two weeks ago with 767 ilvl


Joking aside, if you're looking to win at the e-peen meter, Arcane definitely isn't the spec to play on Beastlord. You're better off playing Fire and managing Living Bombs and Combustions well. Not sure how your guild is going to like that though.
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby hungerr Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:35 pm

yea im doing 45 - 50k as fire even though adds are dying rather quick
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Re: Beastlord Darmac AoE

Unread postby Wilderness Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:36 pm

because im a dpz whore and i want to beat the rest rofl! (I KNOW IM AN AWEFULL PERSON :( ).

How is everyone dealing with double LB explotion? how do you perform this on lets say darmac / operator ?
Double LB explosions aren't complicated, it just comes down to timing - you take into account when the adds are spawning, and their usual travel time to get stacked up on the boss (more applicable on Beastlord, and depends on your tanks grabbing the adds and dragging them over consistently) and make it so that you have a few seconds left on LB when they arrive, you spread LB, re-cast it on the boss, then spread it again once the other LB explosions have gone off.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M

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