
Community news!
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Unread postby Kver Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:00 pm

Hey all,

This morning(or late night for some of us) a few of our members received an email that made us giggle with excitement, and press our Battle.Net launcher button with the speed of light. I am very happy to say that a large portion of our staff got into the Alpha for WoD, ready to engage the mage class head on.

First of all, the list of people who got in are:
  • Voltaa (US); global moderator
  • Komma (US); global moderator
  • Frosted (US); Simcraft guy and all-around great theorycrafter
  • Akraen (US); administrator
  • Dutchmagoz (EU); administrator
  • Kver (EU); me
Our intention is quite simple: we are going to play all three mage specs in the alpha(and later beta) and reflect on everything possible. This means that you will be hearing our complaints about levelling, our praises of how mage gear looks, predictions regarding the 6.0 rotations, theorycrafting regarding class elements(ha-hah!) and many other things.

To keep it all organised, we have created this forum. There are 3 "main" threads we use to discuss and report our findings per spec, and a big "general" thread to discuss "general" things(lovely abstract term).

However if you have questions, want a screenshot of something or want to request some research do feel free to post! Our alpha testers are there for you.

Happy reading,

It were as it be it were

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