, the mastery for Fire Mages, is one of the most confusing spells in the game. This post serves to document all the technical details we know about it.
Tooltip from wowhead:

Quote from Ghostcrawler, June 2012 ( ... s/#post787" target="_blank)
Last Updated: April 20th, 2015Ahhh, Ignite mechanics. What a storied history they have.
Table of Contents:
Ignite Basics
Computing Tick Damage
Spreading with Inferno Blast
Maximizing Ignite
How do "2T17 double-spread Ignites" work?
Known Bugs
Off topic:
What were "rolling ignites" in Vanilla?
What is Ignite Compression?
Dynamic Ignite WeakAura
Color Code
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignite Basics" target="_blank is a DOT (damage-over-time) effect. It is a magic debuff, and can be dispelled. It has a tick time of 1 tick per second. It is applied when an Ignite-generating spell (Fireball, Scorch, Inferno Blast, Pyroblast, Flamestrike, Meteor) impacts the target. It can be spread with Inferno Blast.
Ignite does not behave like a normal DOT. It does not have pandemic-style DOT extension. Tick damage is not computed as a percentage of your spellpower, and will not dynamically update with player stats. It cannot critical strike or multistrike. The tick speed and DOT duration are not affected by haste. The damage is unaffected by player or target damage multipliers; this includes versatility, temporary damage buffs, or target vulnerability effects such as Prismatic Crystal's 30% increased damage taken. The damage events are not known to trigger procs. This unique type of DOT effect is sometimes called a "rolling DOT". It is also often called "the Ignite mechanic" by other classes, due to Ignite being the first of its kind.
Ignite's damage is proportionally increased by mastery. Ignite has a slightly lower percentage conversion rate than its Arcane and Frost counterparts. 110 mastery rating (aka. 1 mastery point) converts to 1.5% mastery, and Fire Mages have a base mastery of 12%. This lower conversion rate is most likely related to Combustion and Inferno Blast spreading. We will go into details later in this post.
Computing Tick Damage
When directly applying Ignite with a spell, the tick size depends on three factors:
1. The player's amount of mastery.
2. The size of the Ignite-generating spell.
3. The existing Ignite on the target.
While Ignite itself is not affected by damage multipliers such as versatility and Prismatic Crystal, the size of the Ignite-generating spell is affected. Therefore, Ignite still benefits from these multipliers.
For a target that doesn't have an active Ignite, the total ignite damage is computed as (impact_damage * mastery_%) and distributed over 5 ticks. For example,
- Player with 20% mastery
- Lands a Fireball for 10,000
- On a target with no Ignite
Will cause:
- (10,000 * 20%) = 2,000 total Ignite
- Spread over 5 ticks of 400
For a target that has an active Ignite, we refer to the Ignite damage that hasn't ticked yet as the "Ignite bank". The new total Ignite damage is computed as [ (impact_damage * mastery_%) + ignite_bank], and distributed over 6 ticks. For example,
- Player with 20% mastery
- Lands a Fireball for 10,000 damage
- On a target with 4 remaining ticks of Ignite, at 250 per tick.
Will cause:
- (10,000 * 20%) = 2,000 added Ignite
- 2,000 + 4 * 250 = 3,000 new total Ignite
- Spread over 6 ticks of 500
It is important to note that when Ignite is refreshed to 6 ticks, the tick timer does not reset. The next ignite tick can happen any time between 0.000 to 0.999 seconds after the spell impacts. The refreshed Ignite DOT will have a remaining duration between 5.000 and 5.999 seconds, depending on when the spell landed. It is somewhat like "adding 1 second ticks to the debuff until we have 6 remaining".
As the player repeatedly strikes the target with spells, Ignite will grow in size until the amount added is roughly equal to the amount lost to ticks between spells. A good analogy is a leaky bucket - the more water (Ignite damage) you add, the faster it leaks (Ignite ticks), until it leaks at about the same speed as you add water. Using mathematical terms, the Ignite contribution for each spell acts (very) roughly similar to an exponential decay.
While Ignite itself cannot multistrike, multistrikes of Ignite-generating spells (Fireball, Scorch, Inferno Blast, Flamestrike, Meteor) can generate Ignite. For the purposes of calculating Ignite, these multistrikes are considered as separate spells. For example, if a Fireball creates a new Ignite on a target for 5 ticks, any multistrike will refresh ignite to 6 ticks. Due to multistrikes occuring 1/3 seconds (333 ms) or 2/3 seconds (666 ms) after the main event, it is possible that Ignite can tick between the main spell and multistrikes. This can cause the Ignite to decrease when the tick damage is high compared to the multistrike's added Ignite. Unfortunately, this depends on RNG and tick times, which are completely out of our control. In general though, multistrikes are similar to critical strikes, generating extra Ignite damage.
Spreading with Inferno Blast
Ignite is a DOT that can be spread by Inferno Blast. But what exactly happens when you spread an ignite, and how much should it tick for? To answer this, similar to the direct application case, it depends on whether the spread target already has an Ignite DOT. Let's start with the basic case:
- Two targets, X and Y. X has Ignite, Y does not.
- X's Ignite is ticking for 500, with 3 ticks remaining.
- Player casts Inferno Blast on X
This leads to:
- X's Ignite is copied to Y. Y now has Ignite ticking for 500, with 3 ticks remaining.
- X's Ignite is refreshed to 6 ticks, with the addition of Ignite contributed from Inferno Blast.
In other words, if the spread target does not have Ignite, then the source Ignite will be directly copied over, with the same tick size and same number of remaining ticks.
Next we look at the case where the second target has an active ignite:
- Two targets, X and Y, both of which have active Ignites.
- X's Ignite is ticking for 500, with 2 ticks remaining.
- Y's Ignite is ticking for 200, with 4 ticks remaining.
- Player casts Inferno Blast on X
This leads to:
- X's Ignite bank value is added to Y. Y's new ignite bank is 500*2 + 200*4 = 1800
- Y's ignite is redistributed over 6 ticks, for 300 each.
- X's Ignite is refreshed to 6 ticks, with the addition of Ignite contributed from Inferno Blast.
In other words, if the spread target has ignite, then the source's Ignite bank will be added to the spread target, and damage will be redistributed over 6 ticks.
In summary, the Ignite damage done to an extra target through spreading is always equal to the remaining Ignite bank on the target. Whether you spread from X to Y or Y to X, the result Ignite on the spread target is the same. However, you gain more Ignite damage from spreading an 800x5 tick Ignite, than spreading a 2000x1 tick Ignite. This makes haste a strong secondary for Fire's multitarget, because it reduces the number of Ignite ticks that happen before spreading.
The spreading mechanism usually doesn't make any difference on how we play, since we spread from the target of the last attack anyway. However, this mechanism is important for understanding why 2T17 Combustions work, and how to maximize their effect. This will be discussed further in a later section.
Now that we know how Ignite damage can be computed, we will look at how it interacts with Combustion. Ignoring the confusing tooltip, Combustion snapshots the current Ignite, and ticks for 80% of the Ignite tick damage. That means that if Ignite is ticking for 500 per tick, Combustion will tick for 400 per normal tick, and critical strike for 800. Therefore, the optimal Combustion strategy is to maximize the Ignite tick size before using it.
Maximizing Ignite
Using the leaky bucket analogy from earlier, the highest rate of leaking happens when you fill the bucket quickly to the brim. If you fill it with small cups or take too long between cups, it'll leak faster than you can fill. Similarly, the largest Ignite ticks happen when you chain a number of high damage spells in quick succession. The obvious candidate for this job is Pyroblast, and Meteor if you have it talented. Landing a chain of instant cast Pyroblasts is the equivalent of filling a bucket rapidly with big cups, leaving little time in between for Ignite ticks to happen.
With Combustion, it is worth thinking more about what causes Ignite to increase or decrease in size. Experienced players with Ignite monitoring addons have probably seen this happen a lot: Seeing a pretty high ignite, you fire off that last pyroblast, but Ignite drops instead of rises. Why does this happen?
Again going back to the leaky bucket, "big Ignite ticks" basically means water leaking quickly from the bucket. The obvious way to make this happen is to fill the bucket. This means adding water faster than it leaks. In the case of Ignite, "the spell must add more ignite than the ticks since the last refresh". With Ignite having a fixed maximum of 6 ticks and fixed tick damage between refreshes, we can express this as a formula:
Code: Select all
Ignite increases IF
Added_Ignite_Damage > ( 6 - Remaining_Ignite_Ticks ) * Current_Tick_Damage
Code: Select all
Ignite increases IF
Added_Ignite_Damage > (6 - ceil( Ignite_Remaining_Duration - Spell_Travel_Time ) ) * Current_Tick_Damage
Code: Select all
Using this understanding of Ignite, we can think of some other interesting side effects. Here are a few of them:
- Using Inferno Blast when Ignite has more than 5.0 seconds remaining will almost always increase the size of Ignite, because Ignite hasn't ticked yet. This often occurs during high haste, if you follow Pyroblast with Inferno Blast. (Why almost? Because of multistrikes!)
- The closer you get to point-blank range, the lower the chance of Pyroblast decreasing the size of your Ignite. This is because there is less travel time for Ignite to tick .
- Similarly, if you spam Pyroblasts while running forward, you have a higher chance of getting a big ignite than if you were standing still or running away.
- When Ignite tick damage is more than what a Pyroblast critical strike with multistrikes can contribute, there is nothing you can do to grow the Ignite further. Just Combust the target already!
How do "2T17 double-spread Ignites" work?
One of the most interesting tricks of WoD Fire Mages is the 2T17 double-spread Ignite. The technique requires using at least 2 targets. You build an Ignite on the first target, use Inferno Blast twice in a row, leading to the second target having an abnormally large Ignite for Combustion.
How does this work? As mentioned in the "Spreading with Inferno Blast" section, the Ignite bank of your current target is added to your spread targets. What happens is actually the following:
T = -0.01: Finished building Ignite on X. It has either 5 or 6 ticks remaining, depending on the last spell impact.
T = 0.00: First Inferno Blast is used on X. 5-6 ticks of Ignite is spread and copied to Y. Ignite on X is refreshed to 6 ticks by Inferno Blast.
T = GCD - 0.01: Ignite has ticked once or twice, depending on GCD. This leaves 4-5 ticks on X, and 3-5 ticks on Y.
T = GCD: Inferno Blast is used on X again. This adds the remaining 4-5 ticks on X to the remaining 3-5 ticks on Y. The damage is then redistributed over 6 ticks.
Another way to look at it, is that you're copying the remaining ignite damage twice to a neighbor, combining them into a bigger ignite.
The above gives us a very good idea why Haste is so important for this trick.
- With 1 second GCD, it is possible to spread a 6 tick Ignite to Y on the first IB, have it tick down to 5 ticks, and then add another 5 ticks to it. Ignoring the first IB's effect on the Ignite, this means 10 ticks have been combined into 6. This means the result is 166.7% the original. Due to server lag with computing ticks, sometimes it is even possible to combine 11 or even 12 ticks into 6, which is 183.3%-200% of the original - doubling the size!
- On the other hand, if you have 0 haste, then it is possible for 2 ticks to occur for each target. First spreading a 5 tick, and then combining 4 ticks to 3, this means you've barely combined 7 ticks into 6. This is 116.7% of the original, which might be worse than just spending Inferno Blasts and Pyroblasts on the original target for a normal Combustion.
The scenario also tells us why tick time, which is almost entirely out of our control, is so important; if your first Inferno Blast occurs when no ticks have occurred, then you have perfectly transferred 100% of the original ignite to Y. Otherwise, you've already lost a 1/6th of your Ignite bank. The best way to maximize this, is to make sure Pyroblast has the maximum travel time of 0.75 seconds before you use your Inferno Blasts. With a 1.0 second GCD, this leads only 0.25 seconds between your final Pyroblast and the first Inferno Blast, minimizing the chance of a tick in between to 25%. With a travel velocity of 24 yards/sec, this means you should stand at least 18 yards away from your target. Multistrikes on your final Pyroblast can also help reset Ignite's tick time, giving you a better chance to spread 6 ticks on your first IB.
To summarize, the following factors can help with vastly improving double-spread efficiency:
1. Getting as close to 1.0 second GCD as possible, usually through trinkets and/or Time Warp.
2. Standing at least 18 yards away from your target for your final Pyroblast.
3. Multistrike, whether it's through a trinket proc or gear in general.
Known Bugs
Since the Ignite rework during WoD beta, there is currently only 1 documented bug. It is related to Ignite spreading with Inferno Blast, and the exact mechanics are not fully understood. When two targets A and B both have ignite, trying to spread from A to B sometimes leads to an unpredictable number of "remaining ticks" transferred. Here is an example in action:
Source: ... 24true%240" target="_blank
In the above, we see Dungeon Damage Dummy receive 3x151 ticks from Raid Damage Dummy, combined with its remaining 2x24 ticks to create 6x84 ticks. However, Dungeon Damage Dummy, has only ticked once. Therefore, at the time of spreading there should be at least 4x151 ticks, not 3x151. One tick has gone missing.00:00:05.584 Frostedmages Scorch Dungeon Damage Dummy 2 580
00:00:06.616 Frostedmages Ignite Dungeon Damage Dummy 2 Tick 24
00:00:07.617 Frostedmages Ignite Dungeon Damage Dummy 2 Tick 24
00:00:07.876 Frostedmages Fireball Raid Damage Dummy 3674
00:00:08.596 Frostedmages Ignite Dungeon Damage Dummy 2 Tick 24
00:00:08.970 Frostedmages Ignite Raid Damage Dummy Tick 151
00:00:09.100 Frostedmages Inferno Blast Raid Damage Dummy *5549*
00:00:09.518 Frostedmages Ignite Dungeon Damage Dummy 2 Tick 84
00:00:09.911 Frostedmages Ignite Raid Damage Dummy Tick 291
This bug was first discovered during Beta. It is not known whether this has been fixed.