Hey guys, im posting logs from last nights encounters to see how can i improve my dps. I feel i could be doing at least 5-8k more dps than im doing. My gear is pretty good, i have almost BIS on every slot. I know one factor is that most of my raid members are not doing enough dps, so the fights are extending way too much.
But i wanted to post some logs and see if anyone more experienced can see any flaws i could improve in my gameplay.
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/KW ... ne&fight=5" target="_blank
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... ada/simple" target="_blank
This is my armory, im on arcane set right now, but my fire set includes, BHs heroic staff, heroic operator trinket, and set gloves with offset mastery crit pants (both heroic).
1)how are you guys making fire work better than arcane on Flamebender? (heroic), theres so much time in wich you are only dpsing the boss alone. Are you just plain tanking both dogs near the boss ffor cleave or what?
2)How are you guys dealing with heavy cleaving comps on your raid on Beastlord darmac? Adds die so quickly its super hard to time LB or ignite /unglyphed combustion on them.
3)PC on H&F Yes / No? Are you guys holding both pc + combustion for when you have both bosses next to each other or just blowing combustion on cd?
4) Are you guys holding combustion on maidens to spread it on all 3 bosses? (sometimes it goes off cd when you only have 2 on the platform)
5) Are you guys holding combustion for 1st wave of adds on Operator? (they die rather fast too) or do you just use it on a big ignite on the pull on the boss himself?
Improving my dps
Re: Improving my dps
I'll look through logs later.
1) Good fire parses come from combustion spread onto dogs. First combustion on boss. 2nd on first set of dogs. 3rd on 2nd set of dogs. If you're not able to spread DoTs into dogs, you won't be parsing high on this fight.
2) You should never unglyph combustion. You deal with quick dying adds (thogar is really the only fight) by quickly spreading LB/comb/ignite/pyro as soon as they get into boss range. When they die, all you bombs will explode. Should also try to time your LB so it's nearly exploding by the time adds are coming out.
3) No. Too much boss movement.
4) No. Don't hold onto combustion.
5) Use it on thogar.
1) Good fire parses come from combustion spread onto dogs. First combustion on boss. 2nd on first set of dogs. 3rd on 2nd set of dogs. If you're not able to spread DoTs into dogs, you won't be parsing high on this fight.
2) You should never unglyph combustion. You deal with quick dying adds (thogar is really the only fight) by quickly spreading LB/comb/ignite/pyro as soon as they get into boss range. When they die, all you bombs will explode. Should also try to time your LB so it's nearly exploding by the time adds are coming out.
3) No. Too much boss movement.
4) No. Don't hold onto combustion.
5) Use it on thogar.
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