[Arcane] Poor showing on Mythic Gruul

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[Arcane] Poor showing on Mythic Gruul

Unread postby Ragiousmagus Sun May 10, 2015 7:34 am

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Z9 ... class=Mage" target="_blank

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... s/advanced" target="_blank

This kill is not a great parse to share due to a lag spike causing my death (and lag for the rest of the fight following), however the first 4 minutes are essentially the same here as every attempt. There are 12 wipes included as well.

I stay right with the other mages usually for the first minute of all mythic fights then fall off in the conserve phase. I try my hardest to monitor my mana and I follow up guides but I feel like there must be something I'm doing wrong. It's making mythic kromog progression near impossible. My guild logs privately and as such I only have this attempt to share. I will be taking my own logs in the coming weeks.

I'm wondering if there is anything else I'm doing terribly wrong. Is this all a result of letting my mana get away from me? How can I step up my game to ensure I'm not benched in future pulls?

I take evanesce because I'm in soak group. I feel like this guild's only reason to keep me around at the moment is my survivability is usually pretty high. I want to change that.

Any comments welcome, thank you.
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Re: [Arcane] Poor showing on Mythic Gruul

Unread postby Chiv Sun May 10, 2015 8:14 am

Well comparing you to Critiab

Here is your mana graph :

his :

You can see he has better management as well as definitive burn phases (as marked)

He also capitalized on those burn phases with evocation (he had 4 casts) VS your 2 cast.

Which meant he also benefited from tier 2pc more vs you.

I'll look more into it tomorrow

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