Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:46 pm

Opener should be
As missiles arrive place PC
Supernova PC if it can proc Mark still
Normal burn
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:52 pm

Anyone have thoughts on frost opener? I'm having the same problem as frost, where Mark of Doom virtually always procs on the boss before I can get PC down. I'm precasting FB - WJ - FB, maybe I should just delay opener slightly and place PC after first precasted FB, WJ crystal and hope first FB didn't proc it?

Frost should always prefer to proc Mark on the boss, since Splitting Ice procs a reflected Mark (a Mark that hits the boss then hits the crystal, hitting the boss again)
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby gameorg Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:33 pm

In that case i would suggest to not use felmouth frenzy if u use PC. It really screwed it up in alot of pulls, because PoF was allways proccing while i was putting down PC.

And this should make Opener>AB>PC quite a solid choice. Those pulls would have been so much better if it just procced on the next AB (on crystal).

I mentioned this a few posts up - proccing on the boss is a dps increase. Just drop crystal and continue targeting the boss
Arcane Blast should be dps neutral (lose the 30% buff, but get a reflected Mark proc)
Arcane Missiles, however, should gain a lot per cast (5 mark procs at 60k less not hitting the crystal)
Supernova the crystal and get two bonus reflected marks
Sorry but your post is very missleading.

Yes, it is a dps increase to target Boss if PoF is not on Crystal but its not the best opener. It is an even bigger dps increase to have PoF on the crystal. I think you are not aware, that PoF on the crystal, will also explode on the crystal so there is no Bonus to have it on the Boss. PoF on the crystal, is just flatout stronger, because every spell is also 30% amplified by PC.

Beside that i would use SN at the start of PC (unless you are munching AM) to create AM procs. If your SN procs AM at the end, u cant make use of it anymore.

It is just a flatout stronger pull to have PoF on the crystal. The question is, how much it is worth it to force the situation. Like dropping it after 2xAB.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Lavok Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:43 pm

It is just a flatout stronger pull to have PoF on the crystal. The question is, how much it is worth it to force the situation. Like dropping it after 2xAB.
Do we have any form of sims of either scenario to show the actual difference between the openers? It's not very informative to have person A say X is obviously stronger and person B saying Y is clearly better :(
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:32 pm

In that case i would suggest to not use felmouth frenzy if u use PC. It really screwed it up in alot of pulls, because PoF was allways proccing while i was putting down PC.

And this should make Opener>AB>PC quite a solid choice. Those pulls would have been so much better if it just procced on the next AB (on crystal).

I mentioned this a few posts up - proccing on the boss is a dps increase. Just drop crystal and continue targeting the boss
Arcane Blast should be dps neutral (lose the 30% buff, but get a reflected Mark proc)
Arcane Missiles, however, should gain a lot per cast (5 mark procs at 60k less not hitting the crystal)
Supernova the crystal and get two bonus reflected marks
Sorry but your post is very missleading.

Yes, it is a dps increase to target Boss if PoF is not on Crystal but its not the best opener. It is an even bigger dps increase to have PoF on the crystal. I think you are not aware, that PoF on the crystal, will also explode on the crystal so there is no Bonus to have it on the Boss. PoF on the crystal, is just flatout stronger, because every spell is also 30% amplified by PC.

Beside that i would use SN at the start of PC (unless you are munching AM) to create AM procs. If your SN procs AM at the end, u cant make use of it anymore.

It is just a flatout stronger pull to have PoF on the crystal. The question is, how much it is worth it to force the situation. Like dropping it after 2xAB.
I agree

On opener: PoF on crystal>PoF on boss>Crystal w/o PoF

Mark on crystal is super powerful (it hits the crystal and the boss), but I have no idea how to get PoF on the crystal with any sort of consistency. My post above assumes the only consistent thing is PoF procs on the first few ABs
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby gameorg Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:49 pm

Now that iam not using Felmouth_Frenzy anymore, i had very decent success with AB>AB>PC id say about 2/3 of my pulls i had PoF on the Boss and it allways procced on the 3rd - 5th cast (so no waste of PoF uptime).

check my killrog logs: ... iew=events" target="_blank

Pull 1 and Kill were with PoF on Mark.
Pull 2 was with PoF on Boss.

The Difference is quite noticeable.I feel like its a solid approach to go for the opener. Sometimes it proccs earlier (especially when outfight time is very long) then i try to handle it like searix described - Which is still a good opener and probably better than using PoF and PC one after another.

We need some more logs, so i encourage the mages here to try different openers and send some logs.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Vynestra Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:16 pm

Now that iam not using Felmouth_Frenzy anymore, i had very decent success with AB>AB>PC id say about 2/3 of my pulls i had PoF on the Boss and it allways procced on the 3rd - 5th cast (so no waste of PoF uptime).

check my killrog logs: ... iew=events" target="_blank

Pull 1 and Kill were with PoF on Mark.
Pull 2 was with PoF on Boss.

The Difference is quite noticeable.I feel like its a solid approach to go for the opener. Sometimes it proccs earlier (especially when outfight time is very long) then i try to handle it like searix described - Which is still a good opener and probably better than using PoF and PC one after another.

We need some more logs, so i encourage the mages here to try different openers and send some logs.

Hm why would the felmouth have an affect on PoF proccing? The extra 125 haste from the buttered sturgeon instead? That's really bizarre if PoF doesn't proc on the first or 2nd cast because you have a tiny bit more haste. Unless the fish is doing something weird to rppms? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding entirely.
Last edited by Vynestra on Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby yungg Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:20 pm

felmouth isnt the haste fish, it's a damage proc fish
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Vynestra Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:25 am

felmouth isnt the haste fish, it's a damage proc fish
Yeah I know (totes just re-read my post and it definitely makes it seem like I don't know what i'm talking about though lol), which is why I am a little confused as to why adding 125 haste over just the damage proc would make prophecy of fear proc later. 125 haste shouldn't change if prophecy procs on the 1st or 2nd AB, or on the third, right?

His post made it seem like since he stopped using the dmg proc, somehow that made it so the trinket doesn't proc til the 3rd-4th AB...Those two should be unrelated. The haste shouldn't make the trinket proc later in comparison to the damage proc, afaik anyway.

I might be misunderstanding though, so please correct me if I am.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby gameorg Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:12 am

felmouth isnt the haste fish, it's a damage proc fish
Yeah I know (totes just re-read my post and it definitely makes it seem like I don't know what i'm talking about though lol), which is why I am a little confused as to why adding 125 haste over just the damage proc would make prophecy of fear proc later. 125 haste shouldn't change if prophecy procs on the 1st or 2nd AB, or on the third, right?

His post made it seem like since he stopped using the dmg proc, somehow that made it so the trinket doesn't proc til the 3rd-4th AB...Those two should be unrelated. The haste shouldn't make the trinket proc later in comparison to the damage proc, afaik anyway.

I might be misunderstanding though, so please correct me if I am.
To clarify this: Felmouth_frenzy can proc PoF and counts as an additional "direct damage spell".

Last ID i was running Felmouth Frenzy with the exact opener (OpeningAB>AB>PC) and out of 13 trys, 12 times, PoF procced on the boss.The main reason for that was Felmouth Frenzy, because it regulary procced PoF on the boss while i was putting down PC. AS soon as i stopped using Felmouth frenzy, the opener with 2xAB>PC had about 66% chance to proc PoF on PC.
Last edited by gameorg on Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Komma Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:25 am

To clarify this: Felmouth_frenzy can proc PoF and counts as an additional "direct damage spell".
Can you provide a log of this happening?
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby gameorg Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:01 am

Edit: I was phrasing it a bit confusing. PoF can trigger RRPM trinkets, but does not count as a direct spell (for example it does NOT trigger doom Nova) - Just wanted to clarify that.

See here about the RPPM Proc
Does it really trigger the trinket proc?
Appears it does, yes. Log.

Code: Select all

00:00:24.910 Troopcsd Melee Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 473 (B: 203) 00:00:24.910 Troopcsd Melee Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 195 (Multistrike) 00:00:25.154 Troopcsd Fel Lash Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 3524 00:00:25.425 Troopcsd Fel Lash Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 3620 00:00:25.667 Troopcsd Fel Lash Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 3359 00:00:25.910 Troopcsd Fel Lash Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 3296 00:00:25.910 Dungeoneer's Training Dummy is afflicted by Mark of Doom from Troopcsd 00:00:26.970 Troopcsd Melee Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 590
Rarely saw it during actual encounters, but something to keep in mind when using PC.
Last edited by gameorg on Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Rinoa Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:55 pm

The WA linked before also did not work for me until I swapped the spell ID to 184073. Now it works. I've got the normal version though.

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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:44 pm

The WA linked before also did not work for me until I swapped the spell ID to 184073. Now it works. I've got the normal version though.
Just occurred to me the WA i posted in the OP was for the heroic version of the trinket.

Changed the WA to track 'Mark of Doom' instead of the individual spell IDs of normal/heroic/mythic. Let me know if anyone has problems with the new WA
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:19 pm

Something for us to test these next few days, as far as i can tell the opener for arcane PoF PC specs should be:

PoF procs on first 2 ABs:
Opener should be
As missiles arrive place PC
Supernova PC if it can proc Mark still
Normal burn
PoF doesn't proc on first 2 ABs:
Now that iam not using Felmouth_Frenzy anymore, i had very decent success with AB>AB>PC id say about 2/3 of my pulls i had PoF on the Boss and it allways procced on the 3rd - 5th cast (so no waste of PoF uptime).
Should be the highest dps opener based on when it procs
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:03 am

Something for us to test these next few days
PoF doesn't proc on first 2 ABs:
Now that iam not using Felmouth_Frenzy anymore, i had very decent success with AB>AB>PC id say about 2/3 of my pulls i had PoF on the Boss and it allways procced on the 3rd - 5th cast (so no waste of PoF uptime).
Should be the highest dps opener based on when it procs
Here's a good log, ... iew=events" target="_blank

250k doing this, and that's without lust
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby musclepharm Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:30 pm

For the situation where PoF procs on first 2 AB, after you cast all your AM and SN, would you continue your normal burn on the boss until mark of doom ends or just switch straight onto PC?
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:16 pm

For the situation where PoF procs on first 2 AB, after you cast all your AM and SN, would you continue your normal burn on the boss until mark of doom ends or just switch straight onto PC?
assuming it procs on first AB:
finish AB to ABx4
PC as AM lands, AM boss again if all can land on boss
SNx2 on PC, normal burn

Haven't done more than napkin math, but AB should be doing roughly the same damage on or off PC. AM, though, does about 250k more if all the missiles land per AM, and Supernova should act as cleanup, getting that extra 57.5k per.

AP/AM MoD'ed boss, drop crystal as they land at any point in the fight is a noticeable dps increase (~200k midfight per AM set)
SN the PC while MoD'ed boss is ~+50k midfight per SN (always target PC with SN, the secondary AOE procs the boss's MoD)
Fit as many AMs onto marked crystal as you can. It is roughly 200k bonus damage per (300k less potentially casting ABs in place of AM)
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Zelendria Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:48 am

Is it possible in WA or by creating an addon that tracks who has the debuff, and is then clickable so that you would focus that target?
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Re: Prophecy of Fear (Work in progress) [Megathread]

Unread postby Chev Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:07 pm

I am pretty sure this would need to be an addon as as far as I am aware you can not make a WA do anything other than fire some kind of alert.

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