Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinkets

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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Valounette Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:47 am

Ah, Frosted reminded me that I should clarify. Haste does lose ground against mastery when you stack it to very high levels (ie. past 33%++), but it's definitely not a case of "hey I have an extra attack on my pets, I should stop immediately".
33% raid buffed right? I assume raid buffed but clarification is always nice. (I don't think it's possible to get that with just gear/enchants since I'm at 20% with 1808 haste).
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Rinoa Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:50 am

Yes, that is raidbuffed.

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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Causese Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:08 am

How much of a dps loss is:

Popping crystal before pull -> AP+Prepot+Troll racial -> AB+(PoM+AB) -> spamming AM if there's proccs
Fairly significant. You really don't want to be casting low AC stack spells into PC.
does it really matter? isn't it all about getting AM proccs?
it would be a much safer opener that works most of the time (in terms of proccing MoD on crystal)

if you consider that the other opener might have reaction-delays where you have to focus boss to dump AM and then go back to crystal etc.

I also feel like it's a good opener if you pop ring on pull. Perhaps I can post some logs next time I use it :D
(unless you guys already did all the maths)

it's not that big of a deal anyways, there's only like 1 boss where you lust at the beginning :cry:
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Unstable Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:26 pm

I think some of you may be forgetting the fact that if you use the ring on pull(or 1-2 seconds in), you cannot drop PC on 2 arcane charges, since that way you will not get the ring explosion to hit the PC.

Also I want to ask about what to use during PC when you have Tome and are running Supernova, because when I drop AP and PC, if I double nova and cast a few blasts, I get so many missiles that I barely get to benefit from the Tome's effects, and as we all know its never a good idea to munch missile procs. Should I use a charge or two of Supernova before AP PC, or should I only cast missiles when I'm at 3 stacks in order to cast as many blasts as possible?
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Smaiki Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:26 pm

I think some of you may be forgetting the fact that if you use the ring on pull(or 1-2 seconds in), you cannot drop PC on 2 arcane charges, since that way you will not get the ring explosion to hit the PC.
It doesn't matter if the ring explosion hits PC or not because it is not amplified by PC.
You just want to split the ring explosion with PC for Gorefiend, because the outcoming damage from PC is increased with Gorefiend's debuff while Feast of Soul. The ring explosion itself is not.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Mahogany Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:57 pm

I think some of you may be forgetting the fact that if you use the ring on pull(or 1-2 seconds in), you cannot drop PC on 2 arcane charges, since that way you will not get the ring explosion to hit the PC.
It doesn't matter if the ring explosion hits PC or not because it is not amplified by PC.
You just want to split the ring explosion with PC for Gorefiend, because the outcoming damage from PC is increased with Gorefiend's debuff while Feast of Soul. The ring explosion itself is not.
Unless it got fixed, it does matter that the ring explosion hits PC because otherwise the ring explosion seems to be doing alot less if you use PC during it
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Smaiki Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:45 pm

I think some of you may be forgetting the fact that if you use the ring on pull(or 1-2 seconds in), you cannot drop PC on 2 arcane charges, since that way you will not get the ring explosion to hit the PC.
It doesn't matter if the ring explosion hits PC or not because it is not amplified by PC.
You just want to split the ring explosion with PC for Gorefiend, because the outcoming damage from PC is increased with Gorefiend's debuff while Feast of Soul. The ring explosion itself is not.
Unless it got fixed, it does matter that the ring explosion hits PC because otherwise the ring explosion seems to be doing alot less if you use PC during it
Maybe you think it hits less because you only see a portion of the damage in skada/recount under Nithramus. The "missing" damage is accumulated in PC's damage done.
Split 50/50

Code: Select all

00:00:17.547 Smaiki Nithramus Fel Lord Zakuun 507134 00:00:17.547 Smaiki Prismatic Crystal Fel Lord Zakuun 507134
Exception Gorefiend: Part from PC is increased by 100% due to Feast of Souls

Code: Select all

00:02:26.436 Smaiki Nithramus Gorefiend 463835 00:02:26.436 Smaiki Prismatic Crystal Gorefiend 927672
Source: private logs from July 30 and August 02
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Causese Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:01 am

Yes, that is raidbuffed.
As it seems I have 33,13% haste raidbuffed.
Does that mean I should enchant "Mark of Bleeding Hollow" to my weapon? :o ... ese/simple" target="_blank
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Frosted Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:06 am

Sim it, but it's possible.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Causese Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:18 am

Sim it, but it's possible.
Seems to be a dps loss :roll: (-291)
I assume that's because it proccs 1000 haste hat diminishes over time compared to 500 mastery? :(
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby NotTrev Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:35 am

Also I want to ask about what to use during PC when you have Tome and are running Supernova, because when I drop AP and PC, if I double nova and cast a few blasts, I get so many missiles that I barely get to benefit from the Tome's effects, and as we all know its never a good idea to munch missile procs. Should I use a charge or two of Supernova before AP PC, or should I only cast missiles when I'm at 3 stacks in order to cast as many blasts as possible?
Just playing on the dummy right now, even at sub 60% mana, during AP, tome's AB hits harder than SN. It would seem you don't want to SN at all during AP, so especially not during AP+PC.

That said, with tome/pof I'm only running SN on fights where I want mass burst aoe, so I'm saving charges for that. Good examples are HFA's dragoons, kromrok's grasping hands, manno's imps, etc. I've been enjoying frost on manno lately, and HFA I use orb. Kromrok I've had more success with OP than PC, because of how much he moves around. Not sure which fight you're running SN+PC on, if you have tome.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Frosted Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:57 am

You still want to SN on PC during AP with the Tome and weave missiles like normal.
Last edited by Frosted on Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby NotTrev Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:05 am

You still want to SN on PC during AP with the Tome.
Do you mind explaining your reasoning? AM generation? Are you also considering the opportunity cost of not having SN for early burst aoe? Kromrok is a good example where if you PC, SNx2 once he has finished his leaping the SNs won't be available for grasping hands.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Frosted Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:12 am

SN does more damage than AB and use of it on PC results in more missiles, yeah.

The damage done directly to PC for SN vs AB is in AB favor, but SN also hits the dummy with it's AoE, which causes it to result in more damage done.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby NotTrev Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:50 am

SN does more damage than AB and use of it on PC results in more missiles, yeah.

The damage done directly to PC for SN vs AB is in AB favor, but SN also hits the dummy with it's AoE, which causes it to result in more damage done.
My mistake. How SN reads I thought it only gets the bonus damage if it is a singular target(aka 79k @1, 29k x2 @2). Versus AB's 96k~ SN was doing 79k~ to dummy via crystal and then 29k via splash.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Breaktheice Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:33 am

Hi Arcane Blasters!

I was hoping you all could help me make sense of something. Basically, why is there a disparity of 10k DPS on my toon when I swap out Overpowered for Prismatic Crystal on my Arcane setup (and keep everything else the same)? Is the difference between the two talents that much?

My Simcraft profile >" target="_blank

If I run with Overpowered:

If I run with Prismatic Crystal:

These were done on a 350 second fight, single target, tank n spank, with 25k iterations, and 200 ms latency. Version of Simcraft is 620-02.

Is the disparity between the two talents (OP and PC) so severe that swapping them around makes me gain/lose 10k DPS? What gives? :shock: ?
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Frosted Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:45 am

Yes. OP isn't really that good, while PC is amazing for Arcane. Although 10k is quite large a difference to see.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Breaktheice Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:54 am

Wow, and here I thought PC/CmS difference on Frost was bad :?

Komma actually suggested using the Nightly build over the live one as the live one might be missing bug fixes. Could this be true? I would like to think yes, since a 10k disparity for one single target talent to another is honestly just too insane. :oops:
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Frosted Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:56 am

There hasn't really been much work done on the mage module since the last release I think. Nothing huge at least. PC is pretty insane with the ring and tome, both of which you have.
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Re: Arcane Talent Comparisons, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinke

Unread postby Breaktheice Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:00 am

So what I'm drawing is I shouldn't ever really bother with Overpowered? :?:

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