./shrug, that's how the sim turns out.According to what is the unblinking gaze of sethe better than PoF? Pof has more intel, and for me, deal slighlty more damage.
So, did I miss something or?
If you find logs that show discrepancies between sim trinket damage and in game, link them so it can be looked into.
You're probably playing lance weaving poorly. It's still very strong on 2targets. If you're not keeping on top of your FoF generation or weaving, it's not going to be a strong trinket.I have a question though on the Trinkets
I understand that the Trinket compare is for 1 Target only
but most of HFC is multi target
and I find that i am doing more dmg with PoF+Gaze then with Gaze+Tome
exactly because the fact that I can forgo the Frostbolt cast before the FoF proc and then to shot FoF when the Adds are there
especially when Adds die relatively fast and still have Prio (like Kilrog)
though I am not sure I am correct, because Tome bonus will also go to the Split Lance that is cast via Glyph so it does add to your damage with 2 Targets as well
My question is at how many Targets, or at how Many uptime does Tome loss is value, if at all
thank you
You're seeing MS > Haste, what exactly are you wondering about? This is pretty standard unless you're running something like Fbomb.I just got my 4 piece and Archimonde trinket this week. I know that for Arcane Haste is now weighted heavier than Mastery, but when I look around at a lot of armory profiles for high performing frost mages, I am also seeing Haste Enchants on their armor/weapons. Now it could just be that they're favoring gearing for Arcane, but it kind of makes sense that Haste would be even better for Frost now because of the FB/IL weaving you do with 4piece & trinket. I ran a SimC with my Multistrike enchants and then another with a swap for Haste enchants. I'm seeing about a 900 dps increase overall, just wondering what everyone else's thoughts are on this.