Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Piecez Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:39 pm

The way I do it is I typically AB+PoM AB+AB+AB, prophecy procs on boss, dump missiles into boss then drop crystal, I believe all the missiles proc prophecy and cleave onto the crystal as I drop it. Then I AP and spam AB into crystal and weave missiles as they proc unless i'm extremely low on mana or i'll miss an AB at the end of crystals duration.

If I don't get any missile procs on opener I usually just alt+f4 and tell my raid I dc'd
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Rettep Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:38 am

I usually go for 2 ABs and then crystal, but even when I don't get proc in those first 2 ABs, it feels like doom always procs on boss of PC, which is super annoying.
I feel like it is worth to have the optimal uptime of ring on PC as the ring is mostly being popped on pull (except for some fights when it is delayed).
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:55 pm

I cannot for the life of me get PoF(N)+Tome(N) to perform better than PoF(N)+Desecrated SI (H). Even when switching to UM when I use tome. Even when I get good RNG (solid Temporal buffs going into crystal etc.) on a fight, I end up doing approximately 20% less DPS. Must be missing something.
Link a log or two?
With Tome+PoF opener are you supposed to dump all your arcane missiles into the marked boss before using PM. Then burn CDs and PM+AB spam?

Or do you still want mark+PM up at the same time even if mark is on boss. If mark is on boss is AM into marked boss still a priority over AB spam onto crystal?
From the bottom of the OP:
NEW: Rotation Changes

Mid attempt:
If(MoD has enough time left for arcane missiles to land and PC/AP is up): cooldowns (AP, berserking, etc.), Arcane Missiles, PC as missiles land, target PC, Supernova (x2 if mark is still on boss), burn phase

Note: MoD time remaining is erratic. Sometimes just lay PC and pop Supernova if that's all you can fit in. Sometimes fit an extra AM in if it procs just as PC/AP come up

TL;DR rotation changes:
AM any marked target. Consider adding an AB on crystal then AMing (marked boss) to avoid mana cap
Supernova before it expires (on the crystal) if specced into supernova
Otherwise-normal burn rotation

If mark procs while cooldowns are up: Pop cooldowns, AM, drop crystal while missiles are in midair.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:02 am

reminder Mastery starts to overtake Haste on fights with multiple targets with PoF
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby magictricks Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:45 am

Guys is it possible to stop pof activating right away by having it unequipped and only equipping it 4 seconds before the pull, that way the 10 second internal timer wont even activate till 7 seconds in, hopefully just in time to go on your pc just as you drop it.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Chev Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:51 pm

Guys is it possible to stop pof activating right away by having it unequipped and only equipping it 4 seconds before the pull, that way the 10 second internal timer wont even activate till 7 seconds in, hopefully just in time to go on your pc just as you drop it.
No. The timers are reset when the boss is pulled. This is what people were using to game trinket procs. E.g. Use the fruit basket toy (as this put you in combat without pulling the boss), trinket procs, pull happens, timers are reset so as soon as your trinket buff wore off, it would proc again.

There is some anecdotal evidence that using the 125 food meant that it wasn't procing until the 2nd / 3rd cast where as Felmouth Frenzy was causing it to proc on pull.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Carwey Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:14 pm

Guys is it possible to stop pof activating right away by having it unequipped and only equipping it 4 seconds before the pull, that way the 10 second internal timer wont even activate till 7 seconds in, hopefully just in time to go on your pc just as you drop it.
I tried to do that on beta but it appears that PoF doesn't have the usual 10 sec ICD like most other RPPM trinkets.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby adrift Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:42 am

My own experiences say go with AB X2 then PC if it hasn't procced yet. A major factor for me was our ring timing - we have rogues popping the ring within 1s of pull every time so using any of the slower openers results in a lot of wasted Nithramus buff (and lower explosion damage).

I think people need to factor this in more for opener discussion, the ring timing makes a big difference on whats optimal for you and its only going to get bigger as it keeps getting upgraded.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Causese Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:19 am

I feel like blizz did some stealth changes to PoF trinket

What happens to me all the time now is:

I use AB+(PoM+AB) and then i place PC. (no PoF has procced yet)
It proccs on Boss although I wasn't dealing any damage to boss for atleast 1,2-2s.

super annoying :evil:
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Chev Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:25 am

I feel like blizz did some stealth changes to PoF trinket

What happens to me all the time now is:

I use AB+(PoM+AB) and then i place PC. (no PoF has procced yet)
It proccs on Boss although I wasn't dealing any damage to boss for atleast 1,2-2s.

super annoying :evil:
The Crystal is doing damage to the boss and the MoD debuff has a chance to proc on any target receiving damage (from you), not just your current target. This is how it has always worked.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Causese Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:03 pm

I feel like blizz did some stealth changes to PoF trinket

What happens to me all the time now is:

I use AB+(PoM+AB) and then i place PC. (no PoF has procced yet)
It proccs on Boss although I wasn't dealing any damage to boss for atleast 1,2-2s.

super annoying :evil:
The Crystal is doing damage to the boss and the MoD debuff has a chance to proc on any target receiving damage (from you), not just your current target. This is how it has always worked.

i should've mentioned that i also wasn't dealing damage to PC
i'll post short video soon

my guess is that i have to deal damage to crystal before the boss-delay-pof kicks in.
it never proccs on crystal if i open up this way. the only times it proccs on crystal is when it also proccs on boss, aka two proccs in a row.

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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby ardomur Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:36 pm

I could be wrong, but it looks like there are Felmouth Frenzy's flying.
If you use that buff-food the chance to proc PoF on the Boss is very close to 100%, because the Frenzy can proc the Trinket and they proc from your first cast and take some time to hit the target (which is still the Boss).

If the Frenzy's are from someone behind you, ignore what i typed
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Causese Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:46 pm

damnit, it seems that you are right :(

there was a delay but it procced on crystal after all just like i was used to it.

thanks dude :lol:
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby blackd89 Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:49 pm

I dont really understand what u guys wrote regarding mark procing on boss instead crystal
ill just explain whats happening to me, so if anyone could help with it i would aprecciate it
so when im testing on dummy mark ALWAYS proced on crystal not on dummy and i had like 200 tries
when i go to archimonde for example i do excatly the same rotation when pulling and it procs on boss in 90% of cases
is there anything i could do about it?
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby magictricks Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:22 pm

Dont take UM, drop your crystal at 0 stacks, spam AB's at the crystal and dont use SN until it procs or attack the boss in any way shape or form.

Even with this you still only have about 50% chance for it to proc on the crystal.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Komma Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:19 am

When testing on target dummies, you have no RPPM reset effects from boss pulls. The comparison isn't very meaningful.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Pkm Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:15 pm

Been away for a bit and recently came back.

Ok so from what I was reading, class trinket and PoF, you start with 2x arcane blasts (though not sure if pom is counted here).

Now what happens next in regards to crystal? If mark proc'd on boss and if it didn't?
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Frosted Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:44 pm

Dont take UM, drop your crystal at 0 stacks, spam AB's at the crystal and dont use SN until it procs or attack the boss in any way shape or form.

Even with this you still only have about 50% chance for it to proc on the crystal.
Dropping PC at 0 AC is not a DPS gain.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Curnivore Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:44 pm

Dont take UM, drop your crystal at 0 stacks, spam AB's at the crystal and dont use SN until it procs or attack the boss in any way shape or form.

Even with this you still only have about 50% chance for it to proc on the crystal.
Dropping PC at 0 AC is not a DPS gain.
Ah, that reminds me. I was getting a small advantage when I changed the arcane charges bit in "Conditions for initiating Prismatic Crystal" from "<4" to "<3". It was also probably higher to go 2 than 4.

What mainly surprised me was that all the differences were generally small.

Unless I missed something in the script that means it's of little bother.
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Re: Prophecy of Fear [Megathread]

Unread postby Searix Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:22 am

Dont take UM, drop your crystal at 0 stacks, spam AB's at the crystal and dont use SN until it procs or attack the boss in any way shape or form.

Even with this you still only have about 50% chance for it to proc on the crystal.
Dropping PC at 0 AC is not a DPS gain.
Ah, that reminds me. I was getting a small advantage when I changed the arcane charges bit in "Conditions for initiating Prismatic Crystal" from "<4" to "<3". It was also probably higher to go 2 than 4.

What mainly surprised me was that all the differences were generally small.

Unless I missed something in the script that means it's of little bother.
Glad to see my prediction at the start of the thread was right :)

It's also changed a lot because ring gets popped on the pull in most guilds now

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