Trinket Help

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Trinket Help

Unread postby ataktos Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:36 am

Hello everyone , as i recently started wod again ( quitted in HM) i picked up my mage and lvld to 100 like 4 days ago and since i havent raided yet im full on baleful and some mythic dungeons i did earlier . I want to ask about a specific trinket ... &bonus=642" target="_blank .

Now i understand that baleful and mythic dungeon trinkets are weaker for their ilvl in comparison to any raid trinket ( for example this trinket only gives 147 int ) but the proc 2,3k mult seems strong . Now i've looked at the BiS list and found nothing and for a weird reason sims buff says to give only 1135 ms , maybe a sim bug so this trinket is overlooked? Now forgive me if this is just a dumb question as im just trying to put this trinket of mine on the bis list to see whats better and aim for while i continue gearing up and start raiding.

Side question as i think i read on the main page goin over 100% MS with procs is fine right?

Thanks in advance !

edit: i think its just atooltip error on simcraft and it does count it as it is . still tho is this trinket really that bad that no one seems to mention it in any kind of list?
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Re: Trinket Help

Unread postby Chev Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:31 am

The reason why this has not been mentioned in any lists is because the Mythic dungeons are only a recent thing. Patch 6.2 I believe. When the lists where done, this trinket was only available in HC version and so was weaker than the items available in raids. When the mythic version of the trinket became available, the majority of people already had raid level trinkets which surpassed this and so it was not seen as being worth the time to build into the trinket comparison lists as each trinket added to the list of trinkets to compare exponentially increases the time taken to generate the results.
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Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:14 am

Re: Trinket Help

Unread postby ataktos Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:31 am

Ah i see that makes sense . I did some sims for my gear and it turns out as bad as the rest of the non-raiding trinkets , missing ~200int seems like too much ,if anyone wonders. Anyway thanks for taking the time to respond :)

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