I've been dropping at 0 stacks lately and most of the time in raids the proc usually procs on boss which is very annoying and results in pretty low opener. But when I do get a proc on crystal it's only somewhat worth it. Yes you have a better chance at getting more consistent procs on crystal and doing a DECENT opener but it will not get you a better then average or highest opener possible I've found out. I just tried doing what is recommended and dropping after 2 ABs if mark has not procced yet, I got a really great opener when I got a proc on crystal after 2 AB's and I get an OK opener when I do 4 ABs then put my crystal down and use missiles on boss, it does the job. I do not however use my cooldowns > missiles into boss > drop crystal. I feel like you really want to sync your crystal and legendary ring together or else it's a pretty severe DPS loss. As soon as you see legendary ring popped you should be putting crystal down (in my opinion) it yields the highest DPS for me.
Log to prove I'm not a scrub.
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/j9 ... w=rankings" target="_blank
This pull I actually dropped crystal on pull. It was a decent opener but again you're losing so much potential doing this even though I got R1 for my bracket I could have probably gotten a better opener if of course with some luck added. This pull I got lucky and got a proc on crystal and it's probably because I was out of combat for a really long time and it procced right away because it was the start of raid time. So it's possible if you've been out of combat for 3 minutes it may be, MAY be worth it to drop on pull. But again your crystal damage could just as easily make it proc on boss. It's all luck at the end of the day, I am going to from now on just 2x AB no proc > crystal OR 3x or 4x arcane blast depending on lust or not w/ ring and drop crystal. Again like I said I feel like as soon as you see ring is popped you should crystal right after your next arcane blast as you want the full duration of crystal during ring to get a big ring pop. I think I can say the odds of dropping crystal on pull and get 2pc procs/missiles is so slim you'd have to get a miracle to get a godlike opener with it. It's extremely rare. Not worth it, I can say that.
Just a few pulls and I got one of my best openers in awhile.
Pull after 2 AB> Proc on Crystal >
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/1k ... y&fight=69" target="_blank
Extremely good opener for my ilvl and only 1 2pc proc.
The only thing I think needs tested is legendary sync time w/ crystal and AP. If you should continue to 4 arcane blasts even when legendary ring is popped and mark procced on boss and dump your missiles into boss before putting down crystal or putting down crystal right after ring is popped no matter the circumstance.
This was just a pug to test openers. So was a wipe
Not to mention dropping crystal on pull is just a hassle personally.