[SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Frosted Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:17 am

I can 99.9% guarantee there are not 2 frostbolts in flight at the same time. Robomage reaction time is up to you - we normally use .react in places to respond to procs to add in react time. If you're using .stack, he's responding instantly to procs.
I think there probably are 2 Frostbolts in flight at the same time. At 40 yards, the travel time is ~1.429 seconds, so it should happen quite frequently.
I thought we had frost standing at 20yrds with the other specs?
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Komma Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:32 am

I can 99.9% guarantee there are not 2 frostbolts in flight at the same time. Robomage reaction time is up to you - we normally use .react in places to respond to procs to add in react time. If you're using .stack, he's responding instantly to procs.
I think there probably are 2 Frostbolts in flight at the same time. At 40 yards, the travel time is ~1.429 seconds, so it should happen quite frequently.
I thought we had frost standing at 20yrds with the other specs?
Only when using PC, I think.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby skiz Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:16 am

As mentioned before the current APL of WJ jumps between WJ-part and singeltarget routine during Waterjet. I fixed that. But I've failed to write a "decent" WJ-Apl that handles weaving correctly. And it consumes too much time.

Basically I just copy pasted singeltarget routine behind WJ and cleaned it up. But it gives a decent view on what is going on. And that helps a lot.

Resulting APL:

What is bad on that apl?
You can not take that as a priority list from top to bottom and use that one ingame. A huge factor is traveltime, as far as I've looked into it there are sometimes multiple frostbolts in the air flying towards the enemy. This results in FoF charges beeing applied relativly late to robo.
What robomage actually does is: FB -> WJ -> Then he is inside that WJ routine you see above. That FB before WJ will generate 1 charge of FoF later on. Basically the next thing is that FB on the top. (FB-> WJ -> FB -> )

Afterwards it depends:
- Sometimes robomage has got a FoF charge (I assume it is from first FB with 15% procc on cast success?)
- Mostly not. Afaik he got a FFB procc from WJ.
- On the APL that is online: this is the moment when robomage jumps down into singeltarget routine and does weirdo things like using Frozen orb.

On that one above, he basically jumps down to cast FFB maybe even FB (U on screenshot). Rarely he starts to weave already. So basically by opening up with that FB->WJ->FB-> FFB robomage will end up on atleast 2 charges of FoF. From there on he does weaving until he can not produce any more FoF charges by 100% (Q). He finishes by using 2 more spells (maybe3) from this Waterjetapl. Mostly those 2 last spells from that APL are 2x FFB, sometimes 1x FFB, 1x FB.

That apl actually tries to produce: "Do not cap FFB, do not cap IL" during WJ.
Ingame this should look like:
Precast FB -> WJ -> 2nd Frostbolt -> FFB (X) -> Frostbolt -> FFB (X) -> Handle weaving and FFB charges after FFB instant cast.
Do not overcap FFBs, do not overcap ILs. It should be pretty safe to reach 1 BF / 2 FoF and just work it out from there. Keep in mind on that WJ followed up with frozen orb you sometimes should dump non weave ILs, if you get to much. (This is kind of "inside" robo apl, but not really good at all)

With IV it is the same problem as with Frozen orb, probably you need to dump more ILs without weaving. The more fillers you do have, the more non weave ILs you need to dump.(Fillers: Frostbomb, Icenova, FFBs, ILs, CMS). [IL dumps on IV and filler part isnt really reflected in the apl at all.]

FFB(X): Wj generates 1 FFB procc, 2x Frostbolt can create 2 more FFBs. Basically you just want to avoid capping so you probably need to dump a procc after the 2nd or 3rd frostbolt depending on traveltime. I'm pretty sure it is always the 2nd frostbolt. (i.e. FB -> Wj -> FB -> FFB -> rotation).

Should be noted that playing WJ on 1 BF / 2 FoF charges usually results in going up to 3 charges because of 15% procc. It is fine if WJ doesnt last long anymore otherwise you probably should dump some non weave ILs. I'm quite sure that you want to get out of WJ with 4 charges if no orb is ready and 3 charges if frozen orb is ready - on multiple enemies even less. (But this is just a "feeling" and napkin math. I.e. frostbolt with 100% FoF procc > frostbolt with less (if no more proccs left)).

Have to mention that it is possible that robomages just wants to open on WJ with: FB -> Wj -> FB -> FFB at any stacks -> weave and do not use FFBs at all during it. Hard to judge, depends on how many instants you do have after WJ. (I.e. if I do try to move FFB higher on that rotation it is a negative dps increase.)
That FFB line basically gets executed if you cant fit in another frostbolt into WJs duration. (Aside from the early use - because FoF proccs late). APL needs to be changed to basically check if you should weave OR dumb FFBs after WJ is over. Mostly FFB is the better choice, since robomage rarely gets to 4 charges. And yes I am lazy enough to accept a shitty "use allways FFB after WJ" apl.

The whole problem with WJ / FoF generation and FFB on frost is basically:
- Any procc hits hard (FFB and IL)
- not enough proccs to just spam instants all the time /sadface
- high enough procc generation with WJ to be able to weave 100% or use instant FFBs
- way to much procc generation with frozen orb + WJ
- Even more with IV
- Even more instants with IN and CMS and Frostbomb basically also just acts as another class trinket.
- frostbolts that arent used inside WJ and arent used for weaving kill your dps. This is basically 100% prevented if you go up to 2 FFB stacks and 4 FoF charges at the end of WJ. But it should also be clear that every wasted procc means 1 more frostbolt cast.

Problem: How many charges do you need to survive the WJ downtime?
With my gear, I do need 5 proccs + 1 instant to survive. Not sure how much haste influence it.
(Keep in mind robo tells us: capping FFB > having not enough proccs to survive WJ downtime > "overcapping" - wasting to much proccs. Apparently IL is mostly equally to FFB so capping IL is also fine.).

Best guess: how to water jet: (It is a guess - to hard to teach robo to tell me the truth :-<)
FB -> WJ -> FB -> instant FFB ONCE (WJ generates that procc by 100% hello T18 -This is basically the critical moment where you need to handle proccs. If you go into WJ with some FoF proccs you probably want to Icelance and then do FFB. But it should not be necessary to do any other FFBs during WJ.)-> weaving.
- Do not use FFBs while you can generate FoF with 100% from WJ.
- Get up to 4x FoF at the end of it.
- If frozen orb is following that waterjet directly just go up to 3 charges of FoF on singeltarget.If you expect your orb to hit more units go lower on FoFs during WJ. If Orb is out you'll maybe need to dump more ILs without weaving - think of 8 adds and orb into it.
- Otherwise do weave 100% of the time or use (instant) FFBs after WJ is over.
- If you do have problems surviving between WJs you can stop using FFB at the begining of WJ. If you do play with a lot of instants (IN, FBomb, CMS) you should do that FFB - if you plan to use one of those instants during the WJ downtime. Movement events in the raid also favor not doing that FFB at the begining of WJ. ~90% of the time you want to get out of WJ with 2 x FFB and 4x FoF charges - mostly you do skip that FFB.

Btw. this is a kind of propabilistic view on it: You'll roughly get 2 or 3 charges of FFB during WJ not more. So if you dumb one of em early, you'll probably not cap during WJ. And if you do cap on it WJ is roughly over, so the probability of reaching a refresh on 2 stacks is quite low. And going out of WJ with 2 x FFB + 4x FoF should be more important at that time. (As mentioned depending on movement, instants, orb ready, and stuff like that)

APL comments shortly:
Basically, I'm done with that APL. Got the information out of it which I do need to know to understand how to play frost. If you guys want to improve WJ on it I would recommend to do the following things:
-reduce traveltime for frost -> faster FoF charge generation. I Would recommend to get it down to something slightly above gcd. I.e. that Frostbolt -> icelance -> getting procc from frostbolt is possible. Having more than 1 Frostbolt on the fly just makes things more complex on writing apls.
- Math out how many frostbolts are on the way to the enemy and use them to adjust pooling of FoFs
- Probably implement pooling slightly after Wj opening. I.e. FB -> WJ -> FB -> handle procc caping -> pooling -> weaving -> end.
- Ignore to complex APL profiles, but fix the pitfall that WJ jumps into singeltarget routine. Given APL gives decent results. It basically tells you: Weaving > FFB. It does not answer the question if you should use FFBs during WJ if you got 2 stacks AND you are going to pool to 4 charges of FoF but this happens rarely. But this is basically just a pooling problem. I.e. how many charges do you need to survive the downtime after WJ? And this depends on talents and can be mathed out - without simcraft.

Commented apl, if you want to work with it:

Code: Select all

# Water Jet sequence actions.water_jet=frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet #WJ use + 2x Frostbolts on the fly = probably too much charges of FFBs. results are a bit weird. Sometimes equal, sometimes behind. #actions.water_jet+=/frostfire_bolt,if=prev_gcd.frostbolt&buff.brain_freeze.react&debuff.water_jet.remains>10 #Those 2 lines are from default APL. Frostfireline is a dps lose probably because of robomage missplaying / missreacting charges. If FFB-line gets skipped Icelance -> frostbolt -> icelance are equally. So I skip that IL line, too. For readability. #actions.water_jet+=/ice_lance,if=set_bonus.tier18_4pc&buff.fingers_of_frost.react>2*set_bonus.tier18_4pc&buff.shatterlance.up #actions.water_jet+=/frostfire_bolt,if=set_bonus.tier18_4pc&buff.brain_freeze.react=2 #I can weave actions.water_jet+=/frostbolt,if=t18_class_trinket&debuff.water_jet.remains>cast_time+travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react&!buff.shatterlance.up #I want to pool - pooling could be done here. But it has to use traveltime stuff. #actions.water_jet+=/frostbolt,if=t18_class_trinket&debuff.water_jet.remains>cast_time+travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<=1 #unchanged, but those lines should roughly be here. #actions.water_jet+=/ice_lance,if=!t18_class_trinket&buff.fingers_of_frost.react>=2+2*set_bonus.tier18_4pc&action.frostbolt.in_flight #actions.water_jet+=/frostbolt,if=!set_bonus.tier18_4pc&debuff.water_jet.remains>cast_time+travel_time # Single target routine; down here actions.water_jet+=/call_action_list,name=cooldowns,if=!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled|cooldown.prismatic_crystal.remains>15 actions.water_jet+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react&buff.shatterlance.up actions.water_jet+=/frostfire_bolt,if=buff.brain_freeze.react #actions.water_jet+=/frostbolt,if=t18_class_trinket&buff.fingers_of_frost.react&!buff.shatterlance.up actions.water_jet+=/frostbolt actions.water_jet+=/blizzard,interrupt_if=!debuff.water_jet.remains

http://pastebin.com/a2m85fKQ" target="_blank

Edit4 : cleanup.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Komma Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:28 am

Made some changes to APL and profile. Major changes:
- Troll and DSI synergize well with short fights, much thanks to the ring's 1.43^2 multiplier. The ring is the source of all this evil >:|...
- Adjusted PC sync to Ring
- Fixed WJ on PC logic (this was broken at some point, somehow)
- PC-Frost is even stronger in sims now, especially due to synergy with the Ring. If only it weren't a complete mechanical nightmare to execute...

P.S. Mages all within top 5 of stacked ranks again. Incoming hatemail from other classes in 5, 4, 3...
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Melkar Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:46 am

Made some changes to APL and profile. Major changes:
- Troll and DSI synergize well with short fights, much thanks to the ring's 1.43^2 multiplier. The ring is the source of all this evil >:|...
- Adjusted PC sync to Ring
- Fixed WJ on PC logic (this was broken at some point, somehow)
- PC-Frost is even stronger in sims now, especially due to synergy with the Ring. If only it weren't a complete mechanical nightmare to execute...

P.S. Mages all within top 5 of stacked ranks again. Incoming hatemail from other classes in 5, 4, 3...
Great work. :D
I have a short question. According to the Mythic profile Frost uses Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia instead of Unblinking Gaze of Sethe. Why?
And is there some kind of Ring-ilvl breakpoint, where you start to sync PC and Ring? Or should PC always be delayed until the legendary ring is used?
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Curnivore Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:13 pm

That trinket is theoretically best on single target. It's even theoretically best (or better than anticipated at least) for Arcane single target. Practically, I figured it has an element of unreliability and lack of utility because it's extremely potent on pull only, and then severely under-performing compared to it because of the random nature of it which is especially bad if the encounter does not care much about the pull. That ironically makes the Prophecy of Fear and Sethe trinkets more reliable because they also proc on pull but they can also be more potent on non-burn phases.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Komma Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:52 pm

I have a short question. According to the Mythic profile Frost uses Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia instead of Unblinking Gaze of Sethe. Why?
- Troll and DSI synergize well with short fights, much thanks to the ring's 1.43^2 multiplier. The ring is the source of all this evil >:|...
And is there some kind of Ring-ilvl breakpoint, where you start to sync PC and Ring? Or should PC always be delayed until the legendary ring is used?
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Melkar Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:21 pm

I shouldn't ask things when I'm tired >.<"
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby SwolBC Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:31 pm

I was doing some simulations and noticing some anomalous results for Icicle damage. I read this thread and noticed a post back in Jan 2015 regarding an issue where triggering multiple icicles(via multistrikes) while at 5 icicles would end up making all the triggered icicles do the same damage instead of their respective damage. Considering how often we multistrike, this has a better chance than not of lowering the overall Icicle damage.

I'm still seeing this behavior in SimC. Is this a known issue? I can provide a config file and the resulting log if you need it.

I searched the source code and saw the suspect block of code originally posted still there as well.

I don't know the magnitude of the effect, but it would certainly make mastery look worse and worse the higher your multistrike goes.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Frosted Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:27 pm

Honestly, it probably just got forgotten about. Komma is on vacation atm, I'll bring it to his attention when he returns.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Komma Sat May 07, 2016 9:00 pm

I was doing some simulations and noticing some anomalous results for Icicle damage. I read this thread and noticed a post back in Jan 2015 regarding an issue where triggering multiple icicles(via multistrikes) while at 5 icicles would end up making all the triggered icicles do the same damage instead of their respective damage. Considering how often we multistrike, this has a better chance than not of lowering the overall Icicle damage.

I'm still seeing this behavior in SimC. Is this a known issue? I can provide a config file and the resulting log if you need it.

I searched the source code and saw the suspect block of code originally posted still there as well.

I don't know the magnitude of the effect, but it would certainly make mastery look worse and worse the higher your multistrike goes.
Could use some details on this bug and what you think the offending code is.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Komma Sat May 07, 2016 9:38 pm

I was doing some simulations and noticing some anomalous results for Icicle damage. I read this thread and noticed a post back in Jan 2015 regarding an issue where triggering multiple icicles(via multistrikes) while at 5 icicles would end up making all the triggered icicles do the same damage instead of their respective damage. Considering how often we multistrike, this has a better chance than not of lowering the overall Icicle damage.

I'm still seeing this behavior in SimC. Is this a known issue? I can provide a config file and the resulting log if you need it.

I searched the source code and saw the suspect block of code originally posted still there as well.

I don't know the magnitude of the effect, but it would certainly make mastery look worse and worse the higher your multistrike goes.
Could use some details on this bug and what you think the offending code is.
Nevermind, found the source post at https://www.altered-time.com/forum/view ... 009#p11129" target="_blank . Seems like we forgot about this at some point and didn't fix it. It'll be dealt with shortly.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby SwolBC Sat May 07, 2016 10:10 pm

Sure, I created a log using some typicl BiS frost gear. You can see the log here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6497qo8wjsl1f ... e.txt?dl=0" target="_blank

I pulled out the Icicle numbers here for the first few seconds of the fight:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing" target="_blank

When multiple Icicles are created at once, the damage of the last icicle created is used for all of them.

This post talks about it:
http://www.altered-time.com/forum/viewt ... 009#p11129" target="_blank

The code block highlighted in his second point looks unchanged in the source code when I searched for it.
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby Komma Sat May 07, 2016 11:13 pm

Icicle issue is supposedly addressed in https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc ... 263f16b8bb" target="_blank

Will keep an eye out for bugs.

Thanks again, navv!
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Re: [SimC] WoD Frost SimC Disucssion

Unread postby navv Sat May 07, 2016 11:18 pm

Go team.

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