Your IB change works with BL and combustion (F->P->F->P->P->P->IB). Without BL and combustion (F->P->P->P->IB) it acts weird. The more targets you add the more likely it is an increase, while singeltarget it is a very, very slight loss.
Since in practice knowing when your IB is gonna increase ignite is pretty much impossible, you can pretty much incorporate this into your combustion rotation.
This. Would use IB regardless of it.
Non Bl-combustions:
Option B: F->P->P->P->IB->P
After your IB change the default APL sometimes uses a Pyroblast after IB. I don't get a increase with casting Pyroblast always after IB. Haven't looked that long into it.
Option A: F->P->F->P->P->P->IB (also for non-Bl-combustions)
Seems to get decent after 3 Targets, and mostly equal on 3 targets.
APL Changes. Using timestamps for BL/TW. 8 = during Bloodlust. 7 = without bloodlust. Added all of them under the first fireball line.
Code: Select all
Edit: tits or it didn't happen:
Worth to mention that the last IB in (F->P->F->P->P->P->IB) probably lowers your ignite this may be bad in some raid situations. (i.e. ~10% lower ignite for combustion. Think of something like xhul horac, where lots of low life adds spawn. Should be nice to get a high combustion up asap and then spread it instantly on imps as soon as they appear into dragonbreath damage sniping. Don't want to argue here if that is a decent way to play, but it looks good in skada.)