Fire Mage Weapons

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Re: Fire Mage Weapons

Unread postby Alzer Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:58 pm

I mean obviously mastery is gonna pull ahead on iskar and xhul.

This is for a 2-target cleave 5 min fight, which imo fairly well represents progressing in HFC.

Granted this is with the default profile, crit obviously loses value if you do stuff like only initiate your combustion sequence with Sandman's pouch up (in SimC) or start flamestriking.

This is on-top on the added stability of crit (eg. not screwing your archimonde kill over by doing 50% of your normal dps and failing a doomfire checkpoint).

If you have HFC on farm and are chasing ranks, mastery might pull ahead due to all the fast kills, this is pretty irrelevant though as mastery is always gonna be best for parsing due to a higher dps ceiling.
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Re: Fire Mage Weapons

Unread postby Wilderness Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:11 pm

Yeah, I tried running your character and got the same thing you did. But Mastery still comes ahead for me in the same situation. I thought it might be because I don't have DSI, but swapping that in didn't change it although crit pulled closer for me at that point. I can't explain it, but my assumption that for most people Mastery would be better than Crit in cleave situations is probably wrong at least.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M

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