[TC] BiS List.

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[TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:37 pm

Disclaimer: This is a purely BiS list. Many of these items may not be best used for your personal character, and they only work together with all the other items. Fire's "BiS" list changes depending on your kill speed, so don't take any of these as ultimate BiS list for your guild.

So I've been working a bit on the BiS list for fire.

Profile used:
Length: 450 sec 20% variance
Race: Troll
Talents: Living bomb, invocation.
Iterations: 500k.
Dps error roughly ~100 dps. Simming a million iterations would probably lower it to like 50, but it'd take a lot longer as well.

I've been mostly messing with weapons, offhands, and what offpiece to use. I've also messed around with rings and necks, but they were definite (1k+) losses from the Bis list below. The best offpiece is definately immerseus helm. I've tried many different stat weights, and not once does it sim higher than other offpieces, Quite far outside of the error margins as well. (1k-2k+)

Surprisingly however, garrosh off-hand sims better than any other off-hand. Most likely due to the big secondary stats differenc from the other off-hands. (see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0" target="_blank)

The full BiS list I came up with: http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/5b78 ... 42c0a798fb" target="_blank : 505733 dps (press optimize)

What i mostly hope to achieve with this post is for other people to use the same profile I used above, and see if they can beat 505.7k DPS. I've tried a fair share of things and I see no way of beating it currently. The google doc linked contains a quick overview of the most important pieces of gear to swap around for reference. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0" target="_blank
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Vog Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:59 pm

I like the idea of trying to achieve the best gear list given certain standardized parameters. I would change the length though. If you're talking about a BiS list and can reasonably assume the raid is close to BiS, the length is too long in my opinion.

I took a look at the length of the kills in my guild this week (~585 ilvl, slower clears, holiday attendance levels prevent trying speedranks due to unoptimal setup) and the average of all 14 bosses is 313 seconds, with the shortest fight being 171 seconds and the longest being 515. This is 10 man, so 25m fights would generally take a bit longer, but I still think we should tailor the duration and variance to more suitable levels.

Another thing I would like the explore is the BiS list for the WoD pre-patch, you can already check on Wowhead what the items with hit and expertise will become, of course our stat weights will probably change with the patch but it's still a nice exercise.
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:34 pm

I agree, 200-300 second could be better. 450 Seconds is just what's used on the simcraft dps rankings page. I will re-run all my profiles with 200 and 300 seconds later as well, though I don't think any other gearset will be better than the listed items, simply due to mastery becoming better and better the shorter the fight is, so swapping for maximum mastery items (like garrosh OH) shouldn't make much difference. Won't have time until sunday to re-run all my profiles, so will probably get the results back then.
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Kver Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:36 pm

Have you tried breaking the 2 set?

It were as it be it were

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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:10 pm

2 Set, no. 4 set, yes. So far it's a pretty sizeable dps loss on any combination I found. (5k+ in some scenarios)
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Komma Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:42 pm

200s and 240s probably has a huge difference, because it changes whether or not you can get off a third combustion. Unlikely most other class/specs, combustion cannot be used strictly on CD.
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:24 pm

200s and 240s probably has a huge difference, because it changes whether or not you can get off a third combustion. Unlikely most other class/specs, combustion cannot be used strictly on CD.
I would go 200 sec with a 30% variance probably.
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Boomop Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:32 am

Seems to be one of the more Mastery favored BIS lists I've seen for Fire. I'm curious if that has a lot to do with the Troll Racial. Kinda feel like the Troll racial benefits greatly from Mastery, while us non-uber races don't :p

EDIT: NM. It's largely not Reforged. And a ton of that Mastery can become Haste. Good stuff :).

Side Note: Shouldn't we match the Ring socket? 80INT + 60 Haste > 160 Crit.
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:11 pm

Press "optimize" on the linked profiles and it applies the stat weights i've given it.

Ok, so after trying 200 seconds, 20% variance:

http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/717d ... a372a3e633" target="_blank : 564798 dps

That's the same items as the 450 seconds bis list, however, it runs 600 less haste. Still same items though, so that's convenient!

No 4pc sim, highest I could get was http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/1b74 ... 41e7ac3c7f" target="_blank : 559661 dps, a good 6-7k lower than with 4pc.
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Re: [TC] BiS List.

Unread postby Vog Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:46 pm

I'm getting 567657 dps with 200 seconds, 20% variance, 250k iterations:

Code: Select all

mage="Vogz" origin="http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twilights-hammer/Vogz/advanced" thumbnail="http://eu.battle.net/static-render/eu/twilights-hammer/67/88623171-avatar.jpg" level=90 race=troll role=spell position=back professions=engineering=600/tailoring=600 talents=http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#eZ!002010 glyphs=combustion/cone_of_cold/rapid_displacement/rapid_teleportation/porcupine/loose_mana spec=fire # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable, # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. actions.precombat=flask,type=warm_sun actions.precombat+=/food,type=mogu_fish_stew actions.precombat+=/arcane_brilliance actions.precombat+=/molten_armor actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats actions.precombat+=/evocation actions.precombat+=/jade_serpent_potion actions.precombat+=/mirror_image # Executed every time the actor is available. actions=counterspell,if=target.debuff.casting.react actions+=/cancel_buff,name=alter_time,moving=1 actions+=/cold_snap,if=talent.cold_snap.enabled&health.pct<30 actions+=/time_warp,if=buff.alter_time.down actions+=/rune_of_power,if=talent.rune_of_power.enabled&buff.rune_of_power.remains<cast_time actions+=/evocation,if=buff.invokers_energy.remains=0|mana.pct<5 # Cancelaura AT if PBoI procs actions+=/cancel_buff,name=alter_time,if=buff.amplified.up&buff.alter_time.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains-buff.alter_time.remains>109) actions+=/run_action_list,name=combust_sequence,if=buff.alter_time.up|pyro_chain # Start AT-POM-Combustion combo if CDs are up; Wait for trinket proc if player has PBoI actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_alter_combust,if=buff.amplified.up&cooldown.alter_time_activate.up&cooldown.combustion.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>95|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains+20>time_to_die) actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_alter_combust,if=buff.amplified.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.up&cooldown.combustion.up # Start regular POM-Combustion combo if CDs are up; Wait for trinket proc if player has PBoI actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_pom_combust,if=buff.amplified.up&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>45&cooldown.combustion.up&cooldown.presence_of_mind.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>95|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains+20>time_to_die) actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_pom_combust,if=buff.amplified.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>45&cooldown.combustion.up&cooldown.presence_of_mind.up # Cast RoP/Evoc/MI only when player does not have both HU, Pyro proc and fireball mid flight - this causes Proc munching actions+=/rune_of_power,if=talent.rune_of_power.enabled&(buff.alter_time.down&buff.rune_of_power.remains<4*action.fireball.execute_time&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!action.fireball.in_flight)) actions+=/evocation,if=buff.alter_time.down&buff.invokers_energy.remains<4*action.fireball.execute_time&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!action.fireball.in_flight) actions+=/mirror_image,if=buff.alter_time.down&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!action.fireball.in_flight) actions+=/blood_fury,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/berserking,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/arcane_torrent,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/jade_serpent_potion,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<45 actions+=/use_item,slot=hands,if=buff.alter_time.down&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>50|target.time_to_die<12) actions+=/run_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=5 # Camp for HU/Pyro procs in preparation for combustion combos actions+=/run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.amplified.up&trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains<action.fireball.execute_time actions+=/run_action_list,name=single_target # Pyro-chain combustion sequence actions.combust_sequence=start_pyro_chain,if=!pyro_chain actions.combust_sequence+=/presence_of_mind,if=talent.presence_of_mind.enabled&buff.alter_time.down # Unload all instant pyros during AT actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=execute_time=gcd&buff.alter_time.up actions.combust_sequence+=/alter_time,if=buff.alter_time.up&action.pyroblast.execute_time>gcd # Unload all HS Pyros first actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up # Early combustion if meta gem is about to fade and only POM left actions.combust_sequence+=/combustion,if=buff.alter_time.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>150&buff.tempus_repit.up&buff.tempus_repit.remains<gcd # The next two line uses POM pyro if it is expected to grow the ignite. To do this, it retrieves tick timing for ignite, calculates estimated damage from POM pyro and the potential instant pyro, and compares the ignite from those pyros against the ignite tick size. actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.presence_of_mind.up&buff.pyroblast.down&(travel_time<=dot.ignite.remains-2*(dot.ignite.ticks_remain-1)|((crit_damage*crit_pct_current+hit_damage*(100-crit_pct_current))*0.01*mastery_value>=dot.ignite.tick_dmg)) actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.presence_of_mind.up&buff.pyroblast.down&(gcd+travel_time<=dot.ignite.remains-2)&(crit_damage*crit_pct_current+hit_damage*(100-crit_pct_current))*0.01*(0.0125*crit_pct_current+1)*mastery_value>=dot.ignite.tick_dmg actions.combust_sequence+=/combustion actions.combust_sequence+=/stop_pyro_chain,if=pyro_chain # Initiate AT-POM-Combuistion sequence actions.init_alter_combust=run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.pyroblast.down|buff.heating_up.down|!action.fireball.in_flight actions.init_alter_combust+=/blood_fury actions.init_alter_combust+=/berserking actions.init_alter_combust+=/arcane_torrent actions.init_alter_combust+=/jade_serpent_potion actions.init_alter_combust+=/use_item,slot=hands actions.init_alter_combust+=/presence_of_mind,if=talent.presence_of_mind.enabled actions.init_alter_combust+=/alter_time # Initiate regular POM-Combustion sequence actions.init_pom_combust=run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.pyroblast.down|buff.heating_up.down|!action.fireball.in_flight actions.init_pom_combust+=/start_pyro_chain,if=!pyro_chain # Proc building sequence - Generate HS+HU with Pyro camping actions.proc_builder=pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.up&action.fireball.in_flight actions.proc_builder+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.nether_tempest.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>6) actions.proc_builder+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.living_bomb.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3) actions.proc_builder+=/frost_bomb,if=talent.frost_bomb.enabled&(!ticking&target.time_to_die>cast_time+tick_time) actions.proc_builder+=/inferno_blast,if=(buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.up)|(buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.down&!action.fireball.in_flight&!action.pyroblast.in_flight) actions.proc_builder+=/fireball actions.proc_builder+=/scorch,moving=1 # Standard AoE sequence actions.aoe=inferno_blast,if=dot.combustion.ticking actions.aoe+=/flamestrike actions.aoe+=/blizzard # Standard single target sequence actions.single_target=inferno_blast,if=dot.combustion.ticking&active_enemies>1 # Use HS procs before they run out actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.pyroblast.remains<action.fireball.execute_time # Intentionally sustain 2T16 4 stack or more actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=set_bonus.tier16_2pc_caster&buff.pyroblast.up&buff.potent_flames.stack>=4&buff.potent_flames.remains<action.fireball.execute_time # Pyro camp during regular sequence; Do not use Pyro procs without HU and first using fireball actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.up&action.fireball.in_flight actions.single_target+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.nether_tempest.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>6) actions.single_target+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.living_bomb.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3) actions.single_target+=/frost_bomb,if=talent.frost_bomb.enabled&(!ticking&target.time_to_die>cast_time+tick_time) actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.up # Mini-pyro chain on last few seconds of BBoY/Wooshoolays actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.amplified.up&(cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>0|(buff.amplified.up&trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>0))&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.up&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.remains<3*gcd&execute_time=gcd actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=(cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>0|cooldown.combustion.remains>0)&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.up&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.remains<3*gcd&execute_time=gcd actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.down&!action.fireball.in_flight actions.single_target+=/fireball actions.single_target+=/scorch,moving=1 head=chronomancer_hood,id=99398,stats=2371armor_2486int_4089sta_1345crit_1904haste,gems=sinister_primal_160exp_160crit_180int,reforge=haste_mastery neck=untainted_guardians_chain,id=105465,stats=1606int_2409sta_1018hit_1102mastery,reforge=hit_crit shoulders=chronomancer_mantle,id=99401,stats=2188armor_1865int_3037sta_946crit_1459haste,gems=160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_120int,enchant=200int_100crit,reforge=haste_mastery chest=akoliks_acidsoaked_robes,id=105604,stats=2962armor_2642int_4324sta_1802crit_1802mastery,gems=160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_320crit_180int,enchant=80all waist=belt_of_ominous_trembles,id=105515,stats=1666armor_1981int_3212sta_1451hit_1173mastery,gems=160exp_160crit_160crit_160hit_320crit_120int,reforge=hit_crit legs=chronomancer_leggings,id=99399,stats=2553armor_2566int_4089sta_1843crit_1558mastery,gems=320crit_320crit_120int,enchant=285int_165crit feet=boneinlaid_sandals,id=105493,stats=2036armor_2061int_3212sta_1401haste_1360mastery,gems=320crit_60hit,enchant=140mastery,reforge=haste_crit wrists=bracers_of_sonic_projection,id=105626,stats=1296armor_1606int_2409sta_1071crit_1071haste,enchant=180int,reforge=haste_mastery hands=chronomancer_gloves,id=99397,stats=1823armor_1865int_3037sta_1294crit_1219haste,gems=160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_120int,enchant=170mastery,reforge=haste_mastery,addon=synapse_springs_mark_ii finger1=extinguished_ember_of_galakras,id=105498,stats=1606int_2409sta_1071hit_1071haste,reforge=haste_crit finger2=signet_of_the_dinomancers,id=105606,stats=1526int_2409sta_1023haste_1028mastery,gems=160exp_160crit_60haste,reforge=haste_crit trinket1=purified_bindings_of_immerseus,id=105422,upgrade=4 trinket2=black_blood_of_yshaarj,id=105648,upgrade=4,reforge=haste_crit back=xingho_breath_of_yulon,id=102246,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_60int,enchant=lightweave_embroidery_3,reforge=haste_hit main_hand=immaculately_preserved_wand,id=105594,stats=1155int_1853sta_796crit_16509sp_763mastery,gems=160exp_160crit_60int,enchant=jade_spirit off_hand=revelations_of_yshaarj,id=105650,stats=1526int_2409sta_1004haste_1047mastery,gems=160exp_160crit_60int,enchant=165int,reforge=haste_crit

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