Hey guys,
Do you use any fire specific macros for prepatch/legion?
I am looking for one that would pop potion rune of power and combustion but i want combustion to pop after rop is dropped i.e:
#showtooltip Combustion
/use [draenic intellect potion/legion potion]
/use 11 (ring for now will remove in legion)
/cast rune of power
/cast combustion
problem is combustion pops right away...
Anyone have a good macro for burn phase?
7.0.3/legion Fire specific Macros
Re: 7.0.3/legion Fire specific Macros
I don't believe it's possible to hard cast something with 1 click and then get instant casts at the end of it automatically. You could probably have a cast sequence but if I'm not mistaken that could only take one instant cast at the end of it by a single second click. I would just have Rune of Power on its own bind, it's not a big deal, it's a hard cast and there's plenty of time to properly use a CDs bind.
PS. I'd be interested if someone has figured out an efficient way to macro Berserking. Combustion can't take it because B. can't be casted during a cast and macroing it before Rune of Power seemed like a compromise until you figure out it will also be casted outside burns.
PS. I'd be interested if someone has figured out an efficient way to macro Berserking. Combustion can't take it because B. can't be casted during a cast and macroing it before Rune of Power seemed like a compromise until you figure out it will also be casted outside burns.
Re: 7.0.3/legion Fire specific Macros
I am using this. When a hot streak is up pyro will also launch istantly since most of the time you should start the combustion sequence like that,otherwise you might have to cancel the hardcast.
#showtooltip Combustion
/cast Berserking
/cast Combustion
/cast Pyroblast
It works fine. Rune of power has to be cast manually (with keybind) just before this
#showtooltip Combustion
/cast Berserking
/cast Combustion
/cast Pyroblast
It works fine. Rune of power has to be cast manually (with keybind) just before this
Re: 7.0.3/legion Fire specific Macros
Thing is Combustion can be cast during hard casting now so it can't be reliably put there and it's the right thing to do usually (to cast it during casting of Scorch or other).
Re: 7.0.3/legion Fire specific Macros
i did some searching and found:
https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/forum/ ... ages/fire/" target="_blank
It is great for lazy play i.e. farming content. I wouldn't recommend for progression/top tier raiding
basically you need an addon called GSE gnomesequencer - enhanced
and an addon for it called MyAddons which the link is provided in the curse addon page
But yea basically you copy paste a sequence script like:
I tweaked mine to remove ice barrier and living bomb. Also you can add modifiers liek shift or alt for combustion or pyro.
I played with it for 5mins this morning it is not bad. However i feel i might just remove flame on and combustion entirely from the sequence for more control.
The rest is decent.
https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/forum/ ... ages/fire/" target="_blank
It is great for lazy play i.e. farming content. I wouldn't recommend for progression/top tier raiding
basically you need an addon called GSE gnomesequencer - enhanced
and an addon for it called MyAddons which the link is provided in the curse addon page
But yea basically you copy paste a sequence script like:
Code: Select all
Sequences['Cinderflame'] = {
specID =63,
author = "Cymiryc",
helpTxt = 'Talents - 2122212',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noexists][noharm][dead]
[[/castsequence reset=combat/target/15 Rune of Power]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Fireball,Fireball]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling,@target] reset=combat/target/12 Living Bomb]],
[[/cast Cinderstorm]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/target/46 Flame On]],
[[/cast Combustion]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/target/12 Fire Blast]],
PostMacro = [[
/cast Ice Barrier
I played with it for 5mins this morning it is not bad. However i feel i might just remove flame on and combustion entirely from the sequence for more control.
The rest is decent.
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