Eyasu's Mulligan

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Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Mage Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:19 pm

Hey guys, I've been looking for for some info/math on this trinket, as it looks extremely strong to me. It is also on use which is the way I like it to be.
It is mising from the trinket comparison sim list, has anyone tried to sim it?

http://www.wowhead.com/item=141584/eyas ... bonus=1512" target="_blank

The proc is about 4200 on the 850 ilvl version in game (tooltip).
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Mage Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:45 pm

UPDATE: it is pretty interesting that this trinket does not incure the "on use" cooldown. So you can pop it prepull and have another on use popped within 5 seconds.
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Mage Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:44 am

I'd appreciate some help from people well versed in simcraft, because I can't get the sim to work with the trinket.

Adding actions+=/use_item,name=eyasus_mulligan,if=buff.combustion.up to the APL results in this:

Code: Select all

Player Mage_Fire_T19P has 'use_item' action with no custom buff or action setup.
Same thing with <6s Combustion cooldown use trigger...
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Xidian Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:59 am

I'm watching this with interest it seems very good.

The 5 second delay is super weird.

Can it reroll to the same stat?
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Lahrast Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:17 am

it sounds like it'll change for sure.. thing is to what. if you sync this up with combustion you'll get either 5550*1.1 or 5550 mastery, which should be really strong, vers or haste on the other hand might be not so good.

either way, a sim-model should clear things - fure sure is that this thing will cause a huge dps spread :D
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Hwangson Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:09 am

I bought this trinket just to give it a quick test, I haven't attempted to sim it yet (although not sure where to start).

It appears that you can attempt to reroll the proc once, giving you essentially a 50% chance to get the crit proc.

The version I managed to get was the 835 (with socket). Which gives a proc of 3971, more than double the value of the DMF trinket, so even if you didn't get the crit stat the proc would still be better. Without deviating too much from the subject, does anyone know the ICD of the DMF trinket?
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby FabioAggra Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:28 am

I have this and I can confirm that it can re-roll to the same buff
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Xidian Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:46 pm

I feel like it's much better than the dungeon trinkets but I can't find any information on it anywhere.

anyone got any experience with an 840+ one?
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Camjee Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:56 am

If anyone needs a weak aura for the trinket I made one that shows all pre buffs + buffs

http://pastebin.com/HzZ8wDWf" target="_blank
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Grumpdogg Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:41 am

Without deviating too much from the subject, does anyone know the ICD of the DMF trinket?
DMC buff fluctuates every 20 seconds

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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Camjee Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:56 pm

I feel like it's much better than the dungeon trinkets but I can't find any information on it anywhere.

anyone got any experience with an 840+ one?
I bought an 850 one yesterday


When it proccs crit I end up at around 60%, but it seems for me atleast to enjoy rolling haste more than anything. Just pop it pre pull and pray to the RNG gods you get something good, or pop it after combustion hoping for a crit procc up to you I guess.
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby FabioAggra Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:40 am

I have a 850 eyasu's and the rest of my gear is around 845 ilvl with ~54% crit.
I've been getting pretty good openers popping the trinket on 6 and trying to roll for a versatility proc when the fight is single-target.
The logic behind this was since I was getting 100% crit from combustion for half of the duration of the trinket buff, I figured it would be more useful to try and fish for another stat if I wanted it to sync up with combustion.
For single-target, weights rank versatility as the second best secondary stat next to crit so I figured i'd try to fish that one and see the results.
So far I've had some good pulls on mythic dungeons ranging from 515k (without hero) to 650k (my best ones with hero). If anyone has other suggestions I'd love some input.

I like this trinket a lot because Casino Mage Kappa
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Falq Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:36 am

I'm watching this with interest it seems very good.

The 5 second delay is super weird.

Can it reroll to the same stat?
Unfortunately yes, you can.
I have a 850 eyasu's and the rest of my gear is around 845 ilvl with ~54% crit.
I've been getting pretty good openers popping the trinket on 6 and trying to roll for a versatility proc when the fight is single-target.
The logic behind this was since I was getting 100% crit from combustion for half of the duration of the trinket buff, I figured it would be more useful to try and fish for another stat if I wanted it to sync up with combustion.
For single-target, weights rank versatility as the second best secondary stat next to crit so I figured i'd try to fish that one and see the results.
So far I've had some good pulls on mythic dungeons ranging from 515k (without hero) to 650k (my best ones with hero). If anyone has other suggestions I'd love some input.

I like this trinket a lot because Casino Mage Kappa
I bought 850 version with socket aswell and have to agree that this trinket have insane potential in my opinion. 5 + 20 sec line up perfectly with 2 runes of power and amount of FB/PF stacks we can use for best possible burst.

Unfortunately with current opener haste is way worse than any other stat since most skills we use for burst are instants. Maybe if we adjust rotation to save some FB/PF stacks and do more casting we could use this proc a little more but I couldn't come up with anything great yet since both FB/PF always crits and gives us free pyroblasts.

Back to the point. For single target I'd rate:
Vers > Crit > Mastery > Haste

Since Ignite is not that great for single target, so crit/mastery becomes the worst stats for the first 10 sec of the fight, after combustion run out crit gets lots of value but it's already only half of the duration (and PF gets no Crit scaling anyways). Rolling versatility you get 1st-2nd (not sure) best stat full duration so in my opinion it's best possible option for single target.

For 2+ targets
I think it hardly depends what's exact number. For 2 target's I'd say Crit/Mastery/Vers are very close together if not Vers the best. For 3+ mastery starts to skyrocket above anything else. When I get home I'll try to sim stat weight for first 20 sec of the fight (if it's possible), we may see some strange numbers here I think.

To sum up in my opinion:
For single target I'd always go for Vers > Crit. While being happy with any of those rolling first (mastery and haste is much worse than any of them)

For multi target highly depends on number we face. More targets more we want mastery.
I'd say like:

Vers Crit Mastery
(1-2) - (2-3) - (3+)

Since haste is not appearing on this list at all I'd try to reroll if neither best or adjacent stat is choosen as first. While for 5+ target I'd fish for mastery everyday.

All above informations are merely speculation and observation's. Will try to cover them with some sim numbers later to check if I'm right or how much I'm wrong

Personaly I love this trinket, even thou I used kindling (and it looses a lot of value since this trinket is 2 min duration aswell). I was quite sceptic while buying him, like the fact that you have 5 sec to check what stat you are getting, and can actually be popped/rerolled prepull without loosing duration. The only problem I'm having is GCD it's getting between popping/rerolling but should get use to it soon.
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Xidian Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:54 pm

Bought an 840 one and am having great results.

I'm also going for Vers on the pull and getting very good numbers. I'm already at 52% Crit and as said above for the duration of combustion crit is diminished.

Anyone tried to Sim this thing with the profile in Frosted's guide. I've been trying but I'm just not very good.
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Mage Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:20 am

I tried, but can't make the sim actually use the trinket.
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Falq Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:30 am

As promised I did some siming for my current character gear (844ilvl) and I have to admit I was wrong. Did 5 sims for 20 sec fights with Conf/RoP/FO/LB/CiS as Talent setup.

1 Target:

2 Targets:

3 Targets:

4 Targets:

10 Targets:

As you can see for 4+ targets Haste gets tons of value that's cause because sim for 4+ target's starts using LB on current target, does not use it for <3 targets for burst phase which is first 20 sec of the fight.
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby FabioAggra Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:44 am

Holy shit that was surprsing for >3 targets.
Glad to see I was right about Versatility getting the most value for ST.

Thanks a lot for simming it, pretty useful!
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Xidian Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:50 pm

How does this compare to the dungeon trinkets at 840 then?
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Preheet Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:47 pm

I'd love to see this trinket compared to the Darkmoon trinket, being that it gives about 4x as much Crit (850 version). Has anyone had a chance to test this extensively in the past week or so? I'm on the edge of buying it to replace either Spiked Tongue or Oakheart. (At the moment, Oakheart does on average 7-8% of my damage on a boss fight)
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Re: Eyasu's Mulligan

Unread postby Falq Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:14 pm

I bought this trinekt for 80k (850 version with socket) and I'd take this deal anytime. Love trinket and having something to line up with my cooldowns. Unfortunatelly I don't have Darkmoon trinket but not sure how can it be better. This trinket is as much more crit and exactly 2 min cd for Combustion line up.

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