Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

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Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Komma Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:57 am

Mod: We've had at least 5-6 threads made for each individual trinket. Unfortunately, these threads don't have enough content to sustain very long-term discussions. To avoid further cluttering up the forum, all trinket threads will be locked and redirected here.

Discuss all trinket testing, effects, results and insights in this thread.

>> This thread is for discussion, it is not a thread in which you should post a question about which trinket you should use out of a, b and c. <<
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Komma Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:19 pm

Previous threads:
Bough of Corruption: ... f=4&t=2739" target="_blank
Twisting Winds: ... f=4&t=2729" target="_blank
Eyasu's Mulligan: ... f=4&t=2638" target="_blank
Wriggling Sinew: ... f=4&t=2722" target="_blank
Unstable Horrorslime: ... f=4&t=2723" target="_blank
Caged Horror: ... f=4&t=2650" target="_blank
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Dondz Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:07 pm

Hello, Altered Time! Long time lurker. I see a lot of mixed reviews on Wriggling Sinew. Some people can get it to proc inside the Combustion window, while some have to pool 4-5 stacks before popping Combustion. I'm in the latter group. Do you see Blizzard applying a fix to this soon? If not, how are the people who are getting 10 stacks inside Combustion doing it? Thanks for everyone's input!
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby dewun Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:34 pm

Hello, Altered Time! Long time lurker. I see a lot of mixed reviews on Wriggling Sinew. Some people can get it to proc inside the Combustion window, while some have to pool 4-5 stacks before popping Combustion. I'm in the latter group. Do you see Blizzard applying a fix to this soon? If not, how are the people who are getting 10 stacks inside Combustion doing it? Thanks for everyone's input!
What I do, and I saw others post the same thing, is to use trinket a few casts before going into combustion phase. After some testing I found 6-7 stacks of Maddening Whispers a good point to go into combustion phase. In an opener this means to cast a few dry fireballs, seems awkward, but it works for me.

I am curious if we should always go Cinderstorm with Wriggling Sinew. I know CS sims the best on ST, but Kindling feels overall a bit better for myself in some situations. I'm interested how well Kindling and use trinket on CD with RoP performs in sims compared to CS. I tried to modify to APL to do this, but failed to get it to work. Right now the APL waits for a combustion to use it and it seems really bad to sit on the trinket CD for 40s.

I would love to see the numbers on this if someone else with more experience can do the APL.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby whisperingsage Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:59 pm

Would casting fireballs before burst be worth it? You're pre-stacking sinew, but you're losing burst time on pots.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Stomination Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:36 pm

I got the Figurehead of the Naglfar today. To me it seems one of those odd trinkets to use.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Lahrast Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:02 am

corrupted starlight is very_very strong for trashpacks when tanked properly, it scales 4%*x of my damage where x is the number of mobs it hits. i had big packs in m+ of 4-5 mobs where i got double-procs (simultaniously yes, that's a thing) and it did something north of 20% of my damage which is 400k+ dps at that point
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Stomination Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:44 am

corrupted starlight is very_very strong for trashpacks when tanked properly, it scales 4%*x of my damage where x is the number of mobs it hits. i had big packs in m+ of 4-5 mobs where i got double-procs (simultaniously yes, that's a thing) and it did something north of 20% of my damage which is 400k+ dps at that point
But your at the mercy of the tank is my only problem with that trinket on trash.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Shinu Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:20 am

Hello, Altered Time! Long time lurker. I see a lot of mixed reviews on Wriggling Sinew. Some people can get it to proc inside the Combustion window, while some have to pool 4-5 stacks before popping Combustion. I'm in the latter group. Do you see Blizzard applying a fix to this soon? If not, how are the people who are getting 10 stacks inside Combustion doing it? Thanks for everyone's input!
What I do, and I saw others post the same thing, is to use trinket a few casts before going into combustion phase. After some testing I found 6-7 stacks of Maddening Whispers a good point to go into combustion phase. In an opener this means to cast a few dry fireballs, seems awkward, but it works for me.

I am curious if we should always go Cinderstorm with Wriggling Sinew. I know CS sims the best on ST, but Kindling feels overall a bit better for myself in some situations. I'm interested how well Kindling and use trinket on CD with RoP performs in sims compared to CS. I tried to modify to APL to do this, but failed to get it to work. Right now the APL waits for a combustion to use it and it seems really bad to sit on the trinket CD for 40s.

I would love to see the numbers on this if someone else with more experience can do the APL.

You can "cheese" a few seconds out of the first gap between the trinket being up again and your kindled combustion, basically pretrinketing ~15seconds before pull, so as you pull your gonna have to get lucky to land hits get as many stacks in before you are required to pop combustion.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Forenkazan Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:02 am

I just got 880 twisting wind, is it bugged or my recount bugged? i thought it was BIS for fire
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Jancarius Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:11 am

My current trinkets are Mythic Eye of Skovald (with a socket) and mythic Elementium Bomb Squirrel Generator. I just got heroic Swarming Plaguehive (865). Is this thing actually any good for fire compared to some straight crit trinkets?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby nemesix Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:49 am

Just got 870 twisting wind. Tested it several times and my undead racial was doing more damage.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Smaiki Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:25 am

I just got 880 twisting wind, is it bugged or my recount bugged? i thought it was BIS for fire
Twisting Winds: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2729
As you can see in the thread above, this trinket was nerfed and not all cyclones hit for their total duration in raid environments. Prenerf it might have been BiS, assuming 100% damage uptime, but in real, it's crap. Our ele shaman got it last night and it did ~2.3% damage.
I would very much appreciate an updated trinket list - also for the ask-for-help channel on discord. ;)
Or maybe a short info that the trinket is crap. Everybody just sees the picture of the BiS trinket list, wants to have Twisting Wind and gets disappointed afterwards.
Last edited by Smaiki on Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Aydlen Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:30 am

I have the 865 twisting wind and the dmg is equal to baton on mobs with large hitboxes (like bosses).
But still shit.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Krychlik Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:01 pm

1) Does simcraft even model Bough of Corruption proc/model it properly? It's doing decent damage when hitting dummy, but nothing on simcraft damage pie chart.

2) What does it even proc from? Clearly all direct damage spells, but what about things like unstable magic? 1 or all cinders? Living bomb? Neck enchant? Pot? Other trinkets, like twisting wind hits, starlight ground effect...? Aftershock? Phoenix flame splash?

3) Is this going to be prophecy of fear 2.0? Well timed proc 10s before adds spawn might wreak havok on them with cinder+living bomb+breath, assuming they proc it.

4) In general, with (all/some?) raid trinkets nerfs, is there any up to date ranking?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Ellerianfan Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:45 pm

Ok did Baton get nerfed now? I finally got one (and 840 with a gem socket), was wearing an 840 spiked tongue and oakheart before but now I am simming alot less with the baton replacing the oakheart.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Cichy Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:17 pm

My current trinkets are Mythic Eye of Skovald (with a socket) and mythic Elementium Bomb Squirrel Generator. I just got heroic Swarming Plaguehive (865). Is this thing actually any good for fire compared to some straight crit trinkets?
Swarming Plaguehive is awesome in my opinion. He is always doing 4-5% my overall dmg.
Caged Horror for me not that good. At mythic, when we are pulling really shittons of adds 2-3%. It's really bad.
Devisaur Shock-Baton - really good.

P.S Sorry for my english, i am trying do my best
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Fancane Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:05 pm

Would casting fireballs before burst be worth it? You're pre-stacking sinew, but you're losing burst time on pots.
Deadly grace potions will last way more than a combustion burst, if anything you´re switching the time frame where your burst will happend during the potion buff.

I just do 4 stacks of Maddening Whispers before starting the burn. If you´re unsure if you will be able to fit the remaining 6 stacks before ROP expires, start your burn at 5 stacks.

And its well worth it, if you dont place sinew stacks before burst, you´re risking that it wont critic (since combustion will be over when you transfer 10 stacks) and you will be forced to cast a second ROP regardless if you have a hot streak or FB charges to make the explosion benefit from it.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Falq Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:08 pm

Ok did Baton get nerfed now? I finally got one (and 840 with a gem socket), was wearing an 840 spiked tongue and oakheart before but now I am simming alot less with the baton replacing the oakheart.
If baton got nerfed you would probably know that before sims. Compare it in game and check how much damage it does. You can know for sure that crit > vers / mastery so if it deal more % damage than other 2 trinkets its better for sure.

I haven't realize any nerf yet.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby oDaal Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:46 pm


what do you guys think of 845 manacracker vs. 850 shock baton?

Mrrobot tells me that manacracker is better, but is it really? With baton i got 62 crit, without i got 59. anyone know which ones deffo better?

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