Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby abcisdabawz Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:52 pm


I've found that the Shock Baton is overall just much better than the Manacracker.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Laere Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:11 pm


Got this today from MoS not sure what to make of it. The passive crit is nice, but not fond of on use trinkets much. Seems like I would have to just take CiS and macro it into combusion. What do you guys think? I haven't simmed myself yet before and after the trinket. Currently using 835 spiked and 840 baton w/ socket. Cheers.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Kyou Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:15 pm

Hello mages!

Im in quite a bind as im trying to decide what trinkets to choose.

i have 850 wriggling sinew, Oakhearts 850, 845 naraxas and 840 Baton.

How would the optimized setup be? im thinking naraxas does more dmg, but oakhearts easier to use?

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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Weezdion Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:33 am

Don't have wriggling sinew, had the other 3 and I found that naraxas is just outdpsing oakhearts no matter what I do. Baton seems just op compared to all other.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Mejn Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:36 am

Any1 did sim with all trinkets including raid ones and full dungeon list of trinkets ? Would be good to have overall and will give answer on so many questions.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Kadde Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:57 am

If you guys are having trouble fitting enough casts in during combustion i suggest you should really work on your combustion rotation and setup. Its gonna improve your game A LOT more and allow you to use the trinket correctly.
Fire blasts + pyros could be 6-8 casts (and thats the first 4-5 sec) , PF+pyros afterwards. 1-3 casts before combust depending on opening.

Correct combustion setup should work with the trinket being used pre-pull, for the 2nd or 3rd combustion you could pop it a little bit earlier since you might not have as many PF ready or some other reasons that could affect perfect setup.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Fitch1911 Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:57 pm

Hello All,

I seem to be having a lot of trinket drops in Legion but struggling to know which is best.

Top 3 i have to chose from are:

Devilsaur Shock-Baton - Warforged ilvl 840
Caged Horror - Mythic Warforged ilvl 850
Obelisk of the Void - Mythic 840
Portable Manacracker - Mythic 840

For dungeons and raid (on AoE) i am currently running Devilsaur and Caged Horror; Cage Horror proc is doing 6-8% total damage over the whole run.

I'm struggling to decided which trinket to use with Devilsaur for single traget boss fights. I am currently swayed by Obelisk for the 2.8k Int on burn with RoP etc........your thoughts would be much appreciated?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby trainfire Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:10 pm


I have a 885 Bough of Corruption and I was wondering if this trinket is not included in Simcraft yet? Can't see a proc on the results atleast. And when I swap it with my 850 Oakheart's I get a 14k dps increase.

Would be fun to test it cause I don't feel that it is so good on single target. Might actually swap it with Oakheart's.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Emazing17 Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:47 pm

I think eye of skovald is underrated or they changed the proc chance.

Currently my eye(845) is out performing my shock baton(830 w/ socket), plaguehive(865 w/ socket) and PvP versatility trinket with int proc(850)

Single target it is close to my shock baton and destroys plaguehive as far as % DMG done and aoe it isn't even close.

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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Torthie Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:48 pm

So i just managed to get my hands on a Wriggling Sinew. Im sitting at around 70% crit now with food buff been using kindling because I feel like its better at these crit levels and I absolutely hate cinderstorm. That being said what is the proper way to use this trinket obviously I don't wanna deal combust with kindling would I just use the trinket on CD hoping it lines up? Delay combust a few seconds if its about to be up? or just use trinket on CD and hope the 2 line up.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Searix Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:14 pm

Eyasu's Mulligan currently not working in simcraft
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Zodine Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:08 am

Best combo of trinkets?

840 baton with socket
wriggling sinew 870
darkmoon deck hellfire 850?

Im currently using the first two in combination.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Wightwind Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:38 am

Ive got an 865 Unstable Horrorslime with a socket, is it worth using over an 835 Baton or an 840 Oakheart? It seems to be proccing a lot from my tests on a dummy. and its insane on AoE. Any opinions or advice?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby DyLemma Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:36 am

There's something weird going on with sinew, I don't know what triggers it. Sometimes spells just do not register a sinew stack. It really makes the opening rotation off. People reporting fire blast doesn't count as a stack, some people saying it does. It does, but sometimes doesn't. I don't know what causes it. It's not just fire blast either. It's like when you use 2 spells at the same time one doesn't count. But like I said, don't know what's causing that to happen. I can't figure it out. It has to be bugged, just like everything this expansion, lol.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby ForeverSol Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:34 pm

i have a ilvl 840 socketed Horn of Valor, heroic ilvl 865 Swarming Plaguehive and ilvl 850 Twisting Wind. Twisting wind is just terrible so i'm not sure if horn is better or plague is better.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Pkm Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:25 pm

How much ilvl of a difference do trinkets start to fall behind one another? For example A trinket sims highest, but B trinket has more ilvl.

Because of this whole titanforge thing making the gaps even bigger than ever before :/
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby aadaxx Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:52 pm

Any consensus on what's best now since Twisting Wind appears fucked?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Falq Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:12 am

Oh we are getting so many questions about trinket setup.
Shame most of this questions are duplicate. I'll try to describe logic behind best trinkets we can get now. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

BiS at anytime. Because it have crit and damage proc from ignite, you want to always use this trinket. Never ask about this trinket just equip it.

There could be exception when you have 830 baton vs 895 other trinket, but still not sure about this case.

Wriggling Sinew
Probably second BiS trinket in this tier. It requires you to use Cinderstorm (because it lines up with 2 min combustion so kindling loose value). Damage stacks with PI, RoP, Combustion etc so you have to line up everything to make it best. If you cba don't use this trinket.

Unstable Horrorslime
Nothing special about damage (slime does not scale with your damage multipliers). Proc is as good for you as for other classes, just have crit as passive stat so it's nice. Higher ilvl would put it over Manacracker/Oakhearts

Decent dps trinkets. Not great but usable. I'd use over any stat proc trinket.

Unfortunatelly can't say much about this trinket. But I feel like damage procing trinkets in this expansion is way to go. You can't line this trinket with cds efficiently (since FO and RoP is timed nicely you shouldn't delay cooldowns waiting for this trinket to proc). On the other hand it has crit on proc and passive int so great stats for us. I'd list this trinket just behind decent dps trinkets.

Caged Horror
For AoE only fights. Proc rate seems random. Since we already have enough aoe and longer we use LB on aoe more dps we do (so we want aoe pack to live as long as possible) I'd use this trinket only if you don't have any other decent trinket.

Twisting Wind
Gratz on you Chaos Crystal.

I'll try to come up with general rule:

Baton > Sinew (if used efficiently and not lower than 10-15ilvl than ViableCommon) > ViableCommon (Unstable / Mana / Oak / Hellfire - whatever u like best or is higher ilvl)) > Caged (if 15+ ilvl higher than ViableCommon) trinkets >>>>>>>> Twisting Wind (passive trinket could be better than dmg proc of this trinket)

Since there is a lot of trinkets (luckily most of them do damage) and I can't list them all. Also they can also vary depends on fight type. If you still have question about your specific trinket you should:

1. Equip trinket
2. Do fight of type you want to test which one is better (AoE, Cleave, Single Target)
3. Check recount for Dmg% of each trinket

If %BetterDmgTrinket - %WorseDmgTrinket > 0.5 %points

Stat it gives does not matter. Use trinket with more damage. If less check for stat weight

For example you test TrinketA and TrinketB on SingleTarget.

Go on dummy, check recount.
TrinketA did 3.49% of your damage, TrinketB did 4%. Even thou TrinketA gives crit - which is best and TrinketB gives haste (which is worst) you should still go with TrinketB because 0.5% outranges any stat weight.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Xenost Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:20 am

To be honest it would be better to sim yourself, after sims I found out that my 860 Gnarled Root is better than my 840 baton.

You can also go to frosted sims comparison, if 2 trinkets are close enough you can go with the highest ilvl between the 2.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Fueledoncoffee Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:51 pm

I have been reading every thread I can find on all the mage discussion forums I can since I swapped my main before legion to play fire. After viewing lots of debate on trinkets I can see some conflicting opinions for what is the best single target combo (I am happy to assume any scenario where there are a few adds or cleave fights as more single target than AOE).

I have been very lucky with trinkets generally and I have the following trinkets

- Manacracker 840
- DMC Hellfire 850
- Wriggling Sinew 880
- Devilsaur 835 w/socket

Initially like most people I had read that Twisting Wind was going to be great and had at that point concluded (prior to personal trialing) that Twisting Wind and Sinew would be clear cut BIS combo.

It seems from what I have read that the obvious choice for me is Devilsaur and Sinew. Other than hoping for a better upgrade on devilsaur is there any other trinket I should look out for as a potential upgrade for single target?

Obviously on heavy AOE there are other options that will provide more throughput but even on Il'gynoth I can't see it being worth focusing on AOE. Worth noting I do not plan on raiding far into Mythic as my guild is not capable overall and I work too much to commit to it what it deserves from my perspective.

One other final question to you wise Arch Magi, What is the optimal pre-pull/pull rotation with Sinew?

Do I really have to prepot then precast pyro, build 4-5 stacks from sinew before opening the usual combustion cycle?

Awesome forum and group here for discussion, clearly a lot of mages with more XP than I.

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