Moderator note: moved to Q&A.
I was wondering if this buff determines the fire mage rotation, is it possible to consciously montior this buff throughout the fight or is it something more of a by product of hitting your normal rotation?
the same with Ignite, do fire mages usually worry about Ignite uptimes?
Pyretic Incantation Uptime
Re: Pyretic Incantation Uptime
It doesn't really change your rotation ever, however you do want to be mindful of it during combustion for wiggling sinew procs but really there's no interaction on your part other than stacking crit as far as I can tell
Re: Pyretic Incantation Uptime
I wouldn't phrase it that way because it's the main reason cinderstorm is used before combustions but it doesn't change the rotation in an active way, yeah.It doesn't really change your rotation ever
Re: Pyretic Incantation Uptime
Haha I was just thinking of the five stack PI cinderstorm strategy for CiS users, thanks for the addition
- votetokick
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:03 pm
Re: Pyretic Incantation Uptime
how come I see simcraft scores with 75 per cent pyretic uptime whereas my skada for Xavius shows only 8 per cent buff uptime for pyretic? - btw I was 300k dps on Xavius normal testing without once filling nightmare bar to the full
Re: Pyretic Incantation Uptime
There is no way your pi uptime at any stack is only 8℅. Link that log.
Re: Pyretic Incantation Uptime
Additionally a sample of 1 is not conclusive. You could see more logs too. They might be even better than sims sometimes for reaching conclusions though harder to do so.
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