Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Nefershep Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:50 am

I had over 1,000 relogs which would be 3+ years of daily rolls. :cry:
Same here
If that claim is true the design is plainly broken. I would report it as a suggestion or even as a bug report if you stretch it. I say "if that claim is true" because I wonder if there are other ways to reset it.
I really hope so :( I came home, all excited to try and get it, only to get my hopes dashed. My two favorite specs, frost/arcane, are both locked by RNG once a day.

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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Forminasage Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:00 am

The worst bit is that there's a good chance that the people who helped work out how to get the Woolomancer's Charge may not actually obtain it within a reasonable timeframe.

So Blizzard have essentially rewarded effort with... nothing?
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Kivutar Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:08 am

I too spent a couple hours logging in and out, but with no result. But it really confused a couple of guildies who apparently have the login notifications on!

I guess all we can do is hope that there will be a pity mechanic that will go up with AK (one can dream) or just during the course of the expac. At least for me I can count on any items locked behind super rare RNG (legendaries, mounts from bosses, etc.) are something I will never see.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby ardomur Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:25 pm

Because i haven't read it anywhere i just wanted to confirm:
I got the hidden Fire Mage Artifact skin und since yesterday have the 200WQ done, the third color unlocked, the same as in the hidden Arcane Artifact, so you have to do the grind on one artifact and unlock the other by default.
I was first afraid of doing 200 WQ again as arcane, especially the 100 Dungeons and 1000 PVP kills would have been a mouth full
(can't check the hidden Frost Artifact because i haven't gotten it yet :-/ but it should be the same)
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Norrinir Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:55 pm

Because i haven't read it anywhere i just wanted to confirm:
I got the hidden Fire Mage Artifact skin und since yesterday have the 200WQ done, the third color unlocked, the same as in the hidden Arcane Artifact, so you have to do the grind on one artifact and unlock the other by default.
I was first afraid of doing 200 WQ again as arcane, especially the 100 Dungeons and 1000 PVP kills would have been a mouth full
(can't check the hidden Frost Artifact because i haven't gotten it yet :-/ but it should be the same)
They are shared across all specs, i.e. if you do 200 WQs, it will unlock that variant for every hidden appearance.

I haven't tried myself, but my friend who did this for one of the rogues' hidden appearances confirmed this.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Khiria Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:52 am

AK 7, still nothing for my Frost Hidden appearence...
Khiria - Frost Mage - EU-Medivh - Alliance
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Cellindre Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:12 am

A guildie of mine just got his frost hidden appearance today so its working perfectly fine.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Mitchajo Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:46 am

I just won the lotto boys." target="_blank
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Greenleafmvp Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:42 am

I just won the lotto boys." target="_blank
you did it by Log/DC spam??
wp for loto haha.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Mitchajo Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:23 pm

I just won the lotto boys." target="_blank
you did it by Log/DC spam??
wp for loto haha.
Nope, I haven't spammed relog ever actually, just got super rng
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby BeeDub Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:01 am

Today I received the Fire Hidden Appearance in Azsuna. I was completing the Leodrath's Kin WQ when a Nightborne Animator dropped it.

I am AP6 and I received the Frost Hidden Appearance a few days ago.

I was spec'd as Frost and loot as Frost.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Deletebait Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:27 am

Today I received the Fire Hidden Appearance in Azsuna. I was completing the Leodrath's Kin WQ when a Nightborne Animator dropped it..
This is interesting to me... Having spent more than 20hrs since getting AK5 farming a combination of falanaar and moonguard mobs for the fire appearance I'm starting to suspect something else maybe a hidden factor (yes... i acknowledge randomness just bites sometimes, and that random is probably the only thing in my case).

Most of my farming time has not been while world quests were up in those areas, I actively avoid world quests with a lot of mob killing in any zone. i haven't bothered with most suramar WQs since I'm already exalted.

Reports I've seen for drops are all mobs attached to world quests (faldorei, mooguard soldiers), a blue post before most hit AK5 suggested something along the lines of 'keep doing world quests' (i am looking for the specific post, but as a corollary some other specs have drops that are linked to mobs while on world quests)

Also, in a group of mages farming at moon guard, it is more likely that someone in the group has a world quest involving the mobs (this feels like a weak link)

Most of these possibilities are easily ruled out by a single person getting the drop when that case doesn't hold, and I welcome this possibility being squashed by evidence. After all, I want to beleive that most of my time doing this has had a chance of something dropping, that it really is ONLY AK5 and random, and not that I've wasted so many hours.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Zilentification Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:00 pm

Well Deletebait I can be that one person for you. Last night was I was PvPing in Suramar city when I got attacked by a caster mob along the docks. Brutally murdered him and looted my hidden appearance.

I can guarantee that there were no World quest up at the time as I had finished them all earlier that day (to finally earn 1000 WQ achieve, huzzah!) Also I was in Arcane spec, with loot set to Arcane spec. Must admit I was surprised it can actually drop when you aren't in Fire.
Arcane is always the correct spec. Always. ... 876761/10/
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Curnivore Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:04 pm

Regarding randomness it seems to be possible to get soon but also possible to take hours. Let's assume that it's a drop rate of 0.5%. The probability of getting it on 20 kills is 1-0.995^20 = 9.5% which is decent but low, on 100 kills 39.4% which is good but still lower than average and on 500 kills 91.8% which is almost certain but not entirely. I've noticed that in this game there is a lot of rigged RNG/bad-luck-protection so when there is real randomness like this people often think that something is wrong.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Deletebait Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:03 am

Well Deletebait I can be that one person for you. Last night was I was PvPing in Suramar city when I got attacked by a caster mob along the docks. Brutally murdered him and looted my hidden appearance.

I can guarantee that there were no World quest up at the time as I had finished them all earlier that day (to finally earn 1000 WQ achieve, huzzah!) Also I was in Arcane spec, with loot set to Arcane spec. Must admit I was surprised it can actually drop when you aren't in Fire.
Thanks Zilentification. I'm no stranger to statistical outliers, having gone past the 3 sigma point on previous things I've been farming for. Knowing it's just a statistical blip is a comfort.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Strikeapose Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:30 pm

AK9 and still no frost appearance logging in every day since AK4 =(. At least I got the Arcane one before they nerfed the login/logout bug. Has there been any evidence the chance of succeeding these rolls goes up with AK level? That is the only way in my head the number of attempts needed for those people that logged in/out makes sense (100-1000 attempts is SO many days played as a daily roll).
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Vorrum Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:35 am

Is the current way of obtaining the arcane hidden artifact abuse of a glitch or something? I don't think I clearly understand what needs to be done.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Forminasage Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:04 pm

It used to be that you could reset your daily roll by relogging, but Blizzard quickly hotfixed it.

Now it's back to trying once a day when entering your class hall to see if you get Metcalf's emote. No glitches involved, just an absurdly low chance of occurring.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby andy Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:36 pm

I just got the sheep emote in my order hall when I came back to it. I didn't notice it the first time I was in my order hall, nor did I see if I get the Cote emote. There's no sheep following me. What happened? Should I look for the next part? Is there a quest ID for this part that would tell me whether I should look or not?

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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Norrinir Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:13 am

I just got the sheep emote in my order hall when I came back to it. I didn't notice it the first time I was in my order hall, nor did I see if I get the Cote emote. There's no sheep following me. What happened? Should I look for the next part? Is there a quest ID for this part that would tell me whether I should look or not?

If you haven't seen Cote's emote, it's almost certainly someone else's sheep. To be 100% sure, check the quest ID 43799. If it's completed, you can start looking in Stormheim.

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