Mastery GS build?

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Mastery GS build?

Unread postby Rainingblue Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:57 pm

Moderator note: moved to Q&A.

I just saw a topic on another forum in which it is considered Frost Mage going Int>Mastery>crit for massive Glacial Spike dmg.
In the rotation the OP talks about not even using ebonbolt nor Ice Lances, just cds, FBx5, GS and flurry procs. Anyone tested it?
Is there any simulationcraft profile for testing this?
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Re: Mastery GS build?

Unread postby Rikx Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:44 am

From personal experience, it's not bad. Anecdotally, ST numbers in-game appear similar to my numbers as Fire (given enough time after that initial burst, naturally). Which is sort of striking as I'm crit heavy and medium on haste and mastery.

It's definitely not putting up the same sim numbers as the regular frost rotation, but then again I'm convinced that the regular frost sim numbers are overinflated somehow.

On the other hand, according to an old wowhead comment, Black Ice doesn't work with Glacial Spike, and as far as I can tell the sim acts as if it does. I'd love to hear a confirmation from someone.

Relics: As far as I can tell, Ice Age ~= Clarity of Thought ~= Frozen Veins. Frozen Veins barely wins out but it's only by thousands of dps using my gear.
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Re: Mastery GS build?

Unread postby Soul Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:13 am

To be honest the main issue with Frost is that nobody actually knows the best rotation. If you ask a frost mage from either top or low end guilds they will say something that "seems to work" but it isn't exactly it.
People don't even know if you should use blizzard as a filler over an extra frostbolt.

What I want to say with that? Just give it a shot, see if you can get into an end with a mastery build. Specially now with Nighthold where most gear will give you buttloads of mastery.
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Re: Mastery GS build?

Unread postby nathyiel Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:43 am

Mastery Build will do massive damage that's true but GS is designed for 1-2 target fight. Don't ask for it to shine in other situation.

I haven't check on SimC after all Frost buff but it was a DPS loss at some point even on 2 target fight.
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Frost rocks on cleave but Fire reigns on AoE. Where is Arcane ?
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Re: Mastery GS build?

Unread postby Curnivore Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:34 am

To be honest the main issue with Frost is that nobody actually knows the best rotation.
Simc seems to do well so you could read the APL.
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Re: Mastery GS build?

Unread postby rab Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:37 am

what would you go as tier1 talent? lonely winter still crap i guess, so BC?

and unstable magic did not increase the frostbolt/icicle/glacial spike dmg is what i read some time ago. is this true?
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Re: Mastery GS build?

Unread postby hwantaw Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:26 pm

what would you go as tier1 talent? lonely winter still crap i guess, so BC?

and unstable magic did not increase the frostbolt/icicle/glacial spike dmg is what i read some time ago. is this true?
BC sims 10k dps higher than lonely winter for me, this may change depending on stats so sim it to find out what works for you.

Unstable magic damage is it's own thing, and doesn't contribute to fb/icicles/gs. But still best talent on that tier to take because the other talents affect spells you wont ever be casting in the rotation.

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