Several Questions...
1) What's the opener? Do you Frostbolt to 5 stacks before dropping RoP and IV? When do you use the first Frozen Orb?
2) When do you use Ice Lance?
3) Do you ever use Ebonbolt and Water Jet?
The opener is frostbolt to 5 stacks, drop RoP if you're using it, IV, and then glacial spike.
Only use Frozen Orb when rune of power is down, you should be filling RoP with Frostbolts and Glacial Spikes.
You don't use Ice Lance unless you have both a FoF proc and 1 stack of Chain Reaction when RoP isn't available.
Ebonbolt may be a dps increase in the prepull, when I put it in the profile it wasn't so I haven't changed it sense then.
You put Water Jet on auto. No need to micromanage FoF procs. You just kinda let them happen.
What kind of stat balance do you guys think is good? I saw preheat using low crit with high mastery/haste, but most people say to go mastery/crit with lower haste.
In 870 ilvl I can have roughly 30 crit 20 haste 80 mastery or 26 crit 20 haste 86 mastery. Anyone know what the ideal stat balance would be?
You want Master > Crit > Int ~= Haste ~= Verse on a generic level. always sim yourself for an accurate set of weights.
Crit has a stronger impact, typically, than haste. But both are good stats.
With what you've stated I'd go with 86 mastery/26crit/20 haste. But again, simming yourself using the profile is a stronger detail of what's good.
Just as an example, if I was to use my own mastery gear I end up with like 30 crit/26 haste/ 60 mastery. But that's because I don't have a good mix for Mastery/Crit heavy gear.