Ignite Spreading

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Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Tweal Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:23 am

Are any other mages having issues with the passive spread from ignite causing problems? I didn't think it would be as much of a problem as its turning out to be.

Its most noticeable in certain Mythic+ dungeons where we're trying to pull specific mobs with yellow mobs roaming around, such as EoA. The biggest problem is when it spreads to the seagulls in the air then i have to spend the rest of the boss fight keeping them polymorphed. My mythic group tends to do the snake boss in the middle first so the healer doesn't have to deal with that fight with the winds going. About every other time we do this my ignite spreads to the gulls, pulling them. Usually i can kite it away from the boss and poly it but we've had it get aoed by the tank, get picked up, disorient him and then cause the boss to hit someone else, usually killing them before the tank gets un CCd.

It's also caused occasional problems in raids, specifically on Mythic Elereth. When she goes drops the webs and the adds spawn they spawn close enough to her that the ignite spreads to them. A few times now the adds have ran straight to me from the aggro from the ingite and because they're not CC able and there isn't much room to kite they've killed me. i'm guessing this is a combination of a particularly large ignite and slow tank pickup but there's no denying that its a problem. My RL actually told me that i shouldn't be ignite spreading and when i explained that its passive with no way to stop it he told me, "look into it, other guilds don't have this issue".

So again i ask, is there some way to not spread it that I'm missing or is it just something that I have to get used to? Tanks being quicker on the add pickups and getting better with the gull CC would probably help but i'm hoping there's another solution.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Texhex Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:06 am

about elereth, the ignite spreading aggro gaining problem normally only occurs, when you used combustion combo right before she goes up, cause then you obviously have a huge ignite running, that might jump to the adds spawning. Normal ignites outside your combustion combo shouldnt cause any problems, cause there should be a hunter missdirecting anyway, cause else your healers got the same problem. The only thing you should avoid is, as said, to not directly use the combo before the boss is going up, in case your group has some overaggroing problems.

And yes, in general ignite spreading can often cause problems, but blizzard lately stated, that this behavior of ignite spreading to nonactive enemies is intended and therefore will not change it like "its dangerous to play with fire"
Last edited by Texhex on Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Rylai Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:12 am

Ahh, I hate the spreading so much. :-) It would just be too perfect if we could toggle it, but as Texhex mentioned, Blizzard will most likely not implement such a function.

My guild mates already laugh at me all the time when we go M+ over the weekend and I keep pulling snails, seagulls, etc.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby dioneslol Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:48 pm

Well on the mythic plus you just have to deal with it, A tip is to NOT do the snake boss first, because the seaguls stay in the air, making it impossible to pull before the boss and likely to pull during the boss because of ignite.

For Elereth man that really isnt your fault at all, ignite spreading is actually good, your tanks need to pick then up faster, and your raid needs to have hunter/rogues use tricks/md to make it easier, dpsing the spiders here is what you should be doing anyway (on the mythic version)
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby dioneslol Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:48 pm

Well on the mythic plus you just have to deal with it, A tip is to NOT do the snake boss first, because the seaguls stay in the air, making it impossible to pull before the boss and likely to pull during the boss because of ignite.

For Elereth man that really isnt your fault at all, ignite spreading is actually good, your tanks need to pick then up faster, and your raid needs to have hunter/rogues use tricks/md to make it easier, dpsing the spiders here is what you should be doing anyway (on the mythic version)
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Curnivore Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:06 pm

the seaguls stay in the air, making it impossible to pull before the boss and likely to pull during the boss because of ignite.
I've seen seagulls on the ground around the third boss after doing the second boss. Do you mean only a few of them may still be flying?
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Naiyano Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:10 pm

It happens quite often yes. In EoA i just sheep the seagul and just let her stay that way. Maybe you have to resheep once on higher difficulties but thats not a problem at all.

On Elereth i just use combustion whenever it's ready (only heroic so far for me). It happend that i got aggro from the adds. In this case i just blink to the tank which is assigned to pick them up and the problem is solved.

I can't think of any other situation where it caused problems. Except pugs with random tanks where i have aggro from all boss adds available pretty often.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby TehBankertin Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:16 pm

I'd just let your raid leader know that ignite spreading is not an option to toggle off. It is part of the base of the class for it not to spread you basically would have to change specs or simply not do any damage for 10-15 seconds before this to avoid it jumping. Both are unrealistic.

For the spider fight when we have done it on mythic I get a spider on me probably every other pull. We have a couple hunters misdirecting and a rogue's tricks as well but using combustion on pull can still cause a problem so I tend to run out of the green then straight to the spot where the tank plans on tanking the adds. (Ideally he is going to the same spot/general area every time) so that way the mob will run directly to the spot and the tanks natural cleave/aoe will hit the mob and rip agro back off of you. This negates the issue of having to rely on rogues/hunters to do things perfectly as well as lets the tank pick things up easier, if one doesn't jump to you then that's fine you're still in a great position to AoE the adds and in range for dragons breath. Just have to make sure to be ready to blink out or run out when they start dying so you're not in the ooze.

Seagulls are the devil, for mythic plus you just have to deal with the add the best you can I would recommend once you realize its pulled to just focus your dps on it and try to kite it. This will keep there from being a wipe or death because of tank losing agro. If its a higher level mythic plus I would kill the bosses in a different order as kiting them might not be realistic during the fight and pulling the two trouble seagulls on the way to the boss avoids the issue as they die fast when everyone is on them. (Although with bolstering you're going to have a whole different issue and probably want to single pull them even with the slight time loss)
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby dioneslol Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:31 pm

the seaguls stay in the air, making it impossible to pull before the boss and likely to pull during the boss because of ignite.
I've seen seagulls on the ground around the third boss after doing the second boss. Do you mean only a few of them may still be flying?
It depends on the order you do the bosses, if you do the snake first, the seaguls on the snake boss will be flying, if you do the naga first, then the seaguls on the snake will be on the ground, dont really know all the combinations but it changes based on who you kill first.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Falq Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:09 pm

the seaguls stay in the air, making it impossible to pull before the boss and likely to pull during the boss because of ignite.
I've seen seagulls on the ground around the third boss after doing the second boss. Do you mean only a few of them may still be flying?
It depends on the order you do the bosses, if you do the snake first, the seaguls on the snake boss will be flying, if you do the naga first, then the seaguls on the snake will be on the ground, dont really know all the combinations but it changes based on who you kill first.
This instance is made to be done in any order. You can start right side and kill Giant first if you wan't so calling bosses first, second and third may not be accurate :)

Killing bosses adds extra afix to instance so if you want seaguls in the air, just kill naga last.

Naga -> Makes seaguls go down and sth else.
Snake -> gives winds
Giant -> lightning bolts?

About Elereth I agree with others. You have to teach your tanks how to tank :) I'm using everything I got for this spiders asap to "steal" as much dmg from them as possible and I've never died to them. They start coming to me but tank pick them up in time usually. Ask your tank to turn on nameplates and watch if he have everything on him or not :) You are fire mage you are suppose to burn stuff !
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Deadmanfred Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:58 pm

Tank here, trying to grasp ignite a bit better to try and stop over pulling when I have a fire mage in group. I've been playing with 2 fire mages this expac, one had a huge issue with ignite spreading, would even pick up the 2nd boss in BRH from the mini gauntlet trash, he went arcane and of course haven't had those same issues...

What I want to know for the future is what is the max range of the ignite spread? Figure as long as I tank the mobs far enough away, ignite can never accidently spread.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Zulandia Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:32 pm

I believe it's 8 yards (certainly in that ballpark, though it is from the hitbox not the center so it's further on large mobs). If they were pulling second boss of BRH it is far more likely a misplaced cinderstorm or something of that nature than a raw ignite jump.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Potaetoe Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:35 pm

Tank here, trying to grasp ignite a bit better to try and stop over pulling when I have a fire mage in group. I've been playing with 2 fire mages this expac, one had a huge issue with ignite spreading, would even pick up the 2nd boss in BRH from the mini gauntlet trash, he went arcane and of course haven't had those same issues...

What I want to know for the future is what is the max range of the ignite spread? Figure as long as I tank the mobs far enough away, ignite can never accidently spread.
If a player switching spec fixed an issue with ignite, then the issue wasn't ignite. The issue was the player casting another ability onto a target they weren't supposed to.

The biggest concern for tanks with a fire mage is how they pull mobs. So if you don't intend to pull the entire room of enemies (neutral or not) don't pull the enemies near other enemies (not sure what type of tank you are, but think about it like shockwave distance from each enemy aggroed).
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby shvndrgn Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:25 am

This instance is made to be done in any order. You can start right side and kill Giant first if you wan't so calling bosses first, second and third may not be accurate :)

Killing bosses adds extra afix to instance so if you want seaguls in the air, just kill naga last.

Naga -> Makes seaguls go down and sth else.
Snake -> gives winds
Giant -> lightning bolts?

About Elereth I agree with others. You have to teach your tanks how to tank :) I'm using everything I got for this spiders asap to "steal" as much dmg from them as possible and I've never died to them. They start coming to me but tank pick them up in time usually. Ask your tank to turn on nameplates and watch if he have everything on him or not :) You are fire mage you are suppose to burn stuff !
It's based on how many bosses you've killed, not which specific bosses.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby Curnivore Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:25 am

The biggest concern for tanks with a fire mage is how they pull mobs. So if you don't intend to pull the entire room of enemies (neutral or not) don't pull the enemies near other enemies (not sure what type of tank you are, but think about it like shockwave distance from each enemy aggroed).
It's seldom an issue with non-neutrals. Almost all asspulls of hostiles are by proximity. It's only a common issue with neutrals.
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Re: Ignite Spreading

Unread postby lowska Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:08 pm

Whenever ignite spreads to extra adds I tell the tank over TS that 'it's Christmas' meaning I have brought more gifts for him.

Ignite was never an issue in elerethe mythic, just run to the add tanking spot, keep away from spiders with blink and make sure the healers know to be aware of fire mages during the transition to the other side of the platform.

I forget, but I think you can flamestrike the adds to slow them, buying yourself and the tank much needed time to sort the adds out.

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