7.1.0 Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Cauldron Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:17 pm

So yesterday raid I gave GS another try:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/D9 ... amage-done

Results were so poor that Raid Leader asked me to go back to fire :(

But I'm pretty sure it's more my fault than spec fault.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Rage Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:33 pm

So yesterday raid I gave GS another try:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/D9 ... amage-done

Results were so poor that Raid Leader asked me to go back to fire :(

But I'm pretty sure it's more my fault than spec fault.
Try RoP instead of incanter's flow and make sure you're firing off a GS during RoP and that should bump your DPS a bit
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby poorprae Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:52 pm

So yesterday raid I gave GS another try:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/D9 ... amage-done

Results were so poor that Raid Leader asked me to go back to fire :(

But I'm pretty sure it's more my fault than spec fault.
I'm only skimming here.

Your crit and/or mastery must be absurdly low. 35.6% crit on Frostbolt and 16.7% on GS?
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Xaximbo Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:15 pm

So yesterday raid I gave GS another try:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/D9 ... amage-done

Results were so poor that Raid Leader asked me to go back to fire :(

But I'm pretty sure it's more my fault than spec fault.
Try RoP instead of incanter's flow and make sure you're firing off a GS during RoP and that should bump your DPS a bit
If you can swap talents between fights its ok to use RoP but for nearly all fights in EN/ToV i think IF is better. On current patch maybe the data is against my point of view but after the 10% nerf i think there will be less situations where RoP>IF in realistic situations.

One of the things that made me quit fire was that you had to plan combustion so much, if you had to move from the rune the dps was ruined, and not all the spells are predictable + was a nightmare to consider all the boss cooldowns to reduce the chance of being targeted by something.

Using rune on frost is something i am against as IF is perceived as an option, coming stronger on next patch because RoP is nerfed.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Rikx Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:47 pm

Using rune on frost is something i am against as IF is perceived as an option, coming stronger on next patch because RoP is nerfed.
Incanter's Flow is only really viable (i.e., not a noticeable dps loss) on regular BC-TV frost. Every other mage spec benefits very highly from cooldown stacking.

And RoP is getting reduced to 40% from 50%, which is still a significant damage bump when you line it up with other cooldowns.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Diawo Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:07 am

Yes and no. Potaetoe has been focusing on the PTR data, and I think Hellfreeze has been as well. My personal testing and alterations has increased my sim dps but has not yet beaten Hellfreeze's sim.

Then again I've been busy with a lot of other stuff so I haven't been able to put that much time into it lately.

Thanks, how is it looking over on the PTR?
I have tried to get a script from the simc profile to use in Ovale, and so far it works wonders.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Cauldron Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:15 am

So yesterday raid I gave GS another try:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/D9 ... amage-done

Results were so poor that Raid Leader asked me to go back to fire :(

But I'm pretty sure it's more my fault than spec fault.
I'm only skimming here.

Your crit and/or mastery must be absurdly low. 35.6% crit on Frostbolt and 16.7% on GS?
I'm not logged now but as far as i remember i'm around 31% crit and 65% mastery. Using aran ruby 865 and 880 plague trinkets
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby MagusMaximus Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:52 am

Using rune on frost is something i am against as IF is perceived as an option, coming stronger on next patch because RoP is nerfed.
Incanter's Flow is only really viable (i.e., not a noticeable dps loss) on regular BC-TV frost. Every other mage spec benefits very highly from cooldown stacking.

And RoP is getting reduced to 40% from 50%, which is still a significant damage bump when you line it up with other cooldowns.
Very true, I run a typical BC/IF/TV build and regularly use IF and I consistently parse 90%+, often 95%+.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Moyx Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:49 am

Hello my glacial friends, im playing this build for about 1 month and its sick! The best on this build is world pvp hitting ppl with 3M glacial while they have 2,2M hp.

I want to share my experience about trinkets.
The BIS looks to be Arcano crystal.
I doubt about second, i have:
875 urn,
870 stormsinger(http://www.wowhead.com/item=137367/stor ... bonus=1826" target="_blank)
885 swarming plaguehive
870 bought of corruption.

I prefer stormsinger because he rolls my mastery on 118% which means CRAZY icicle if i crit (fb + flury timing)
Gravy boat
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Gravy boat Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:52 am

Thank you so much for the work. I really want to give this a go. Can someone point me to some stat weights to use for this build?
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Moyx Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:54 pm

Stat weigh should be mastery>crit=int ... then im not sure
i presonaly prefer to have 33,3% crit softcap (100% shatter crit) then full mastery,
but other good glacials i have talked to dont even mind about the softcap and go hard for mastery
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby SwolBC Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:53 pm

Hey all, just wanted to let you know that I updated the default rotation on the AMR simulator to handle Glacial Spike much better than previously, based on a lot of the discussion in this thread.

I didn't generate a set of default weights for it, but, some limited testing certainly backs up mastery as the go-to stat followed by Crit. The simulator is all set up so that people could create a custom gearing strategy for glacial spike if they would like.

I didn't optimize the AoE rotation for a glacial spike build yet, since it's not really good for that situation, but I'll get to that at some point as well.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Cauldron Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:50 am

Hey all, just wanted to let you know that I updated the default rotation on the AMR simulator to handle Glacial Spike much better than previously, based on a lot of the discussion in this thread.

I didn't generate a set of default weights for it, but, some limited testing certainly backs up mastery as the go-to stat followed by Crit. The simulator is all set up so that people could create a custom gearing strategy for glacial spike if they would like.

I didn't optimize the AoE rotation for a glacial spike build yet, since it's not really good for that situation, but I'll get to that at some point as well.
Thanks! I use the web askmrrobot simulator, or simulation craft. Can i find the rotation u mentioned in the web version? Do I just run the single target simulation and that's it?
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby SwolBC Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:52 pm

Yes, just use the "Default" rotation. Click the "view/edit" link next to it to view the rotation and copy it if you wish to edit it. You can use whatever boss script you want, but the rotation isn't optimized for ones with AoE yet.

Ursoc (H) is a short single target fight that uses lust at the end. You can change bloodlust to "rotation" in the options to use it at the beginning. You can customize the fight length in the options as well.

The Single Target script is a 450 second fight that relies on the rotation for when to use bloodlust.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Potaetoe Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:40 am

I haven't found much to increase dps in the apl for the ptr.... So i haven't really reported back... I'm pretty sure ebonbolt is useful for added consistency. But it didn't really add much to the dps. On the ptr specifically. So :<

Was hoping PTR updates would put Ice Lance in the rotation more. But I think the stat nerfs stopped that from happening. It's harder to get closer to shatter cap reducing the dps over tens of thousands of iterations.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Diawo Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:44 pm

Maybe I am just stupid, but how do you utilize Shatter properly?
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Unread postby Dray Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:30 pm

Very nice guide..
There are some stats weight for pawn ? ;-)
Thx a lot
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Rikx Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:03 pm

Maybe I am just stupid, but how do you utilize Shatter properly?
Make sure you're far enough away so that when you cast your instant Flurry right after Frostbolt, the Flurry lands *before* the Frostbolt does.

Flurry has a faster travel time than Frostbolt does, you see.

This puts Winter's Chill on the target and makes the Frostbolt treat the target like they were frozen, giving Frostbolt the Shatter bonus.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Diawo Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:44 pm

I feel silly for not knowing that, thank you for clearing that up. I thought I could buff Glacial Spike with Shatter, but yeah. Oh well, you learn something new everyday.
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Re: Glacial Spike T19M Profile and Spec Explanation

Unread postby Steelbane Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:34 am

I thought the shatter bonus was more about following that Instant Flurry up with an Ice Lance? Feels clunky as though, double GCD, really knocks out your casting rhythm I find, esp during a burn phase (hero/IV/RoP etc)

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