Updates for 7.1.5? <br abp="639"><br abp="640">someone told me IF with 35% crit and then mastery
Stop worrying about 7.1.5 for now. There's still something like, at least two more weeks of changes to go through
I think. Even just tweaking the right spell coefficient slightly can change everything from stat weights to rotation.
The best/only thing you can do to prepare for 7.1.5 is to hold on to every piece of gear you can hold on to, that has a good ilvl. Other than that, it's pointless to speculate here about it.
in Frosted's guide ([7.1] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary) the legendary list also seems strange: AoE Zanessu gives about the same DPS as Magtheridon for single target.<br abp="676"><br abp="677">It seems that Simcraft does not count Frost legendaries properly.
Not to sound like a dick here, but you can't reasonably believe SimC isn't simulating legendaries properly just because they're is doing less damage than what you
think it ought to be doing.
Could there be a problem? Sure. But there needs to be more and better evidence than just "well it looks wrong". It could be a problem with how the APL is written, for example. But really if you think there's a problem, then
you should go and try testing it.
When I was young and impressionable, and playing one of my first MMOs, a very smart player once told me, "If you really want to know something, find out for yourself. Don't rely on someone else telling you." And then he warped out using a method that hadn't been documented by any of the players at the time.
Plus, think of it this way. Mag's Bracers gives at most 18% extra to ice lance. Zann'esu gives at most 175% to blizzard. If I napkinmathed it right, Zann'esu at 5 stacks makes blizzard when you cast it a 1089%/8s spellpower cast. If Mag Bracer stacks never drop, that just makes your ice lances go from 267.9% on a FoF to 316.122%. It wouldn't be strange if Zann'esu is competitive at that rate.
If you want to test it, feel free and go ahead! I mean, you could just try equipping a sim character with Mag's Bracers and only using ice lance, to see if it's applying the 18% extra damage correctly. Then you could try using ice lance only on FoF... there's a lot of things you can test.