Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Eyliria Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:41 am

I`ve been running a M+ oriented spec, and my trinkets of choice have been Arans' Ruby (with Nightbane chest) and Unstable Horrorslime.

Unstable Horrorslime procs very often and does AoE damage.
Aran's is a little more hit and miss, but it can crit for as high as 1.5M - sometimes Aran doesnt proc at all on shorter trash packs, but for higher level mythics where packs tend to survive a decent amount of time, it's crazy. This trinket does 15% of my damage overall for a M+ dungeon. Horrorslime also hovers around 9-10%

I never really mathed it out to see if I was right, but I made the assumption that most of the HP we need to burn through in a M+ comes from trash, so it made more sense to me to run Aran's+Horrorslime than any other combo so far.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby broedrost Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:25 am

I`ve been running a M+ oriented spec, and my trinkets of choice have been Arans' Ruby (with Nightbane chest) and Unstable Horrorslime.

Unstable Horrorslime procs very often and does AoE damage.
Aran's is a little more hit and miss, but it can crit for as high as 1.5M - sometimes Aran doesnt proc at all on shorter trash packs, but for higher level mythics where packs tend to survive a decent amount of time, it's crazy. This trinket does 15% of my damage overall for a M+ dungeon. Horrorslime also hovers around 9-10%

I never really mathed it out to see if I was right, but I made the assumption that most of the HP we need to burn through in a M+ comes from trash, so it made more sense to me to run Aran's+Horrorslime than any other combo so far.

It all comes down to your group comp, really. If you need boss damage you would go for sinew but if you already have good single target and bosses die quickly then I agree that horrorslime is a better choice
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby blcmn Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:10 pm

I got a 880 Caged Horror last night, is this trinket fixed or still bugging?
What is the procc rate like?

Usually I run with 855 Wriggling and 855 Oakheart/naxx.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Erosis Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:58 am

I got a 880 Caged Horror last night, is this trinket fixed or still bugging?
What is the procc rate like?

Usually I run with 855 Wriggling and 855 Oakheart/naxx.

I have been having serious issue with my Caged Horrer. I have an 880 version as well and it is so inconsistent. Even when it does proc, it is doing hardly the damage I would want out of an 880.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Emrin Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:13 pm

Its just me or Bough of corruption is overrated ? I was suspicious about that trinket for few weeks now and decided to test it in yesterday raid. Atteded 2-3 mages, me and two other mages with 880-882 ilvl and most of EN I was equipped with Plague swarm, others Baugh of corruption

Trinkets damage from last raid:

Plague Swarm (880ilvl): 5.7M
BOC (880ilvl): 4.69M
BOC (880ilvl): 2.08M

Horor slime (870ilvl): 3.64M
BOC (880ilvl): 5.49M

Plague Swarm (880ilvl): 3.12M
BOC (880ilvl): 2.17M

Plague Swarm (880ilvl): 5.44M
BOC (880ilvl): 3.99M
BOC (880ilvl): 1.63M

Plague swarm (880ilvl): 5.89M
BOC (880ilvl): 1.46M

Plague swarm (880ilvl): 4.78M
BOC (880ilvl): 8.98M
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby debil Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:06 pm

Its just me or Bough of corruption is overrated ? I was suspicious about that trinket for few weeks now and decided to test it in yesterday raid. Atteded 2-3 mages, me and two other mages with 880-882 ilvl and most of EN I was equipped with Plague swarm, others Baugh of corruption

Trinkets damage from last raid:

Plague Swarm (880ilvl): 5.7M
BOC (880ilvl): 4.69M
BOC (880ilvl): 2.08M

Horor slime (870ilvl): 3.64M
BOC (880ilvl): 5.49M

Plague Swarm (880ilvl): 3.12M
BOC (880ilvl): 2.17M

Plague Swarm (880ilvl): 5.44M
BOC (880ilvl): 3.99M
BOC (880ilvl): 1.63M

Plague swarm (880ilvl): 5.89M
BOC (880ilvl): 1.46M

Plague swarm (880ilvl): 4.78M
BOC (880ilvl): 8.98M
It is not just for you, i found dmg of BOC procs quite shitty even compared to manacracker, but manacracker got 1418 int vs 1005 almost useless mastery (got 870 boc and 865 manacracker). Actually I use BOC only in mythic+ because of decent aoe damage and mastery is helpful there.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Falq Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:04 pm

If you could read this topic you would find information about BoC bug. Measuring it's damage with more than 1 trinket in the raid is heavily unreliable. This trinket have great damage opportunity if proc at correct time. If you are not fine with this kind of RNG, don't use it. Also he have mastery so it's better stat than haste for us so If damage is similar to PS, BoS is higher only due to mastery > haste.

As reminder: If many people use it in raid, this trinket output can be either insane, (if refreshed at the end of the duration) or shit (if refreshed at the begining).
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby debil Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:28 pm

If you could read this topic you would find information about BoC bug. Measuring it's damage with more than 1 trinket in the raid is heavily unreliable. This trinket have great damage opportunity if proc at correct time. If you are not fine with this kind of RNG, don't use it. Also he have mastery so it's better stat than haste for us so If damage is similar to PS, BoS is higher only due to mastery > haste.

As reminder: If many people use it in raid, this trinket output can be either insane, (if refreshed at the end of the duration) or shit (if refreshed at the begining).
I have the only bough in our raid. 2-3 avg dmg per boss is no good for me, even plaguehive deals about 5% of my damage.

Since when mastery is better than haste? Mastery is the worst stat ever for mage since it is 3+ target cleave fight.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby broedrost Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:00 pm

If you could read this topic you would find information about BoC bug. Measuring it's damage with more than 1 trinket in the raid is heavily unreliable. This trinket have great damage opportunity if proc at correct time. If you are not fine with this kind of RNG, don't use it. Also he have mastery so it's better stat than haste for us so If damage is similar to PS, BoS is higher only due to mastery > haste.

As reminder: If many people use it in raid, this trinket output can be either insane, (if refreshed at the end of the duration) or shit (if refreshed at the begining).
I have the only bough in our raid. 2-3 avg dmg per boss is no good for me, even plaguehive deals about 5% of my damage.

Since when mastery is better than haste? Mastery is the worst stat ever for mage since it is 3+ target cleave fight.
Crit>vers/haste>mastery for single target
Crit>mastery>vers/haste for anything with more than 1 target.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby debil Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:18 am

If you could read this topic you would find information about BoC bug. Measuring it's damage with more than 1 trinket in the raid is heavily unreliable. This trinket have great damage opportunity if proc at correct time. If you are not fine with this kind of RNG, don't use it. Also he have mastery so it's better stat than haste for us so If damage is similar to PS, BoS is higher only due to mastery > haste.

As reminder: If many people use it in raid, this trinket output can be either insane, (if refreshed at the end of the duration) or shit (if refreshed at the begining).
I have the only bough in our raid. 2-3 avg dmg per boss is no good for me, even plaguehive deals about 5% of my damage.

Since when mastery is better than haste? Mastery is the worst stat ever for mage since it is 3+ target cleave fight.
Crit>vers/haste>mastery for single target
Crit>mastery>vers/haste for anything with more than 1 target.
For anything with more than 1 target during all fight length. How many encounters meet these requirements?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby mlvnk Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:04 am

In my opinion theres no point argue about value of haste/mastery as im pretty sure you are also aware that stat weight is different for everyone. At some point i have my mastery weight higher than haste because of abaundance of haste in my gear and now haste slightly equal to mastery with versatility better than int. Well just an example using my own stat weight. For best result just sim stat weight based on encounter and u can even go further by having different stat weight for each encounter. Really gain no value in this discussion by arguing about generic stat weight
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Superj Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:31 am

i just got a 860 Sinew, and when i sim it in place of my BoC 865, it show that Bough is like a 20k PDS increase over the Sinew, but the pie chart for damage also does not show any damage from the Sinew. Is simcraft not sim that trinket correctly?
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Sosaria Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:38 am

Bough of Corruption is extremely RNG. So much that it's really not worth using. I have an 870 version and I don't bother with it (multiply fights it did very little damage with an exception here or there)

You're better off using the Sinew to retain the crit, and you have a degree of control on the actual proc.

Pair it with Aran's Ruby asap, as the proc rate for the Ruby is extremely good.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Superj Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:57 am

thanks, i thought so, my other trinket right now is an 865 version of the arcanocrystal, but when i get a ruby i will replace it

again thanks for the fast answer
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby Imaskar Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:06 am

Is there any bug involving Aran+Helia combo? It did 0 (zero) dmage on several pulls in a row util I replaced it. While it procs just fine in dungeons.
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby broedrost Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:49 am

Is there any bug involving Aran+Helia combo? It did 0 (zero) dmage on several pulls in a row util I replaced it. While it procs just fine in dungeons.
On our last HC Helya kill it did 11% for me. It's the best fight for that trinket imo ... &source=21" target="_blank
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby bonespike Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:27 am

Hey everyone just have a quick question about trinkets. Today Unstable Arcanocrystal 895+socket dropped for me off Jim. I am currently using wriggling sinew with the devilsure shock baton. I am a noob when it comes to trinkets , and was wondering if it was worth using it for the stats it gives. Also the current trinkets i have are listed below, not sure if the Arcanocrystal might be better with another one i have.

Swarming Plagehive 865
Naraxa's Spike Tongue 840
Bough of Corruption 850
Aran's Ruby 860
Unstable Arcanocrystal 895+socket
Horn of Valor 855
Twisting Wind 865
Devilsur Shock Baton 850
Wriggling Sinew 850
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby debil Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:42 pm

Hey everyone just have a quick question about trinkets. Today Unstable Arcanocrystal 895+socket dropped for me off Jim. I am currently using wriggling sinew with the devilsure shock baton. I am a noob when it comes to trinkets , and was wondering if it was worth using it for the stats it gives. Also the current trinkets i have are listed below, not sure if the Arcanocrystal might be better with another one i have.

Swarming Plagehive 865
Naraxa's Spike Tongue 840
Bough of Corruption 850
Aran's Ruby 860
Unstable Arcanocrystal 895+socket
Horn of Valor 855
Twisting Wind 865
Devilsur Shock Baton 850
Wriggling Sinew 850
You should use that Arcanocrystal. Another one is Aran's Ruby (try to get Nightbane's chest for it)
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby broedrost Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:27 am

Today Unstable Arcanocrystal 895+socket dropped for me off Jim.
I'd suck a dick for that. FeelsBadMan
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Re: Fire Trinket Discussion Megathread

Unread postby kesMow Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:12 pm

Today Unstable Arcanocrystal 895+socket dropped for me off Jim.
I'd suck a dick for that. FeelsBadMan
You should delete it and record it on YT, cause I want to jump from the 8th floor at this moment lol...

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