7.1.5 PTR Notes

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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Imaskar Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:30 pm

I wrote a wrap-up of feedback, but can only post on EU. Here it is: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/top ... 8#post-145" target="_blank
Can someone please cross post it to US?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Oderus Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:11 pm

I wrote a wrap-up of feedback, but can only post on EU. Here it is: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/top ... 8#post-145" target="_blank
Can someone please cross post it to US?

Great post Imaskar. I just posted it to the MasterThread:@Mages on the US 7.1.5 PTR forum.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Erosis Wed Dec 14, 2016 3:34 am

Huge changes to legendary balance coming. Added to bottom of post. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/top ... 046#post-1" target="_blank
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:59 pm

Thank f%*$ for that.
The fact that you can be anywhere from 5-8% behind others because you rolled bad dice is outrageous.

With that being said, I'll believe it when I see the actual proposed changes.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Imaskar Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:37 pm

@Oderus thank you!

> Huge changes to legendary balance coming
No actual proposals, though (
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby pleblius Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:14 pm

Just wanted to add, you linked to the wrong post for the HU bank discussion, lol.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:10 am

New PTR is up.

I see... zero changes as far Fire goes.
Including legendaries.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Cirock Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:03 am

New PTR is up.

I see... zero changes as far Fire goes.
Including legendaries.
Well seeing that 99% of the overall changes of this build are nerfs and heavy ones (even Prydaz got nerfed lol), I think it's not a bad thing they didn't touch to Fire this one ...
Arcane and Frost legs took a pretty big hit.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Mushmouth Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:56 am

New PTR is up.

I see... zero changes as far Fire goes.
Including legendaries.
Well seeing that 99% of the overall changes of this build are nerfs and heavy ones (even Prydaz got nerfed lol), I think it's not a bad thing they didn't touch to Fire this one ...
Arcane and Frost legs took a pretty big hit.
How did Prydaz get nerfed? they added a third secondary stat.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Rylai Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:30 am

New PTR is up.

I see... zero changes as far Fire goes.
Including legendaries.
There's one big change that frightens me: The latest patch is marked as release candidate..

How did Prydaz get nerfed? they added a third secondary stat.
Shield nerfed from 30% to 25%. Removed 757 mastery and added 134 crit and 1,247 haste. Atleast for fire this is a nerf if the stat weights don't change drastically in 7.1.5.
Last edited by Rylai on Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Imaskar Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:19 pm

Just wanted to add, you linked to the wrong post for the HU bank discussion, lol.
Thanks for actually reading the post, lol!) Corrected.
Last edited by Imaskar on Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby debil Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:24 pm

Removed 757 mastery and added 134 crit and 1,247 haste. Atleast for fire this is a nerf if the stat weights don't change drastically in 7.1.5.
This is not a nerf. 1247 haste always > 757 mastery since mastery is worse stat for almost every raid encounter
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Imaskar Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:32 pm

The funny thing about that Eyliria, is that change would actually do more for our rotation than the Pyrotechnics buff. Consider that Pyrotechnics only applies before we get Heating Up, so it doesn't protect us from losing it on the second fireball, which in my mind is way more frustrating.
I think, the idea is to have FBlast for every HU (considering faster FBlast recharge plus fewer HU procs), just skipping few before the combustion.
This is not a nerf. 1247 haste always > 757 mastery since mastery is worse stat for almost every raid encounter
But mastery gets ahead even on two targets. And pure single target encounters are only Nythendra and Guarm.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Rylai Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:42 pm

This is not a nerf. 1247 haste always > 757 mastery since mastery is worse stat for almost every raid encounter
Hö? There are only 2 pure ST encounters right now (Guarm/Nythendra). As soon as you got at least a second target, the impact of mastery increases drastically. Mastery is even better than crit, provided there are enough targets.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:26 pm

New PTR is up.

I see... zero changes as far Fire goes.
Including legendaries.
Well seeing that 99% of the overall changes of this build are nerfs and heavy ones (even Prydaz got nerfed lol), I think it's not a bad thing they didn't touch to Fire this one ...
Arcane and Frost legs took a pretty big hit.
Most classes got +% buffs to their 'spec aura' this patch, see, rogues, dhs, hunters, ret paladins.
We were completely untouched.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby debil Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:51 pm

This is not a nerf. 1247 haste always > 757 mastery since mastery is worse stat for almost every raid encounter
Hö? There are only 2 pure ST encounters right now (Guarm/Nythendra). As soon as you got at least a second target, the impact of mastery increases drastically. Mastery is even better than crit, provided there are enough targets.
Yes but there is almost none encounters where you can cleave 2+ target ALL the fight
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Muffelmage Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:23 pm

New PTR is up.

I see... zero changes as far Fire goes.
Including legendaries.
There's one big chance that frightens me: The latest patch is marked as release candidate..

How did Prydaz get nerfed? they added a third secondary stat.
Shield nerfed from 30% to 25%. Removed 757 mastery and added 134 crit and 1,247 haste. Atleast for fire this is a nerf if the stat weights don't change drastically in 7.1.5.
Okay it looks like it is very very likely now that
1. ice floes are history
2. we will lose again single-target-damage
3. the utility legendaries are still minor upgrades (so bad luck for all those who got ring, neck, chest and boots)
4. our burst which was still one of our strength and potential to differentiate to other specs and dps classes is more or less down to a common burst level

Having bad luck with 3 utility legendaries sorry for whining but all this news are feeling so bad man...
I don't understand the changes in any sense. There was so much potential and good ideas among the community, its just ignored.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Rylai Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:12 pm

Yes but there is almost none encounters where you can cleave 2+ target ALL the fight
But our ST damage is lackluster at best.. Why would you focus on getting an extra 0.x% out of the ST damage by reducing your cleave/AE abilities if you can get some cheap mastery that shows far more impact as soon as there are 2+ targets available?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby debil Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:44 pm

Yes but there is almost none encounters where you can cleave 2+ target ALL the fight
But our ST damage is lackluster at best.. Why would you focus on getting an extra 0.x% out of the ST damage by reducing your cleave/AE abilities if you can get some cheap mastery that shows far more impact as soon as there are 2+ targets available?
Because haste increase both single target and multitarget damage. It reduces cooldown of Living Bomb that deals quite good aoe damage. Besides that more haste = more pyroblasts during combu = more aoe burst damage. And with bracers haste becomes more valuable. So it definetly do not reduce your cleave/AE abilities but powers up all your abilities
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:25 am

Someone pointed out that the last PTR build is labelled release candidate.
Here's to hoping it's from a mechanical standpoint, because, I just now got extremely worried about my viability come patch.

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