PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Frosted Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:37 pm

Since we've actually gotten some tuning I went ahead and threw the sim at arcane talents. With Qking dead I think the standard burn/conserve rotation that the sim uses by default is more applicable now than it was on live (until legendary items come around and force us to re-think things). Results:

In Brief:

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If I'm reading through most of this thread correctly, this supports some of the ideas people had about Erosion/OP performance during PTR tests? I'm not sure if Amp is being used "correctly" here (it's basically treating AM the same way it always had - it might be worth it to shift more into AP when running Amp, which I haven't tried yet). Amp and OP probably are just over-tuned at the moment for single target.

Arch and I also went and checked out the Greater Blessing of Wisdom buff to make sure we knew how it worked on the PTR. It's basically exactly what it sounds like - it regens 1% of your max mana (which takes into account mastery mana increase and Arcane Familiar) and regens that in 0.2% increments every 1s. So you get small bits every 2s.
Logs: ... 100&boss=0" target="_blank

I've implemented the buff as an option in 715 for mages which you can turn on with blessing_of_wisdom=1.

A quick run through the sim shows minor gains using the default T19M and talents=2022031:

Some of the bigger questions I have about Arcane right now are:

1) How did the changes to AM/AB power (specifically through talents like Amp) effect the rotation?
2) What is the best way to use the Evo hat? At a glance it basically is just free 1mil or so mana - but in reality it means your burns can be much sloppier wrt their start/end times than they can be on live, meaning Arcane could be a lot more flexible than it currently is.
3) With enough regen legendary items (bracers/helm) would it ever be possible to revive an abarrless rotation that isn't a large ST DPS loss vs. a standard B/C cycling, and what does this mean for how flexible Arcane is in 715 when thinking about how Abarr gives "free" cleave/AoE.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Ddmagebags Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:57 pm

Frosted...You have eased my mind because I have been going over different talent situations in my head and I honestly am sooooo thankful you posted this.

Question -This a single target priority? I loved using Barrage in my AOE (M+) rotation so I would tend to take Resonance in that scenario, also with the new Arcane Orb, is it worth taking over OP? I would think you would still want the single target capability at bosses so I would lean towards OP, but I haven't used Arcane Orb at all. I was wondering if this sim was done on ST...
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Frosted Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:28 am

Frosted...You have eased my mind because I have been going over different talent situations in my head and I honestly am sooooo thankful you posted this.

Question -This a single target priority? I loved using Barrage in my AOE (M+) rotation so I would tend to take Resonance in that scenario, also with the new Arcane Orb, is it worth taking over OP? I would think you would still want the single target capability at bosses so I would lean towards OP, but I haven't used Arcane Orb at all. I was wondering if this sim was done on ST...
I'm pretty much in the same phase you are with asking questions and trying to find answers, so I don't really have anything concrete for you. I would consider those sim results as more exploratory, similar to what other people in the thread were doing with some back of the envelope calculations, than I would as concrete things to follow for 715.

The APL ran was single target, yes. I didn't look into multi-target scenarios or what kind of target number/frequency of adds allows AO>OP/TF, but it's also a question I'm interested in looking into.

As for Resonance, at least in what was run here you can see there is a very small delta between the 1st/2nd combination - the 2nd one running Resonance. So it'd be a reasonable assumption to make that trading off CU -> Resonance would be beneficial on >1 target scenarios, if you care about dealing damage to those targets.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Ddmagebags Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:03 am

Awesome Thanks!!!
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby blaqmind Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:25 pm

What really interests me here is that IF does so well, in a real raid situation IF could eventually overtake ROP if you screw only one ROP up

But how do you time IF correctly? when do you start burning in the cycle?
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby gurudox Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:02 pm

What really interests me here is that IF does so well, in a real raid situation IF could eventually overtake ROP if you screw only one ROP up

But how do you time IF correctly? when do you start burning in the cycle?
I think it remains to be seen how flexible ROP will be in the Nighthold encounters. If IF is this close to ROP, and the fights are heavy movement based, you're going to see IF win in practice every time. If there are very clear periods allowing us to cleanly time our CDs with ROP, then ROP will still be the top choice. Most likely, we'll have six of one, half dozen the other, encouraging swapping skills based on the encounter.

Generally you'd want to time IF on the uptick going into your AP/burn phase. With our artificat trait that increases duration on AP, you'd probably want to start at 16% bonus (especially if you have +AP duration relics). That gives you the longest period of time at high damage in conjunction with your cooldowns.

IF seems like it will synergize well with CU, so that you can make sure you have max charges to maximize damage during the highest IF bonus.

I for one welcome the death of ROP.
Last edited by gurudox on Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Eiein Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:04 pm

I'm curious about optimal Charged Up usage. How does the sim handle it; and where exactly in the initial burst is it used? I know Rue talked about using it at the end of AP, but when specifically do you do that?

What does the opening salvo sequence look like? Is it better to cast the 2nd Rune in the final seconds of AP?

ABx4>MoA>Rune>AP>AM(all procs)>PoM>AB>AB>(AM if available)ABarr>CU>Rune>AB or AM proc until mana burnt(saving one AM for after Evo)>Evo>MoA>Rune>AM>PoM>AB>AB>(AM) AB> ABarr>CU>ABarr>Conserve

Also I just wanted to thank you Frosted, for all you do and have done for all of these years. The mage community owes you much; and I appreciate being able to stand on your shoulders, as well as the other mathletes of the simc world.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Ddmagebags Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:52 am

I'm curious about optimal Charged Up usage. How does the sim handle it; and where exactly in the initial burst is it used? I know Rue talked about using it at the end of AP, but when specifically do you do that?

What does the opening salvo sequence look like? Is it better to cast the 2nd Rune in the final seconds of AP?

ABx4>MoA>Rune>AP>AM(all procs)>PoM>AB>AB>(AM if available)ABarr>CU>Rune>AB or AM proc until mana burnt(saving one AM for after Evo)>Evo>MoA>Rune>AM>PoM>AB>AB>(AM) AB> ABarr>CU>ABarr>Conserve

Also I just wanted to thank you Frosted, for all you do and have done for all of these years. The mage community owes you much; and I appreciate being able to stand on your shoulders, as well as the other mathletes of the simc world.

I would have to think that you wouldn't want to dump all AM charges immediately into AP unless you are capped... I'm sure there will eventually be some math on it W/ and W/O Amplification, but I would think it would be a DPS increase to push as many AB into your AP as possible. This is just speculation though, I haven't done any math on it yet.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Imaskar Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:29 am

What stat distribution/priority have you used in your simulations, Frosted?
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Densor Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:30 am

Arcanosaur and Mythlos got into a little bit of a discussion about AM usage during AP on the forums and I managed to come up with a way to look at it that might make sense. I'm reposting this from my post on those forums. I'll post the table here as an image attachment.

Edited to remove mention of a pointless mastery number and to take sustain rotation mana cost into account when comparing mana expenditure.


First off, I can tell you that if you prefer to bank AM for after AP finishes, you want to have at least 14% haste. It's probably ideal to have 18% haste, but 14% haste covers most situations, while there are a few situations where up to 20% haste may be helpful. If you prefer to spend AM within AP, you can get by with just 10% haste. Most likely, we're going to be running around 20% haste, just to spend our mana fast enough.

I'm going to work under the assumption that even with Overpowered and inside AP, it is still a DPS loss to munch an AM proc. Based on that, if you are casting an AB and have 2 charges of AM available, you will be casting an AM as your next spell. The caveat to this is when using PoM to cast the AB, in which case you can decide based on whether you got to 3 charges or not during the GCD invoked by the instant AB.

I'm also assuming that you will never cast Barrage to end AP, since you will be trying to bank some AM's for use after AP ends. Similarly, I'm assuming you enter AP with 0 AM charges, since you would use them earlier if you had them, rather than risk munching AM procs. However, MoA may proc AM, so you could enter with 1 AM charge. If you instead prefer to use AM procs inside AP, I'm assuming you enter with 2 charges and may proc another from MoA. I'm also assuming you may cast Barrage at the end of AP, if you wouldn't have any banked AM procs. I'm also assuming a 20% AM proc chance.

Finally, I am working under the assumption that once you cast PoM, you can no longer hardcast AB, and to fully utilize AP, you want to end with an instant cast, which would have to be a PoM'ed AB, since you don't want to cast Barrage.

With all that said, I built a list of every situation (it's really ugly to post, but I can if you really want) that can occur once you start the AP burn for both preferring to bank AM and preferring to use AM. I am assuming 14% haste. Having more haste will change the results, as there are additional breakpoints for certain situations within AP at 16, 18, and 20% haste. I'm also assuming a 13 second long AP. Additional AP duration relics will change the results, obviously. I guess there was more to say. So, the results:

Preferring to bank AM procs, on average, you will cast 6.5 AB's during AP. Additionally, due to the effects of RoP (@ 40% like the PTR), you will effectively do 8.54 AB's worth of damage with those 6.5 AB's, not counting the bonus from AP (either 1.3x or 1.7x depending on your talents). You will also cast an average of 1.2 AM's during that time for a total of 1.4 AM's worth of damage, again not counting the bonus from AP. Additionally, you will exit with an average of 1.46 AM procs. You can also have an additional 2 AM procs from prior to AP that can be counted in.

If you instead prefer to use AM procs, on average, you will cast 4.4 AB's during AP, for a total of 5.69 AB's worth of damage, still not counting AP's damage bonus. You will also cast 3.3 AM's for a total of 4.2 AM's worth of damage, without AP's damage bonus. Additionally, since we aren't really trying to bank AM procs, you will cast 0.4 Barrages during AP as well. This was done in the cases where PoM AB's were already used and I still needed an instant for the end of AP. You will then end AP with an average of 0.9 AM procs.

Now, let's look at the differences between the two. Assuming you prefer to bank AM's you will do approximately 2.85 AB's worth of extra damage from AB. You will be down about 2.76 AM's worth of damage. You will be down 0.4 worth of Barrage damage. You will have 2.53 additional casts of AM to use.

Now, let's normalize the damage out to AB's worth of damage. As I mentioned before, AM does 1.38 AB's worth of damage. Barrage does 0.67 AB's worth of damage. In total, by banking AM's you will do 1.21 AB's worth of damage less than if you were to prefer to spend AM's. However, you still have 2.53 additional AM casts worth of damage outside of AP to use. You also have cast 2.15 more AB's, so you've spent more mana.

Now, let's add in AP bonuses. If you are running Overpowered, you will have done 2.06 AB's less damage and have spent 11.61% extra base mana to do it. In return, you have 2.53 additional AM's to spend, and mana they save, to make up for it. Keep in mind that it will take you 4.44 additional seconds of time to spend it. I'm not exactly sure how you plan to use your other RoP, but if you don't use it here (keep in mind, 2 of your additional AM's happen before AP and the other are afterwards), your additional AM's will translate to 3.49 AB's of extra damage. That means you are now comparing 1.43 AB's worth of damage to 4.44 seconds of non-burst DPS.

Although, at high enough mastery, maybe we need to drop the Barrage casts and just assume you are non-stop casting AB, which nets you another 0.46 AB's worth of damage from the Barrages we didn't cast. Now we are comparing 1.89 AB's worth of damage to 4.44 seconds of time. Unfortunately, in 4.44 seconds, you can cast 2.25 AB's, so you lost there.

If we assume you can't cast AB non-stop and are actually entering a sustain rotation, then you still have 1.43 AB's of damage to make up in 4.44 seconds. I can throw some numbers at that. At 40000 int, 28% crit, 30% mastery, and 14% haste, AB4 does 484k damage. The sustain rotation averages 200k DPS. Your extra AB's end up falling 196k DPS short of matching it. The sustain rotation takes at those numbers takes about 1% of base mana per second. You regen 1.95% of base mana per second. As a result, after 4.44 seconds, you will regen 13.1% of base mana relative to the sustain rotation, which means you will actually have saved about 1.5% of base mana, but still have done less DPS.

If you aren't running Overpowered, you've done 1.57 AB's less damage and have spent 27.09% extra base mana to do it. You also have 2.53 additional AM's to cast over 4.44 seconds with which to make up the lost damage. The mana saved by casting AM won't make up for how much extra you have spent, unfortunately. I doubt you will make up the extra damage, though you have less to make up.

If we add in Amplification, the balance shifts even more towards spending AM during AP, but I would have to actually look at the mastery damage multiplier for each spell, so I don't want to do that.


For the table, there are two data sets. The first 7 lines are preferring to use AM during AP. Then there is a line break and the following lines are preferring to bank AM procs. Each row is a potential cast sequence based on what the state of your AM procs is at. The last column is the percentage chance that this sequence is used. The 3rd to last row is the amount of cast time spent up to that point. That's used for determining the haste requirement to fit another instant cast at the end of AP. The 5th and 6th rows are where RoP will start falling off. With the 14% haste I assumed in my post, instant casts in the 6th row will most likely occur while RoP is active. The (proc) stuff just tells me whether an AB cast procced AM or how many of the previous AB/MoA casts procced AM.

Due to the nature of RoP ending within AP, I think it will be relatively standard to cast PoM AB, AM, PoM AB to get the first AB in under RoP and AP, and the last AB in as AP ends. We have to have an AM for the middle since we can't hardcast an AB between the two PoM casts. I suppose you could use Arcane Orb or Barrage + Charged Up for one of the instant casts instead, assuming you've taken those talents.
Last edited by Densor on Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Ddmagebags Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:34 pm

My life for a TL:DR...I got lost in the wall of text....

So, You obviously don't want to munch AM procs, but it is better to cast AM during AP rather than hardcast an AB?

Also I am seeing a LOT of talk about haste...and I've seen mentioned that softcap of 18% ish, is it worth it to go above it or stack other stacks...has anything been run on that yet?

I also see you mention numbers like 74% mastery...which I can probably not get near currently even at 876, is this for a specific ilvl with tier bonus only? If so, how will say, my gear without said tier bonuses and level of gear change when 7.1.5 hits?

My mind just imploded
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Densor Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:39 pm

tl;dr is, assuming my numbers are correct, always cast AM during AP and try to enter with 2 AM charges, regardless of talent choices. However, the assumption that my numbers are correct is not entirely safe, since nobody has been critiquing them.

The 74% mastery was just the number where you end up mana neutral after AP once you take into account the mana regen during free AM procs. It's not a value to care about trying to gear for. I also didn't take the mana expenditure of the sustain DPS rotation into account, so I should just get rid of that part.

The haste numbers come from how many spells you can cast during AP. In the image I attached, you can see the casts for all the ways to get through AP when you prefer to bank AM, rather than using them. The two rows at the bottom are the worst rows (not enough AM procs) and require no haste to perform. All the rest require 10, 12, or 14% haste. As a result, I believe 14% haste is the minimum you would aim for if you plan to bank AM, which I don't believe is a good idea.

Additionally, there are 4 more cast sequences you can perform in certain situations during AP if you have more than 14% haste, at 16, 18, or 20% haste. I didn't include them because they all result in you only using one charge of PoM AB during AP. As a result, I'm not even sure they provide better DPS.

If you aren't banking AM, the 7 rows at the top of the image are for that. The longest one requires 10% haste in order to fit into AP's duration.

I've seen a softcap of 18% haste mentioned by Mythlos, and I believe it is for this reason, but I haven't seen the full reasoning behind it.

Either way, more haste isn't terrible. If you are trying to prepare your gear for the patch, I would aim for 18-20% haste just to be on the safe side. That will also give you some room to shed haste as you get upgrades if we determine that 10% is the magical breakpoint.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Frosted Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:39 pm

What are those different haste ratings for? Just different conditions for getting certain cycles to fit inside of AP?
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Ddmagebags Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:04 pm

tl;dr is, assuming my numbers are correct, always cast AM during AP and try to enter with 2 AM charges, regardless of talent choices. However, the assumption that my numbers are correct is not entirely safe, since nobody has been critiquing them.

The 74% mastery was just the number where you end up mana neutral after AP once you take into account the mana regen during free AM procs. It's not a value to care about trying to gear for. I also didn't take the mana expenditure of the sustain DPS rotation into account, so I should just get rid of that part.

The haste numbers come from how many spells you can cast during AP. In the image I attached, you can see the casts for all the ways to get through AP when you prefer to bank AM, rather than using them. The two rows at the bottom are the worst rows (not enough AM procs) and require no haste to perform. All the rest require 10, 12, or 14% haste. As a result, I believe 14% haste is the minimum you would aim for if you plan to bank AM, which I don't believe is a good idea.

Additionally, there are 4 more cast sequences you can perform in certain situations during AP if you have more than 14% haste, at 16, 18, or 20% haste. I didn't include them because they all result in you only using one charge of PoM AB during AP. As a result, I'm not even sure they provide better DPS.

If you aren't banking AM, the 7 rows at the top of the image are for that. The longest one requires 10% haste in order to fit into AP's duration.

I've seen a softcap of 18% haste mentioned by Mythlos, and I believe it is for this reason, but I haven't seen the full reasoning behind it.

Either way, more haste isn't terrible. If you are trying to prepare your gear for the patch, I would aim for 18-20% haste just to be on the safe side. That will also give you some room to shed haste as you get upgrades if we determine that 10% is the magical breakpoint.
Yeah thankfully I have been banking my haste gear, I just hate the gray area time period where we don't have solid "This is what you do, until this, at this gear level, etc..." and if I was better at theorycrafting, I would contribute more. I can comfortably get to 18-20% haste now, before stat squish... and correct, more haste isn't necessarily a bad thing to fit more spells into AP, I just want to ensure that it is the most optimal thing to do with damage/dps.

I know that there are going to be haste breakpoints in which you may, depending on ilvl of gear, try to attempt to reach and then dependent on procs, handle your AP a certain way.

I saw the major back and forth between Arcanosaur and Mythlos depending on whether it is better to cram more AB or dump Missile procs when not capped...I can see both sides of the argument so, like other aspects of this entire patch, I cannot wait to get more concrete Sims/Information
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Frosted Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:50 pm

When you were doing your ABs per AM conversion, did you take into account that on the PTR the 12% dmg aura applies to AB but not AM?
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby a0kalittlema0n Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:52 pm

Do you have a link to the APL that was used for those sims up there? I'm curious how it was prioritizing things etc. Also was this done with 4 set? I thought TF would be a bit higher with the 4 set due to more AM procs happening even though you'd be rotating through a conserve phase.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Densor Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:18 pm

Frosted, the other haste values are for trying to cast more AB inside AP.

For instance, take the case where you start by cast ing 3xAB. If the first 2 casts proc AM, your 4th cat needs to be AM to avoid the chance of munching an AM proc. Your 5th cast will be AB. After that finishes, it might be ideal to cast PoM followed by AB, AM, AB to finish out. The final AB is cast after 14.5 seconds, so you only need 12% haste to make sure the last AB is affected by AP.

However, if you didn't get a proc on your 3rd AB, you may not want to try to cast more AB to bank that proc. If you try to do that, after your 5th cast (4th AB), you will try to cast another AB. If the 4th AB procs, you are left in the situation of having two AM procs, one more potential one, and you probably want to cast PoM at some point.

If you get (un)lucky and don't proc anymore AM's, your cast sequence ends up being 3xAB, AM, 2xAB, PoM, 2xAB. The last AB will be cast at 14.75 seconds, which requires 14% haste. However, you will be casting 3 AB's at 2 am procs, which gives you a 10.4% chance to munch an AM proc.

Instead, if you try to cast AM after the 6th cast, followed by PoM AB, the AB happens at 15.25 seconds, which requires 18% haste to make work. You also end with an extra PoM AB to cast after AP.

I believe both alternate cases will be a DPS loss compared to the first I mentioned, because you aren't taking advantage of an instant cast as RoP ends.


I did not take into account that the damage aura didn't apply to AM. I'm unsure why a flat damage aura for Arcane wouldn't apply to AM, though. It seems odd to me. 12% extra damage to AB would possibly bring it to the point where AB4 is more DPS than AM if you take Temporal Flux. Well, it would be closer anyway.

WoWHead says the aura applies to AM. It might be a bug if you aren't seeing that effect on the PTR.
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Imaskar Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:14 pm

tl;dr is, assuming my numbers are correct, always cast AM during AP and try to enter with 2 AM charges, regardless of talent choices.
always cast AM at 3 charges or dump everything?
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Naaldira Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:35 pm

Really bummed that Erosion is becoming the best talent in its tier. I don't know why they would make a change to NT to reward you for choosing a passive. That is one tuning point I hope still changes in the PTR but I doubt it will. From what I'm seeing and Frosted's charts above it looks like NT might as well not be in the game. Who would choose a talent that requires management that lowers your dps in ever circumstance?
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Re: PTR Arcane Talent Combinations

Unread postby Densor Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:07 pm

tl;dr is, assuming my numbers are correct, always cast AM during AP and try to enter with 2 AM charges, regardless of talent choices.
always cast AM at 3 charges or dump everything?
Dump all charges without interrupting a cast. It's most likely best to use a charge between your two instant AB's from PoM at the end of AP.

However, you should also try to use all your AM charges while RoP is up, so you may not have one for the above situation. In that case, it might be good to end with Barrage after the two instant AB's.

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