7.1.5 PTR Notes

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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Lahrast Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:54 am

Still working on grammar of my why to late feedback post. But I was investigated what the endresult of the current ptr patch is for Firemage:

What will you notice in 7.1.5 (For players)
Our gameplay will be as if we had 5% lower critchance on live servers and no Ice floes. (I need 2500 additional base crit rating for the same amount of hot streaks)
You might need to pick Meteor or Cinderstorm. You will be taking a lot more physical dmg.

According to simulationcraft (1 january build) our ST will be about the same, unless your using Koralon belt than your dmg will increase quite a bit (For me, Koralon results in 16k dps compared to 5k on live).

Sidenote: oh still need to sim my dps with meteor talent instead of kindling, but seeing as kindling is worse, i guess our ST increases slightly.
actually with writst and belt my dps went from 420k on live to 480k on 7.1.5 (simc), with the same talents..
hc-pyro from bracer proc hits for about the same, a little more maybe (2,9 up from 2,8 max), so the nerf to the bracers effectively kept them as-is but since pb got a higher sp-coefficient now they might scale very well in to the next 20-30 ilvl again

on ignite vs. meteor: yes 480k with kindling, 488k with meteor so ~1,5% difference

also fun fact: ignite goes from ~340k max tick to 280k which is not as bad as i expected
scaling values are also funny:
( Pawn: v1: "Cindar": Intellect=11.61, CritRating=10.80, HasteRating=8.37, MasteryRating=10.80, Versatility=9.86 )
with 6/6 ignite boost but nontheless, mastery having the same value as crit certainly is something.
but they're finally in a good order..currently it's crit > vers => int = haste > mastery ... which is rather ridiculous

so my legendary sims (good 880 ilvl replacements) give:
baseline 400k
bracer 448k (+12%)
belt 422k (+5.5%)
head 412k (+3%)
bra/bel 474k (+18.5%) extra 1% dps comes from the additional int i'd suppose

so there you have it, bracer are still king, given you can pull off the hardcast which is more difficult but not impossible thanks to shimmer
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Maywtf Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:56 am

Thank you Lahrast for this comparison, it is very informative. As I said eariel, changes are obviously a nerf to the current state, but additional Intellect and stats from higher ilvl gear might scale very well for us. Of course there's a drastic change to the gameplay itself. Lack of mobility hurts a lot, I already see myself saving shimmer for Pyro hardcasts. I just hope they do something to Flamestrike spec, because honestly, it is one of the dumbest things in WoW ever.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby jahrastafari Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:29 pm

actually with writst and belt my dps went from 420k on live to 480k on 7.1.5 (simc), with the same talents..
hc-pyro from bracer proc hits for about the same, a little more maybe (2,9 up from 2,8 max), so the nerf to the bracers effectively kept them as-is but since pb got a higher sp-coefficient now they might scale very well in to the next 20-30 ilvl again

on ignite vs. meteor: yes 480k with kindling, 488k with meteor so ~1,5% difference

also fun fact: ignite goes from ~340k max tick to 280k which is not as bad as i expected
scaling values are also funny:
( Pawn: v1: "Cindar": Intellect=11.61, CritRating=10.80, HasteRating=8.37, MasteryRating=10.80, Versatility=9.86 )
Similar situation here with belt and db hat. 420k on live, 445k on 7.1.5. Although, look at this scaling...

( Pawn: v1: "Jahrastafari": Intellect=11.27, SpellPower=10.58, CritRating=8.34, HasteRating=9.27, MasteryRating=6.91, Versatility=9.50 )

Crit is now almost my worst stat?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:11 pm

How accurate are these SimC tests?
Did you guys manually update your item profiles to reflect the 7.1.5 new values? (items have more stats, jewelry has a TON more stats)?

Simply running my current gear/talents on 7.1.0 and 7.1.5 SimC gives me a 10k DPS net loss (Db Helm and Sephuz)
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Yelloweyedemon Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:17 pm

I'm actually excited to play with meteor instead of the "clunky" Kindling.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby CaliFireMage Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:39 pm

Thanks for the info. I DL'd the 7.1.5 simcraft as well:
With same exact equipment (67% crit on live) and standard pre-7.1.5 raiding talents my DPS on ST dropped 1%. 415 to 414.
With adjust of gear and talents including dumping Kindling for Meteor, DPS went to 415 to 460.

Would the marked drop in Crit value and marked rise in Vers value be due primarily to the belt? Im glad I didnt vendor all my 880+ Vers/Haste gear after all..

Pawn: v1: "Jahrastafari": Intellect=11.27, SpellPower=10.58, CritRating=8.34, HasteRating=9.27, MasteryRating=6.91, Versatility=9.50

Any idea on what the new stat priority is? And Im now thinking Stat Priority will be driven by what BIS legs you have or dont have.
Belt/No Bracer
1. Int
2. Crit still due to mechanics?
3. Vers
4. Haste
5. Mastery

vs. maybe?
1. Int
2. Crit
3. Haste
4. Vers
5. Master
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Funkyfire Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:48 pm

For my Sims [Belt/no bracers] it is:

Int 1.00
Crit 0.89
Vers 0.87
Mastery 0.82
Haste 0.66

Well, at least for ST. Since Nighthold won't contain that many pure ST fights, i simmed from 2 mobs up to 5 which gave me the impression that mastery will be our go to stat. It scales even better than it does now for multiple targets. Which results in:

Mastery 1.31
Int 1.00
Crit 0.97
Haste 0.95
Vers 0.91

This is even worse because this would exactly mean, that we have to collect 2 sets for specific fights, since the difference is drastical.

Plus: Sinew doesnt sim as good as before (obviously bc of the RoP/Comb nerfs). Now we got more choices around, which makes me somewhat happy. :D
Last edited by Funkyfire on Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby CaliFireMage Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:54 pm

For my Sims [Belt/no bracers] it is:

Int 1.00
Crit 0.89
Vers 0.87
Mastery 0.82
Haste 0.66

Well, at least for ST. Since Nighthold won't contain that many pure ST fights, i simmed from 2 mobs up to 5 which gave me the impression that mastery will be our go to stat. It scales even better than it does now for multiple targets. Which results in:

Mastery 1.31
Int 1.00
Crit 0.97
Haste 0.95
Vers 0.91

This is even worse because this would exactly mean, that we have to collect 2 sets for specific fights, since the difference is drastical.
I would assume you will wear what NH gear gives you the 4-set bonus (per the data from the other post on the general forum) WHILE allowing you to equip your 2 highest DPS legendaries obtained. After that, there doesnt seem to be many slots left to really adjust until you have a ton of NH set gear. Doesnt seem to be many decisions we will need to make aside from jewelry/trinkets.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Mage Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:12 pm

Simming 2-5 stacked adds is not the best way to go about, there are almost no fights like that in NH.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby CaliFireMage Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:16 pm

Simming 2-5 stacked adds is not the best way to go about, there are almost no fights like that in NH.

good to know. Is NH a good deal of mechanics and movement etc? Are there any straight up ST DPS checks a fire mage might underperform a frost/arcane spec?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby jahrastafari Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:21 pm

Action list for Fire needs to be changed from <=25 to <=30 if you have the belt.

Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem & Koralon's Burning Touch
60% crit, 13% haste with Flame On, Mirror Image & Meteor


Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem & Koralon's Burning Touch
60% crit, 13% haste with Alexstraza's Fury, Mirror Image & Meteor


Interesting stuff.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Brouklis Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:07 pm

Still working on grammar of my why to late feedback post. But I was investigated what the endresult of the current ptr patch is for Firemage:

What will you notice in 7.1.5 (For players)
Our gameplay will be as if we had 5% lower critchance on live servers and no Ice floes. (I need 2500 additional base crit rating for the same amount of hot streaks)
You might need to pick Meteor or Cinderstorm. You will be taking a lot more physical dmg.

According to simulationcraft (1 january build) our ST will be about the same, unless your using Koralon belt than your dmg will increase quite a bit (For me, Koralon results in 16k dps compared to 5k on live).

Sidenote: oh still need to sim my dps with meteor talent instead of kindling, but seeing as kindling is worse, i guess our ST increases slightly.
actually with writst and belt my dps went from 420k on live to 480k on 7.1.5 (simc), with the same talents..
hc-pyro from bracer proc hits for about the same, a little more maybe (2,9 up from 2,8 max), so the nerf to the bracers effectively kept them as-is but since pb got a higher sp-coefficient now they might scale very well in to the next 20-30 ilvl again

on ignite vs. meteor: yes 480k with kindling, 488k with meteor so ~1,5% difference

also fun fact: ignite goes from ~340k max tick to 280k which is not as bad as i expected
scaling values are also funny:
( Pawn: v1: "Cindar": Intellect=11.61, CritRating=10.80, HasteRating=8.37, MasteryRating=10.80, Versatility=9.86 )
with 6/6 ignite boost but nontheless, mastery having the same value as crit certainly is something.
but they're finally in a good order..currently it's crit > vers => int = haste > mastery ... which is rather ridiculous

so my legendary sims (good 880 ilvl replacements) give:
baseline 400k
bracer 448k (+12%)
belt 422k (+5.5%)
head 412k (+3%)
bra/bel 474k (+18.5%) extra 1% dps comes from the additional int i'd suppose

so there you have it, bracer are still king, given you can pull off the hardcast which is more difficult but not impossible thanks to shimmer
Could u also legendary sim the TW ring please?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Lahrast Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:05 pm

Could u also legendary sim the TW ring please?
420k, so up 5% roughly on par with the belt

btw stats are:
61% crit, 12% haste, 5% vers, 12,5% mastery (40.1k sp)

those stats are without the stat change in rings/necks so maybe 2-3% more crit and ~1% vers (from ring/neck, have both crit/vers items from EN 890)
also if it is true, that the belt needs execution correction it's value should go up by roughly 20% so 6,5% dps increase up from 5,5% which would make it the 2nd best ST legendary and most versatile by a huge margin

btw: why is everyone calculating SP when there are no more items with SP in the game?

i also did some runs for trinkets and im sticking with my 895 helya flask+arans - mythic sinew, swarm or 870 writ can't hold a candle to either of those
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Klitochris Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:25 pm

Been scouring this forum ever since the first 7.1.5 notes came out. Im getting more confused on a daily basis.

Afaik fire (as of latest sims) will remain viable once the patch goes live (if you've got the wrists/belt) even though the playstyle itself is changing quite massively due to the removal of IF and the other reworks.
I dont have either the wrists nor the belt.

RNGesus has blessed me with Prydaz, Norganons, BL ring and the chestpiece thus far. Hence my concern if fire will be viable even for me.
420k, so up 5% roughly on par with the belt
420k sounds week compared to what I'll pull as Arcane. Doesnt it?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Falq Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:47 pm

Been scouring this forum ever since the first 7.1.5 notes came out. Im getting more confused on a daily basis.

Afaik fire (as of latest sims) will remain viable once the patch goes live (if you've got the wrists/belt) even though the playstyle itself is changing quite massively due to the removal of IF and the other reworks.
I dont have either the wrists nor the belt.

RNGesus has blessed me with Prydaz, Norganons, BL ring and the chestpiece thus far. Hence my concern if fire will be viable even for me.
420k, so up 5% roughly on par with the belt
420k sounds week compared to what I'll pull as Arcane. Doesnt it?
I really don't think so. Fire will be good on AoE fight, as it's always've been but on single target you will do no damage at all. Although with this luck to legendaries you are in great spot to play whatever spec you like. You have nice chance to get your spec legendary as your next one (unless you get Sephuz ^^), so In my opinion you should stick to spec you like the most and your legendaries will come anyways. If you like fire, play fire and you have great chance to get either belt or bracers as your next legendary and problem will be sorted
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby slasher016 Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:51 pm

I'm not sure if it's SimC or not, but I just simmed with ring/helm and it the results are strange to say the least.

DPS 441k (vs 480k with bracers/ring) - reasonable. But the stat weights are very strange.
For helm/ring: Int: 10.32; Vers: 9.25; Crit: 8.96; Mastery: 8.63; Haste: 0.92. No idea how haste can be that terrible.
For bracers/ring: Crit: 12.68; Int: 11.66; Haste: 11.08; Vers: 10.32; Mastery: 9.71

Everything else is simmed the same aside from an 870 mastery/vers bracers replacing the lego bracers, and 865 crit/mastery helm replacing lego helm.

Any thoughts how the stat weights could be that different, especially with the haste on the helm set?

EDIT: Using the nightly build from SimC for 7.1.5 from one day ago.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Klitochris Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:00 pm

I really don't think so. Fire will be good on AoE fight, as it's always've been but on single target you will do no damage at all. Although with this luck to legendaries you are in great spot to play whatever spec you like. You have nice chance to get your spec legendary as your next one (unless you get Sephuz ^^), so In my opinion you should stick to spec you like the most and your legendaries will come anyways. If you like fire, play fire and you have great chance to get either belt or bracers as your next legendary and problem will be sorted
I enjoy playing the spec with the most possible output.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby blackd89 Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:54 pm

Marquee Bindings of the Sun King ( Marquee Bindings of the Sun King): After consuming Hot Streak, there is a 20% 15% chance that your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 sec deals 275% 300% additional damage.

So proc rate is reduced, dmg remain the same
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby jahrastafari Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:50 am

Marquee Bindings of the Sun King ( Marquee Bindings of the Sun King): After consuming Hot Streak, there is a 20% 15% chance that your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 sec deals 275% 300% additional damage.

So proc rate is reduced, dmg remain the same
I still say these things are a mess to use without Ice Floes.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Etazis Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:35 am

Marquee Bindings of the Sun King ( Marquee Bindings of the Sun King): After consuming Hot Streak, there is a 20% 15% chance that your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 sec deals 275% 300% additional damage.

So proc rate is reduced, dmg remain the same
I still say these things are a mess to use without Ice Floes.
It will be hard but not impossible. We still got shimmer=)

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