actually with writst and belt my dps went from 420k on live to 480k on 7.1.5 (simc), with the same talents..Still working on grammar of my why to late feedback post. But I was investigated what the endresult of the current ptr patch is for Firemage:
What will you notice in 7.1.5 (For players)
Our gameplay will be as if we had 5% lower critchance on live servers and no Ice floes. (I need 2500 additional base crit rating for the same amount of hot streaks)
You might need to pick Meteor or Cinderstorm. You will be taking a lot more physical dmg.
According to simulationcraft (1 january build) our ST will be about the same, unless your using Koralon belt than your dmg will increase quite a bit (For me, Koralon results in 16k dps compared to 5k on live).
Sidenote: oh still need to sim my dps with meteor talent instead of kindling, but seeing as kindling is worse, i guess our ST increases slightly.
hc-pyro from bracer proc hits for about the same, a little more maybe (2,9 up from 2,8 max), so the nerf to the bracers effectively kept them as-is but since pb got a higher sp-coefficient now they might scale very well in to the next 20-30 ilvl again
on ignite vs. meteor: yes 480k with kindling, 488k with meteor so ~1,5% difference
also fun fact: ignite goes from ~340k max tick to 280k which is not as bad as i expected
scaling values are also funny:
( Pawn: v1: "Cindar": Intellect=11.61, CritRating=10.80, HasteRating=8.37, MasteryRating=10.80, Versatility=9.86 )
with 6/6 ignite boost but nontheless, mastery having the same value as crit certainly is something.
but they're finally in a good order..currently it's crit > vers => int = haste > mastery ... which is rather ridiculous
so my legendary sims (good 880 ilvl replacements) give:
baseline 400k
bracer 448k (+12%)
belt 422k (+5.5%)
head 412k (+3%)
bra/bel 474k (+18.5%) extra 1% dps comes from the additional int i'd suppose
so there you have it, bracer are still king, given you can pull off the hardcast which is more difficult but not impossible thanks to shimmer