7.1.5 PTR Notes

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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby mlvnk Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:02 am

i think there is plenty of time to use the bracer if u are familiar with the encounter and able to plan around it. With good positioning i dont see any big issue using the bracer.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Spirillum Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:24 am

To all those saying the Bracers will be impractical come NH .... do you still not cast 2 Fireballs in a row? Cause that's all it basically is.

You just have to find the time to do it, and not cast it as soon as it procs
Casting two Fireballs back to back and with enough advance notice to drop your RoP? Enough of these to be reliably more beneficial than Shard, Koralons, or Darckli?

Imagine trying to use the Bracers at range in a M+ Volcanic situation without IF. You'd have to clip them, Shimmer out of RoP, or take avoidable damage.

In my opinion they're going to be more situationally beneficial vs universally BIS that they are currently, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Brouklis Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:27 am

Item - Mage T19 Fire 2P Bonus: Enhanced Pyrotechnics provides an additional 20% critical strike chance from each application, up from 10% critical strike chance.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby mlvnk Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:54 am

i thought we are discussing about nighthold and bracer effectiveness in raid setting? I really don't see the issue as rune of power is not mandatory talent anymore, in fact mirror image simmed higher based on my own profile.

I do agree playing with bracer is shit with dungeon affix volcanic.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:16 pm

Item - Mage T19 Fire 2P Bonus: Enhanced Pyrotechnics provides an additional 20% critical strike chance from each application, up from 10% critical strike chance.
I stand by my point that Enhanced Pyrotecnics should be 20% BASELINE.

They are realizing that we are going to be, IF THAT, running with 50% crit sheet come nighthold gear (very low crit...) and the spec blows goats at that level of crit...

2pc @ 30% per stack completely negates this, ok... but 10% is still super low for everyone without 2pc... 2pc just got that much more important.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Unreal Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:45 pm

2pc is pretty shity for our dps, fireball barely does any damage and your pyros crit chance is still just about 50%.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Spirillum Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:09 pm

i thought we are discussing about nighthold and bracer effectiveness in raid setting? I really don't see the issue as rune of power is not mandatory talent anymore, in fact mirror image simmed higher based on my own profile.

I do agree playing with bracer is shit with dungeon affix volcanic.
I am talking about progression raiding. Volcanic was just an example anyone could identify with.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:40 pm

2pc is pretty shity for our dps, fireball barely does any damage and your pyros crit chance is still just about 50%.
I should've prefaced that my post was entirely about QoL for the spec.

Fire plays like shit with low crit levels, but 30% Enhanced Pyrotecnics means we NEVER fail 3 fireball casts (40% crit sheet is easy to hit... even with low crit NH gear).

It's huge for spec health.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Grraou Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:32 pm

So guys, what do you think about our new rotation / talent build ?
I've seen some people comment on FlameStrike being better on ST, even when hardcasting. Is this still relevant ?
DO you think we now have to use FlameStrike whenever we can instead of fireball (providing positioning isn't a problem and we actually have time to hardcast it without having to move).
Considering Talents, what is the way to go now ?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby hameli Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:34 pm

So guys, what do you think about our new rotation / talent build ?
I've seen some people comment on FlameStrike being better on ST, even when hardcasting. Is this still relevant ?
DO you think we now have to use FlameStrike whenever we can instead of fireball (providing positioning isn't a problem and we actually have time to hardcast it without having to move).
Considering Talents, what is the way to go now ?
https://gyazo.com/1cd7bae8c82cf659fc7740b873dd1e89" target="_blank

https://gyazo.com/194048811368d5525c353b2a160cbb0b" target="_blank

A testing i did yesterday, my ptr mage was 29 traits, ilvl 877 with 4 set bonus and swarming plaguehive/aran as the trinkets, for talents i went pyromaniac, flame on, flame patch, meteor.

The fight was 3.5 mins in warspear, aran was dealing damage to two targets but the damage is negligible, shouldve done the test in the order hall.

My live mage is 45 traits 888 ilvl with sinew/aran and pyromaniac, flame on, UM and Kindling.

for the ptr rotation i just followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv3SBnQhZoQ
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Grraou Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:53 pm

Thanks a lot Hameli.

So is veryone going flamestrike memespec when 7.1.5 hits live ?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Pank Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:02 pm

The question I was really trying to avoid just seems appropriate here.. do devs even play this game? I'm having three relics for flamestrike at the ready but gosh.. Few weeks ago when our main dmg dealers started to get buffed again I had high hopes but now I'm just getting more annoyed by every day and will ultimately just swap the spec if need be. Regardless if I have koralon and shard.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:17 pm

Flame patch is going to take a nerf either the day nighthold opens, or the week after.
There is no way they can make this mistake again and leave Flamestrike as the top ST ability...

Either way, forget "Memespec".
What is everyone looking at for 7.1.5? Any chance we are ever going to replace Aran's?
I have a 865 and it still seems like it does so much dmg for ST that I can't get rid of it - which is awful... I have a handful of 880+ trinkets just picking up dust.

Anyone do some deeper digging with trinkets for 7.1.5? Is Wriggling Sinew finally not one of the top dogs for 890+ or is it still up there?

Stupid PTR not allowing copies for the past 3 weeks has left me way behind on theorycrafting.

I'm going into 7.1.5 essentially with the same spec I have now, and I feel that is a huge mistake - well, i suppose ill swap kindling for Meteor.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Falq Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:24 pm

What is everyone looking at for 7.1.5? Any chance we are ever going to replace Aran's?
There are some reports, aran RPPM have been fixed and it's way lower now, so trinket will be quite bad unless you got sick version of it.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Falq Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:50 pm

Okey, so looking at official patch notes, looks like we got even more love from Blizzard?

The damage done by most Fire spells has been increased by 27%.

with all calculations we took into count 15% so we got extra 12% damage, but instead we loose more raw spell damage.

Also Flame Path buff did not go throu so FS spam is no longer a thing.

But overall:
  • Fire Blast (140 -> 160) instead we got 156,8
    Fireball (175 -> 200) instead we got 196
    Flamestrike (207 -> 230) instead we got 231,84
    Pyro (376 -> 420) instead we got 421,12
    Scorch (50 -> 60) instead we got 56
    Cinderstorm (58 -> 65) instead we got 64,96
in addition Meteor buff came throu and it gets +12% extra damage from this aura so it's prob best choice by far for now.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Breakerzeus Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:55 pm

So RoP was nerfed by 10% and Mirror Images was buffed by 122%. Maybe MI is now better than RoP?
Has anyone done the Math already?
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Falq Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:58 pm

So RoP was nerfed by 10% and Mirror Images was buffed by 122%. Maybe MI is now better than RoP?
Has anyone done the Math already?
I've seen somewhere that Mirror Images is better than RoP for ST, not sure about legendary bracers. Also not 100% sure but last expansion there was problem with MI because they died so easily (like from before doing full damage, not sure if it's fixxed.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Woke Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:25 pm

So RoP was nerfed by 10% and Mirror Images was buffed by 122%. Maybe MI is now better than RoP?
Has anyone done the Math already?
I've seen somewhere that Mirror Images is better than RoP for ST, not sure about legendary bracers. Also not 100% sure but last expansion there was problem with MI because they died so easily (like from before doing full damage, not sure if it's fixxed.
it is better for a pure ST encounter. However, we don't see a pure ST encounter in NH. As long as there is some form of adds during a fight where you can line up a RoP, it'll perform better.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Eyliria Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:22 pm

Okey, so looking at official patch notes, looks like we got even more love from Blizzard?

The damage done by most Fire spells has been increased by 27%.

with all calculations we took into count 15% so we got extra 12% damage, but instead we loose more raw spell damage.

Also Flame Path buff did not go throu so FS spam is no longer a thing.

But overall:
  • Fire Blast (140 -> 160) instead we got 156,8
    Fireball (175 -> 200) instead we got 196
    Flamestrike (207 -> 230) instead we got 231,84
    Pyro (376 -> 420) instead we got 421,12
    Scorch (50 -> 60) instead we got 56
    Cinderstorm (58 -> 65) instead we got 64,96
in addition Meteor buff came throu and it gets +12% extra damage from this aura so it's prob best choice by far for now.
Are you going explicitly through patch notes to assert that Flame Patch did not make it live?
Because we didn't get any additional love on the percentage buffs. They are merely simplified. Since there were two buff passes, the first one were we gained 10-12% on all main spells, and then the aura that buffed everything by 15%.

1.11 * 1.15 = 1.27xx

Hence the 27% figure on the patch notes.
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Re: 7.1.5 PTR Notes

Unread postby Imaskar Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:28 am

So, I see reports that FPatch didn't go live, right?

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