Frost mage looking for help

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Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Ochatach Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:07 am

Hello, I'm currently using the 14242 haste breakpoint, crit stacked up to 28% for the 100% crit on frozen targets and stacked mastery after that up to a buffed value of 74.60% ... y/advanced" target="_blank

Mainspec is Frost, although not sure if I should go fire either, I just wanna be able to perform the best to my gears limits.

Rotation is as follows:
Invocation, Living bomb on target, frozen orb, IV+MI macro then frostbolts until anything procs and then press those, keep LB up and keep doing the spam.

Tried my first log ever, hope it shows something good :)" target="_blank

I want to be able to maximize my DPS in heroic progress with a build that preferably works for all bosses, would love if you could help me out since my gear has gotten better but my DPS isn't where I want it to be :)
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Chev Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:52 am

The other people here will be able to pick apart the logs better, but here are a few things I noticed.

1). Mage bomb uptime is excellent.

2). Invoker's Energy needs to up around 95% of the time. Your uptime was 73% and it wasn't up for the 1st 30 seconds of the fight so you are missing the interactions with all you procs. It then drops off for about 10 seconds towards the end of the fight. On a training dummy, there is no reason for this to drop off at all.

3). You haven't used Alter time at all to extend the length of your buff / procs.

4). You used a haste potion instead of an intellect potion. Please correct me if I am wrong, but Intellect potion is better than haste because it increases spell power as well as the other secondary stats.

5). Proc usage is great. It looks like you only lost 1 Brain Freeze proc and only hard casted 1 extra Ice Lance.

Some other tips you can use to increase DPS but not always on a boss fight (but will be able to on a test dummy) is use you pets "Freeze" ability. This can be cast while casting Frost bolt (or while refreshing Invocation) with out interrupting the cast and if you can get it to freeze 2 targets, say 2 of the smaller test dummies as they are usually closer together, then that is 2 extra Fingers of Frost charges to use.

Also, Time Warp would massively increase your DPS but I'm guessing you chose not to use it as you are trying to show your mid-fight rotation rather than on pull rotation.
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Ochatach Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:09 pm

The other people here will be able to pick apart the logs better, but here are a few things I noticed.

1). Mage bomb uptime is excellent.

2). Invoker's Energy needs to up around 95% of the time. Your uptime was 73% and it wasn't up for the 1st 30 seconds of the fight so you are missing the interactions with all you procs. It then drops off for about 10 seconds towards the end of the fight. On a training dummy, there is no reason for this to drop off at all.

3). You haven't used Alter time at all to extend the length of your buff / procs.

4). You used a haste potion instead of an intellect potion. Please correct me if I am wrong, but Intellect potion is better than haste because it increases spell power as well as the other secondary stats.

5). Proc usage is great. It looks like you only lost 1 Brain Freeze proc and only hard casted 1 extra Ice Lance.

Some other tips you can use to increase DPS but not always on a boss fight (but will be able to on a test dummy) is use you pets "Freeze" ability. This can be cast while casting Frost bolt (or while refreshing Invocation) with out interrupting the cast and if you can get it to freeze 2 targets, say 2 of the smaller test dummies as they are usually closer together, then that is 2 extra Fingers of Frost charges to use.

Also, Time Warp would massively increase your DPS but I'm guessing you chose not to use it as you are trying to show your mid-fight rotation rather than on pull rotation.
Thanks for the input, I only noticed my invocation wasn't up after that period of time because for some reason, WeakAuras decided it didn't like my button and deleted it, after that I tried to check the buffs for the timer but screwed up towards the end ;)

I've never been able to use Alter Time successfully in a raid, as in, I take huge splashdamage or raidwide AoE right before and when I come out of the Alter Time I get down to low health and usually get teleported back to some place with lots of crap on the ground and die. Eventually I think I'll learn when/how to use it and minimize the risk of it being to my and the raids downfall.

Yes as you said, I did not TW to show unbuffed dps, I didn't even take a INT or haste flask either.
The only buffs I get is Arcane Brilliance which is 10% SP and 5% crit.
My pull rotation can vary alot, I havn't really gotten down to a "perfect" rotation yet.
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Chev Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:10 pm

Glad I could help.
I've never been able to use Alter Time successfully in a raid, as in, I take huge splashdamage or raidwide AoE right before and when I come out of the Alter Time I get down to low health and usually get teleported back to some place with lots of crap on the ground and die. Eventually I think I'll learn when/how to use it and minimize the risk of it being to my and the raids downfall.
Just practice using it is the best advice I can give and just be situationaly aware so you don't pop it right after you have taken some damage or you know you will end up where you shouldn't be.

I also have an audio alert play when my WeakAura tracking Invocation / Rune of Power sees that the buff is about to run out allowing me to focus on everything else that is happening in the fight.
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Ochatach Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:44 pm

Glad I could help.
I've never been able to use Alter Time successfully in a raid, as in, I take huge splashdamage or raidwide AoE right before and when I come out of the Alter Time I get down to low health and usually get teleported back to some place with lots of crap on the ground and die. Eventually I think I'll learn when/how to use it and minimize the risk of it being to my and the raids downfall.
Just practice using it is the best advice I can give and just be situationaly aware so you don't pop it right after you have taken some damage or you know you will end up where you shouldn't be.

I also have an audio alert play when my WeakAura tracking Invocation / Rune of Power sees that the buff is about to run out allowing me to focus on everything else that is happening in the fight.
Oh, can you gimme some strings? The icon I had disappeared, fuck knows why and I can't get it back since I'm clueless about WA2.
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Chev Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:47 pm

Sorry for the late reply. I tend to hit the Wife enrage timer if I play on the weekends.

Here is the WA2 string for Invoker's Energy. It doesn't display anything as I already have a timer bar from another addon so all it does it play the sound of a cow mooing (won't get mixed up with other game sounds) when there is less than 7 seconds left on the Invokers buff.

Code: Select all

Here is my WA2 string for Rune of Power. I found this online some where, I can't remember where, so I can't take credit for it, but I did add the sound of a cat meowing when either rune is at 10 seconds or less. You will see 3 icons in the top left of your screen. The 2 blue icons show the time left on each rune. The 3rd red icon will only show if you are not standing in your rune.

Code: Select all

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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Ochatach Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:33 am

Sorry for the late reply. I tend to hit the Wife enrage timer if I play on the weekends.

Here is the WA2 string for Invoker's Energy. It doesn't display anything as I already have a timer bar from another addon so all it does it play the sound of a cow mooing (won't get mixed up with other game sounds) when there is less than 7 seconds left on the Invokers buff.

Code: Select all

Here is my WA2 string for Rune of Power. I found this online some where, I can't remember where, so I can't take credit for it, but I did add the sound of a cat meowing when either rune is at 10 seconds or less. You will see 3 icons in the top left of your screen. The 2 blue icons show the time left on each rune. The 3rd red icon will only show if you are not standing in your rune.

Code: Select all


Oh nice, thanks alot <3 I attempted to learn Alter Time in the heroic raid earlier, but was kinda complicated on Spoils with the amber pools and crap so I ended up teleporting into them.. Will learn it on more suitable bosses first ^^ atleast the dps increased a lot when I actually did use it and managed not to die, but someone else did later in the encounter and berserk anyhow :P
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Chev Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:46 pm

If you are worried about something spawning under you while Alter Time is up, E.g the pools in Spools or Immerseus, what I do is use it in an area that I know is save and no one is standing in and then run a few steps and continue my rotation until it expires and I get put back into the safe place.
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Re: Frost mage looking for help

Unread postby Crabmodem Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:27 pm

The Cancel Aura marco helps to keep from getting sent back as well. It is also a big help if you pop AT then someone lust/hero or your trinket procs.

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