[7.2] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Flaszka Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:30 pm

Is there any point of changing crit gems to int? Sims say it's 4-5k dps gain.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Neeb Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:53 pm

You can only have 1 int gem equipped, and you should have it.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby inphared Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:13 am

Curious as to how trinkets have changed in 7.1.5 - before Sinew & Arans were god tier & always used. Now, according to sims, Aran is only for AoE & now Arcanocrystal & other "stat-stick" trinkets are god-tier for single target. My question is though, last night I was running 860 Arcano & 850 mana cracker (I've had shit luck with trinkets), while the other mage had Arans/Sinew still. NH seems to have a lot of adds, so maybe that is why, but he was consistently doing 50-100k more damage than me & his trinkets made up a fairly decent portion of that. If you had to choose between 865 arans, 865 sinew, 865 shock baton, 860 arcano, 850 mana cracker, which would you go with?
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby illwil Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:00 am

Curious as to how trinkets have changed in 7.1.5 - before Sinew & Arans were god tier & always used. Now, according to sims, Aran is only for AoE & now Arcanocrystal & other "stat-stick" trinkets are god-tier for single target. My question is though, last night I was running 860 Arcano & 850 mana cracker (I've had shit luck with trinkets), while the other mage had Arans/Sinew still. NH seems to have a lot of adds, so maybe that is why, but he was consistently doing 50-100k more damage than me & his trinkets made up a fairly decent portion of that. If you had to choose between 865 arans, 865 sinew, 865 shock baton, 860 arcano, 850 mana cracker, which would you go with?
Arans is still really good for aoe. sinew can still be good when used in conjunction with RoP and combustion. Depending on the boss you might want to just change out your trinkets. trilliax and crosus you can go with single target trinkets, but on spellblade just use an aoe trinket. Sim them to see because my shitty twisting wind trinket was out dpsing my same lvl arans on single target, but I'm sure it has to do with the int.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Chopitup Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:58 am

Curious as to how trinkets have changed in 7.1.5 - before Sinew & Arans were god tier & always used. Now, according to sims, Aran is only for AoE & now Arcanocrystal & other "stat-stick" trinkets are god-tier for single target. My question is though, last night I was running 860 Arcano & 850 mana cracker (I've had shit luck with trinkets), while the other mage had Arans/Sinew still. NH seems to have a lot of adds, so maybe that is why, but he was consistently doing 50-100k more damage than me & his trinkets made up a fairly decent portion of that. If you had to choose between 865 arans, 865 sinew, 865 shock baton, 860 arcano, 850 mana cracker, which would you go with?
You should always equip arcano crystal atm. It is one of the 5 best trinkets available, for fire mages(that is included the trinkets available in NH). It's sick. I think that your sinew is too low ilvl to be good, not sure.

So for ST I would use arcano + shock baton, since you have a nice baton.

However, If I were you I would try to pick up the Urn from nightbane or the bottle from helya and replace shock baton for ST asap. Stat sticks have gotten strong, and mastery is also better on ST than prior 7.1.5 making urn a really good choice.

AoE Arcano + Arans

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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby EmberPFU Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:18 pm

Whispers in the dark trinket just got nerfed, wonder how many ranks it will lose in the trinket list. Any ideas?
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Sephix Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:15 am

I have a question, how can the aran's ruby sim lower when it's equipped with chest than without chest ?

Is it because of hard RNG or ? maybe an error somewhere?
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby blackstoise Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:22 am

Aran + Chest paired uses the 875 chest. The ilvl drop from using a 900 ilvl chest is dropping the dps.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Crys1s Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:26 am

Why there is no Ethereal Urn in trinkets sim`s?
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby wizeek Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:28 pm

Why there is no Ethereal Urn in trinkets sim`s?
Most the stat sticks are excluded from that (any of the ones with average stat budget anyway) as they are fairly easy to eyeball/sim and come in so many varieties that they would both drastically increase sim time and clutter the picture. Stat sticks in general are strong though.
I still don't understand it though.

How do you even eyeball a stat stick trinket against a proc/use one? I thought these charts exist specifically for comparison reasons and excluding something viable makes no sense to me. Following this advice I would not need this chart at all and could just go and sim everything myself.

And as for varieties - I see only 4 variations which are Int + [ Crit | Haste | Mastery | Versatility ] at some ilvl. Four more trinkets would not "drastically increase sim time" nor "clutter the picture". Is there something I am missing?
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Chopitup Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:35 pm

You should always sim yourself and never use this as the only guidance. Keep in mind that the sims are made for ilvl 900+. Which means that your current gear will probably not show the same results on trinkets.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Xenost Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:14 pm

These sims intent is to show the relative power of procs on trinket, for stat stick it entirely depends on your char weights which is why they aren't simmed here.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby wizeek Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:22 pm

You should always sim yourself and never use this as the only guidance.
No one says he is using this as the only guidance. This kind of charts can be useful to get the initial knowledge on the situation with trinkets in the current patch. For example, it can tell you how much is legendary trinket better than the rest of the trinkets or that the Horn of Valor suddenly became a very viable option. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell anything about stat sticks.
These sims intent is to show the relative power of procs on trinket, for stat stick it entirely depends on your char weights which is why they aren't simmed here.
It isn't stated anywhere that it's a comparison of proc power, it's referenced to as "5)Trinket Comparsions".
Then, there is Arcanocrystal in the charts which is a stat stick trinket. I fail to see how is any Int+Secondary stat stick different to Arcanocrystal in this regard.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Ptitraisin Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:08 pm


I have 3 legendaries
The bracer, koralon and exodar

I sim bracer + koralon and bracer+exodar, it shows 4k difference in favor to koralon
and the first post show an ever bigger gap

So should i switch koralon and exodar depending on boss ? (Exodar if bl at pull and Koralon if Bl at the end )
Or should i stick with Bracer+koralon
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Lahrast Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:15 pm

is there any way we could get relic priorities for belt and/or bracer, (evtl. head) sims?
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Falq Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:06 am


I have 3 legendaries
The bracer, koralon and exodar

I sim bracer + koralon and bracer+exodar, it shows 4k difference in favor to koralon
and the first post show an ever bigger gap

So should i switch koralon and exodar depending on boss ? (Exodar if bl at pull and Koralon if Bl at the end )
Or should i stick with Bracer+koralon
This looks like good choice. Exodar is quite strong but hard to utilize, since it depends on your raid tactic rather than your own gameplay.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Lahrast Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:10 pm

is there any way we could get relic priorities for belt and/or bracer, (evtl. head) sims?
sooo i did this stuff on my own:

turns out that when you own either/or bracer/belt your relic priorities are thrown over completely

1 Target Belt/Bracer: Pyro > Ignite >> Firecrit dmg >= Fb cast >= Fbl dmg > Fb dmg > def
>> meaning still superior on +2 and > +1, >= meaning roughly equivalent on equal ilvl

when adding one or two additional targets nothing really changes, only that Ignite (as one would expect) catches up to pyro in terms of DPS bonus, all other traits stay the same. Interestingly enough Ignite does not significantly overtakes PB dps even on 3 Targets.

When Simming 3 Targets with Head/Belt instead of Bracer/Belt first, you gain ~5% dps (~866k to 900k) which is surprisingly little, but obviously not insignificant.
Funny enough your relic priority stay basically the same namely:
Ignite >= Pyro >> fire crit dmg >= fbl dmg >= fb cast > fb dmg

props to the curnivore thread where he explained how to do those calcs rather efficiently https://www.altered-time.com/forum/view ... f=4&t=3117" target="_blank

bracer belt 1t MI (adjusted gear +10% haste, -5% vers, -5% mastery, -2p t19)
bracer belt 1t RoP
bracer belt 2t
bracer belt 3t
head belt 3t

all multitarget sims where done using Meteor/RoP and my gear profile, dps error was about 260 dps
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Byrne Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:27 pm

Interesting, thanks for that Lahrast.
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Schnizol Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:58 am

I don't get why stat sticks have suddenly become so much better. What was changed? :/
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Re: [7.1.5] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby illwil Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:42 am

I don't get why stat sticks have suddenly become so much better. What was changed? :/
Intellect is worth more now comparatively

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