Guys. Can you explain me. Why "versatility" so desired?
for each mastery point we have ~+0.5% DMG per arcane charge (with 4 arcane charge whe have +2% DMG);
for each versatility point(475! equal ~1.42 mastery point) we have only +1% dmg;
What am I missing?
The amount of mastery it requires to gain 1% damage is higher than the amount of versatility it requires.
4-charge AB with 30% mastery is 192%*(1+.75*4) = 768%
4-charge AB with 31% mastery is 192%*(1+.755*4)=771.84%
4-charge AB with 32% mastery is 192%*(1+.76*4) = 775.68%
4-charge AB with 30% mastery, 1% vers is 192%(1+.75*4)*1.01=775.68%
2% mastery = 666 mastery
1% vers = 475 versatility.
Additionally, versatility affects all damage, mastery only affects charge-based damage. This includes MoA dot damage (which is more than 50% of MoA's value), 0-charge AB/AE, Arcane Orb, hidden satyr, and deadly grace.
While on this topic, let's discuss crit vs. vers.
25% crit is an expected 25% increase in damage, since each crit is double damage.
4-charge AB with 30% mastery, 25% crit is 768%*1.25 = 960% expected damage.
4-charge AB with 30%mastery, 26% crit is 768%*1.26 = 967.68% expected damage
4-charge AB with 30% mastery, 25% crit, 1% vers is 768*1.25*1.01=969.6% expected damage
1% vers is actually stronger than 1% crit. However, vers requires 475 points to get 1%, crit requires only 400. So 1% crit actually should be compared to .842% vers, not 1% vers.
4-charge AB with 30%mastery, 25% crit, .842% vers is 768*1.25*1.00842=968.01% expected damage.
Let's do this at higher values of vers to check diminishing returns:
4-charge AB with 30% mastery, 25% crit, 5% vers = 768*1.25*1.05 = 1008% expected damage.
4-charge AB with 30% mastery, 25% crit, 5.842% vers = 768*1.25*1.05842=1016.08% expected damage.
4-charge AB with 30% mastery, 26% crit, 5% vers = 768*1.26*1.05 = 1016.064% expected damage.
The gap between crit and vers diminishes as vers increases. The two work in a see-saw. If one is really high and the other really low, the low one will be more valuable. The raw damage output at similar raw points is virtually equivalent. Crit has the bonus of a higher ceiling. If you get a nice crit string during AP + RoP, that's really good. If you get no crits there, that's bad. Vers is RNG-neutral, which protects its low-end damage, but its high-end damage is much lower. Thus, there is a personal question you have to ask about what you want: top-end damage range or better low-end damage range and a touch of survivability.