The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
If you could keep your tips and ticks in the following format so that the moderating team can easily keep the initial post up to date allowing members to easily find tips for specific fights without needing to read every post. Please keep it clear and consise.
Boss: <Boss Name>
Difficulty: Heroic / Mythic (LFR and normal is not very relevant for this thread)
Spec: All / Arcane / Fire / Frost
Tip: <Your Tip>
Thank you in advance to all those who share.
Boss: <Boss Name>
Difficulty: Heroic / Mythic (LFR and normal is not very relevant for this thread)
Spec: All / Arcane / Fire / Frost
Tip: <Your Tip>
Thank you in advance to all those who share.
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Re: Nighthold Tips & Tricks
All specs-
- Cinderstorm and Dragon's Breath do not aggro the adds on the edges of the room.
Chronomatic Anomaly
All specs-
- Use Blizzard and Frozen Orb on the smaller scorpions in order to gain more Fingers of Frost procs to use on Skorpyron itself.
All specs- Spellsteal the add so it doesn't gain energy!
- Mirror Images can be quite strong if you need to move a lot in order to soak cakes.
Spellblade Aluriel
All specs-
All specs-
- Proper use of Living Bomb and Dragon's Breath (with the legendary helm, if you have it) can carry damage on the bats in the nightmare phase.
- Blizzard the bloods for more Fingers of Frost to spend on Tichondrius.
All specs- Make sure you soak, this is the most important part of the fight.
- Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem can be very strong if your raid isn't good at soaking and you need more add damage.
High Botanist Tel'arn
All specs-
Star Augur Etraeus
All specs- Ice Block removes Fel Ejection.
- Frost Nova can be used on the Voidlings in phase 3 to proc Sephuz's Secret
- Koralon's Burning Touch is excellent for pushing more DPS in the void phase.
- The small, constant adds in the void phase can be frozen by pet freeze.
- Blizzard does not have a facing requirement. You can use Blizzard on the big add in the void phase when you have to look away.
Grand Magistrix Elisande
All specs- You can Blink or Shimmer over the rings if necessary.
- Pre-Blizzard the spots where Elisande will spawn at the start of each phase.
All specs- You can Shimmer and Ice Block simultaneously to break and immune your own chains. This is especially easy to accomplish with a macro like this:
/cast Shimmer
/cast Ice Block
- Use Living Bomb ~1s - 0.5s before he start casting Eye of Gul'dan (watch DBM timer). Eyes spawn at boss and then move away. This way LB will spread to all of them when they are still stacked.
- Cast Blizzard just before each set of Eyes of Gul'dan spawns in phase 1.
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Re: Nighthold Tips & Tricks
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Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
B: Tichondrius
S: Arcane
T: postitioning beside the add Tank is a huge time advantage - if you bomb
S: Arcane
T: postitioning beside the add Tank is a huge time advantage - if you bomb
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Chromatic Anomaly
Spec: Arcane
Tip: Switch to Arcane Explosion for ST damage during slow phase, especially if not burning mana.
Spec: Arcane
Tip: Switch to Arcane Explosion for ST damage during slow phase, especially if not burning mana.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Gul'dan
Spec: All
Tip: Haste buff enchant have similar or close cd to eyes spawns (spawns could be like 58 secs or sth). So as long as you cleave you should pop it few secs before first eyes so you can have it on every other eyes for mega cleave/AoE.
Spec: All
Tip: Haste buff enchant have similar or close cd to eyes spawns (spawns could be like 58 secs or sth). So as long as you cleave you should pop it few secs before first eyes so you can have it on every other eyes for mega cleave/AoE.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Gul'dan
Spec: Fire
Tip: Use Living Bomb ~1s - 0.5s before he start casting Eye of Gul'dan (watch DBM timer). Eyes spawn at boss and then move away. This way LB will spread to all of them when they are still stacked.
Spec: Fire
Tip: Use Living Bomb ~1s - 0.5s before he start casting Eye of Gul'dan (watch DBM timer). Eyes spawn at boss and then move away. This way LB will spread to all of them when they are still stacked.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Arcane
Tip: During your conserve phase build up 4 charges based on the blood spawn timer and throw out a barrage as they spawn on top of the boss for some burst cleave. Also be ranged DPSing near to the add tank to AE effectively and limit movement.
Spec: Arcane
Tip: During your conserve phase build up 4 charges based on the blood spawn timer and throw out a barrage as they spawn on top of the boss for some burst cleave. Also be ranged DPSing near to the add tank to AE effectively and limit movement. ... e/advanced" target="_blank
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
This is not a good idea if the Tainted Blood heals up from a melee hit on the tank afterwards, good only for padding the logs.Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Arcane
Tip: During your conserve phase build up 4 charges based on the blood spawn timer and throw out a barrage as they spawn on top of the boss for some burst cleave.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Skorpyron
Difficulty: Tested on Normal and Heroic (probably works on Mythic too)
Spec: Fire
Tip: Cinderstorm will not aggro the scorpions on the sides, only walking towards them or being knocked back by his ability will aggro them.
Difficulty: Tested on Normal and Heroic (probably works on Mythic too)
Spec: Fire
Tip: Cinderstorm will not aggro the scorpions on the sides, only walking towards them or being knocked back by his ability will aggro them.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Should work if you time the barrage to when the adds are outside the lifesteal the aura.This is not a good idea if the Tainted Blood heals up from a melee hit on the tank afterwards, good only for padding the logs.Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Arcane
Tip: During your conserve phase build up 4 charges based on the blood spawn timer and throw out a barrage as they spawn on top of the boss for some burst cleave.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
The bloods are fixated on the add tank if I can recall and won't hit anyone while they run to the designate aoe down location.Should work if you time the barrage to when the adds are outside the lifesteal the aura.This is not a good idea if the Tainted Blood heals up from a melee hit on the tank afterwards, good only for padding the logs.Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Arcane
Tip: During your conserve phase build up 4 charges based on the blood spawn timer and throw out a barrage as they spawn on top of the boss for some burst cleave. ... e/advanced" target="_blank
- tonytaponi
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:35 pm
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Star Augur Etraeus
All specs: you can use ice block to remove debuff on the fell phase to avoid creating pools of fell and unnecessary movement. Frost can do it twice.
All specs: you can use ice block to remove debuff on the fell phase to avoid creating pools of fell and unnecessary movement. Frost can do it twice.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Krosus
Spec: All
Tip: The first beam is randomly left or right side. All the others are on the opposite side of the previous one. It helps a lot for positionning during the fight.
Tip²: You can soak more than 1 green sh** on the floor
Tip^3: To be confirmed... You can maybe jump / suicide in the water at the end of the fight to avoid damages from orbs at the very end (dont know if it still works)
Spec: All
Tip: The first beam is randomly left or right side. All the others are on the opposite side of the previous one. It helps a lot for positionning during the fight.
Tip²: You can soak more than 1 green sh** on the floor
Tip^3: To be confirmed... You can maybe jump / suicide in the water at the end of the fight to avoid damages from orbs at the very end (dont know if it still works)
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Orb still blows up, as you stood in the water, just it happens earlierTip^3: To be confirmed... You can maybe jump / suicide in the water at the end of the fight to avoid damages from orbs at the very end (dont know if it still works)
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Sounds ban-able to me. Please don't do that even if this works.Tip^3: To be confirmed... You can maybe jump / suicide in the water at the end of the fight to avoid damages from orbs at the very end (dont know if it still works)
Boss: Skorpyron
Spec: Fire
Tip: Spec into Conf/RoP/LB/CS. Your main purpose in this fight is to dispose of any adds presents. Watch for any Scorpid Calls and where they are going. Once they reach the edge of the room, you want to put Living Bomb on a SMALL one. Put Rune of Power down immidiately after, so it's up for further explosions. Don't be afraid to use Cinderstorm, you won't aggro scorpions, unless you run into them. This fight is basically a Fire-mage wet dream, so thrust your mighty AoE !@#$ into his face.
Boss: Chronomatic Anomaly
Spec: Fire
Tip: Spec into Conf/LB/Meteor. Living bomb helps dealing with smaller adds. Big adds splits into 4 mini adds on death, so you can delay your Meteor to hit those. Don't wait with any of your cooldowns, as their cooldown is influenced by time mechanic present too. Some players like to spec Flame Patch and follow the Boss-tank for splash (Mythic only).
Boss: Trilliax
Spec: Any
Tip: There's not really a way to abuse any of the mechanics to increase your DPS, but you can take one for the raid and deal with Savage Feast mechanic to stop adds from exploding. Shimmer works great. With Koralon's you can utilise Scorch movement speed post 30% for even better results. Other than that - stand behind the boss.
Boss: Spellblade Auriel
Spec: Fire
Tip: Spec into Conf/RoP/LB/CS. Stay way from Blue adds. You can hit a lot of targets with your CS on this fight. Dragon's Breath interrupts Red add's spells. Purple Adds will probably be stacked up if your raids does it correctly, so put your AoE kit to work. They also have quite a lot of HP, so you can safely use your combustion there for good results.
Boss: Botanist Tel'arn
Spec: Fire
Tip: (Non-Mythic) Spec into Conf/RoP/FP/Meteor. Once boss reaches 2nd phase, there are going to be two constant targets + flame orbs for you to utilise Flame Patch on. The memes get even more dank, as you get one more target to splash in the next phase.
I'm just finishing work, so I'll update the rest when I get home.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Skorpyron
Spec: Frost
Tip: Crystalline Skorpids (only the smallest adds) can be frozen by pet's freeze.
Boss: Chromatic Anomaly
Spec: Frost
Tip: Smallest Elementals can be frozen by pet's freeze.
Boss: Trilliax
Spec: All
Tip: Beam can be blinked over if needed, best used together with shimmer.
Boss: Botanist
Spec: Frost
Tip1: Precast blizzard over rooted players so the plant adds are slowed asap
Tip2: Plant adds can be rooted by pet's freeze (and frost nova if you need to get away from them).
Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Frost
Tip: Bats in the night phase can be frozen by pet's freeze. Very useful for getting the first few killed and snowballing your group.
Boss: Star Augur
Spec: Frost
Tip1: The small, constant adds in the void phase can be frozen by pet freeze.
Tip2: Blizzard does not have a facing requirement. You can use blizzard on the big add in the void phase when you have to look away.
Boss: Krosus
Spec: Frost
Tip: Cast water jet after your frostbolt has already finished (near the start/middle of the second frostbolt cast). The travel time on frostbolt is exceptionally high, and you need to do this to get 2 FoF out of each water jet.
Boss: Elisande
Spec: Frost
Tip1: Pet cooldowns (water jet/freeze) continue to refresh while Elisande transitions between phases, try to use it before she transitions.
Tip2: While transitioning, your buffs/cooldowns (icy veins/procs) will not lose time, but once you can move again, they'll start losing time again. This results in ~5 seconds of lost duration.
Boss: Gul'dan
Spec: Frost
Tip1: When using the Extra Action Button, the buff allows you to get 3 FoF out of water jet rather than 2. This can be done with every other water jet.
Tip2: Casting frostbolts while Gul'dan is transitioning between phases inside of his bubble will still give you procs. Delay using them slightly until he loses his immunity. ~1 second before the spinning rings stop, back in the ground.
Also possible, but not certain: Using the extra action button during frozen orb increases the tick rate of frozen orb, but does not decrease the duration (I consistently feel I am getting extra FoF out of frozen orb, but it could always be a coincidence).
Spec: Frost
Tip: Crystalline Skorpids (only the smallest adds) can be frozen by pet's freeze.
Boss: Chromatic Anomaly
Spec: Frost
Tip: Smallest Elementals can be frozen by pet's freeze.
Boss: Trilliax
Spec: All
Tip: Beam can be blinked over if needed, best used together with shimmer.
Boss: Botanist
Spec: Frost
Tip1: Precast blizzard over rooted players so the plant adds are slowed asap
Tip2: Plant adds can be rooted by pet's freeze (and frost nova if you need to get away from them).
Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Frost
Tip: Bats in the night phase can be frozen by pet's freeze. Very useful for getting the first few killed and snowballing your group.
Boss: Star Augur
Spec: Frost
Tip1: The small, constant adds in the void phase can be frozen by pet freeze.
Tip2: Blizzard does not have a facing requirement. You can use blizzard on the big add in the void phase when you have to look away.
Boss: Krosus
Spec: Frost
Tip: Cast water jet after your frostbolt has already finished (near the start/middle of the second frostbolt cast). The travel time on frostbolt is exceptionally high, and you need to do this to get 2 FoF out of each water jet.
Boss: Elisande
Spec: Frost
Tip1: Pet cooldowns (water jet/freeze) continue to refresh while Elisande transitions between phases, try to use it before she transitions.
Tip2: While transitioning, your buffs/cooldowns (icy veins/procs) will not lose time, but once you can move again, they'll start losing time again. This results in ~5 seconds of lost duration.
Boss: Gul'dan
Spec: Frost
Tip1: When using the Extra Action Button, the buff allows you to get 3 FoF out of water jet rather than 2. This can be done with every other water jet.
Tip2: Casting frostbolts while Gul'dan is transitioning between phases inside of his bubble will still give you procs. Delay using them slightly until he loses his immunity. ~1 second before the spinning rings stop, back in the ground.
Also possible, but not certain: Using the extra action button during frozen orb increases the tick rate of frozen orb, but does not decrease the duration (I consistently feel I am getting extra FoF out of frozen orb, but it could always be a coincidence).
- Dreamstreak
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:52 am
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Triliax (Mythic)
Spec: Arcane
Tip: You can spellsteal the energize buff from the Add. The buff gives you 5% Mana every second.
Spec: Arcane
Tip: You can spellsteal the energize buff from the Add. The buff gives you 5% Mana every second.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Boss: Tichondrius
Spec: Fire
Tip: Use Living Bomb 3s before he start casting Feast of Blood (watch DBM timer). Tainted Blood spawn at boss. This way LB will spread to all of them.
Spec: Fire
Tip: Use Living Bomb 3s before he start casting Feast of Blood (watch DBM timer). Tainted Blood spawn at boss. This way LB will spread to all of them.
Re: The Nighthold Tips & Tricks
Probably a bit late now, but I have switched my answer to living bomb. It's solid on botanist even and the better talent for most of the fights.For all the fire mages that don't switch talents during the raid, do you suggest going in with flame patch or living bomb?
Botanist is a fight that my dps was ehhh on because the other mage in my guild was running flame patch which did over 10% of his dps. Also with flame patch how many adds need to be up to make it worth it to cast.
Last edited by illwil on Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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