Comet Storm Buffs

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Comet Storm Buffs

Unread postby Articon Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:08 am

Up until now Comet Storm has been a rather niche spell, the recent change is:

-Comet Storm damage increased by 30%.

Are there any fights in Nighthold where we will want to take this spell or is it still going to be demoted to low M+?
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Re: Comet Storm Buffs

Unread postby HelloHotDate Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:23 am

I would probably even use CmS even when it's high m+, but doesn't look like it'll have much use inside Nighthold. Unless Skorp meme build parse week.
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Re: Comet Storm Buffs

Unread postby visc Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:32 am

It's an insignificant increase in damage in all conditions unless you can pet freeze shatter. Trash is the only place that can be done in NH as far as I know.

On the bright side, it's only about % or 2 below TV if one doesn't have veins relics, leg gloves and picks up RoP. So if you meet all that criteria, can hit all your comets and don't want to play TV in raids, it's an ok alternative.
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Re: Comet Storm Buffs

Unread postby thepaan Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:17 am

-Comet Storm damage increased by 30%.
It's actually a 6% increase - from 24 to 30 - if I'm reading the notes correctly. FWIW, pre-buff CmS simmed highest for me on 4 targets, so I've been using it in M+ and am happy with the results. Did you sim your character?
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Re: Comet Storm Buffs

Unread postby charlie01 Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:10 pm

I have been running Comet Storm in my mythic + dungeons. It seems pretty legit. I am going to start trying out ice nova. I just don't want to lose too much single target dps.

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