How much do legendaries effect gameplay

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How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Telos Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:19 pm

I'm currently at iLvl 891 (902 unequipped) and i'm wondering how much getting the "bad" legendaries is effecting my gameplay.

I've currently got..

Shard of Exodar

Everytime I try and look at logs, it's hard to compare since people have either bracers / belt / helmet. I know the shard is good but it seems that it doesn't help that much in overall M+ and short(ish) fights
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby magictricks Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:42 pm

The more gear you get the bigger the gap in dps.

Bracers to non bracers at ilvl 900 is about 100k dps.
around 50K - 70K for belt.
Ring is not so much unless the fight lines up really well.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Telos Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:44 pm

Honestly i'm kinda pissed off because if my next legendary is the chest i'm fooked.

I was tempted to just level again, but it'll take so long to regear :(
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby dioneslol Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:57 pm

Yeah, I'm on the unlucky side and even tho I have accepted that I will do less damage it is still really hard to play, just because you're kinda alone there, I mean I'm always aiming to perform at the top, and even tho I know I will not be able to do better than good people with good legendarys I still want to do the best I possible can, and thats the alone part, everytime I look at how could I've done better, what I did wrong, what can I improve, is soo hard because how can you compare to someone that does 80% more pyro damage than you, how can you see what people did better than you when they have completely different rotation / damage spikes / spell casts.

yeah I dont even expect to do better than people with great legendarys, I kinda use that as motivation to get as close as I can, but being the odd guy in the corner is hard, in EN it was so much better because only a few lucky people had the bis legendarys, now pretty much 99% of the top100 has BiS or second BiS, soo you gotta dig deep to find some helpfull data for the poor mages (also sucks when you discover that you're already playing close to 100% of your limit and barely parsing purple =/)

just for info, I have the Helm, Chest, Shepuz, Prydaz, Gloves, for your surprise the best leg combo for me is prydaz and the helm, rip single target damage =/
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Makz Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:51 pm

For shard in M+, unless your members have bis leges or completely outskill you, you should be high in the overall dmg for the entire dungeon. Personally I prefer to look at overall damage done in M+

With sephuz u should also have it up a lot in M+ as its easy to proc.

At least you know your 5th legendary has a big chance of being trinket/belt/helm/bracers. I have Chest, Shard, Bracers and Helm but im staying on Fire spec hoping to get the trinket more easily, or get fucked by prydaz, more easily :D
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby subtlexgaming Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:24 pm

How is the trinket for fire? Or are you trying to get it for another spec?
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Eturnus Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:27 am

I'm currently at iLvl 891 (902 unequipped) and i'm wondering how much getting the "bad" legendaries is effecting my gameplay.

I've currently got..

Shard of Exodar

Everytime I try and look at logs, it's hard to compare since people have either bracers / belt / helmet. I know the shard is good but it seems that it doesn't help that much in overall M+ and short(ish) fights
I feel your pain man. Mine look like this.


I felt like blizzard took a flaming crap all over my mage.......four times in a row.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Makz Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:52 am

How is the trinket for fire? Or are you trying to get it for another spec?
For Fire I would always go for trinket+bracers, and +helm on stuff like trillax(if I want to pad, bad bad!), alu, tich, botanist, guldan. People still havent figured out that the eyes on guldan actually have a huge hitbox and flamestrike/trinket clips all eyes unless they are beyond the boss.

And its fire damage, so it scales with your cds. From what I know about mythic Guldan it will also be quite beneficial on the hidden phase as well.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Eyliria Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:29 pm

How is the trinket for fire? Or are you trying to get it for another spec?
For Fire I would always go for trinket+bracers, and +helm on stuff like trillax(if I want to pad, bad bad!), alu, tich, botanist, guldan. People still havent figured out that the eyes on guldan actually have a huge hitbox and flamestrike/trinket clips all eyes unless they are beyond the boss.

And its fire damage, so it scales with your cds. From what I know about mythic Guldan it will also be quite beneficial on the hidden phase as well.
I knew the eyes had a 'weird' sized hitbox when i realized I could still hit some of them when I got picked for Empowered Fel Bonds

But I didn't realize how "fucked up oversized" they were until a DK pointed out to our assassination rogue that he could melee the eye from 25yds away.

I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, but I save my dragon's breath (Darckli's), a Rune charge and the eye of aman'thul (since the non-empowered eyes dont hit for fire dmg) and just go to town on them with phoenixflame/dragonbreath/flamestrike/fireblast weaving
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Makz Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:16 pm

I usually do not run RoP, so I use the special button as soon as its off cd to get more Mirror images. Even with ROP, at least on heroic, assuming at least all ranged/half melee contribute, they should vaporize. Last few clears my average pugs were about 898-901 ilevel and all I could do was pre-cast LB, DB, PF for splash and a FS and they were gone and people had a very hard time reaching me on Eye dmg.

The more your ilevel/int scales up, the more MI will output, which means you shouldnt save special button for Eyes. This became an extremely common misconception during the first few weeks of heroic as every raid leader was yelling "SAVE BUTTON FOR EYES OR KICK".

Also for maximum most awesome dmg on them - they all spawn IN guldan and go chase people, so if you time it, your FS/PF splash hits everything.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Eyliria Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:27 pm

I assume you are raiding with competent people.
We have more times that eyes successfully split, than when they don't.
Killing them before split is usually cause for a "GJ" over discord.

Our Eye Dmg is disproportionately Mage > Mage > Hunter > Hunter > Hunter > Frost DK > people.

I hadn't considered using the eye effect almost on CD with MI for more MI uses, I'll have to give that a go and see how it goes.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Makz Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:15 pm

I assume you are raiding with competent people.
We have more times that eyes successfully split, than when they don't.
Killing them before split is usually cause for a "GJ" over discord.

Our Eye Dmg is disproportionately Mage > Mage > Hunter > Hunter > Hunter > Frost DK > people.

I hadn't considered using the eye effect almost on CD with MI for more MI uses, I'll have to give that a go and see how it goes.
On short fights like Krosus DPS gets you to the top because everyone has little downtime and you need spikey CDs to maintain high statistical DPS. However on fights like Guldan, because of how many adds and movement and mechanics there are, damage done is just as good. And for mages, if you got 2 fat stat sticks, a CD like MI(use and forget) is gold compared to juggling timers and rune cd.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Eyliria Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:36 pm

I'm running two stat sticks at the moment, an 890 urn w/ socket and an 885 infernal writ.

No luck with NH items.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Deith Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:32 pm

The more gear you get the bigger the gap in dps.

Bracers to non bracers at ilvl 900 is about 100k dps.
around 50K - 70K for belt.
Ring is not so much unless the fight lines up really well.
Tell me you're joking or overexaggerating, 100k dps for just getting bracers? And I wonder why I'm so behind my iLvL when I compare my dps to warcraftlogs for NH. At least I know I'm not that bad, I just need to grab rngjesus by the ankles.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Imaskar Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:53 pm

Well, my perf% went from 70-ish to 90-ish when I got bracers. But there's always DyLemma, who gets top ranks without them.
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby broedrost Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:08 pm

I'm stable 90+ parsing (heroic) and 70+ mythic (3 bosses) with prydaz/chest." target="_blank

Watching toplogs it's no secret that you NEED bisleges to be able to contest unless you're padding like crazy, making your dmg useless for progression
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Eyliria Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:53 pm

I get it that people can still parse in the 90s (I do it too on occasion on heroic)
But plugging my character right now into SimC I get 580k, which I can hit on ST fights.

If I replace sephuz with your generic crit/haste 880 ring and put bracers as my 2nd legendary (keeping Darckli's as the other one), I jump to 660k.

If I replace both my legendaries with bracers/belt, it goes up to 690k.

...yay ?
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Àraya Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:30 pm

Thats the True Shit on ST im NH , without Bracers u never ever will Do Same Dps like other. AT the mom i Run with Belt and Trinket. All others are useless:/ Shoes,Neck and Yesterday got fucking Hands:(:( But never give up
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Re: How much do legendaries effect gameplay

Unread postby Hellflames Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:35 pm

Wanted to try arcane and set loot for that, got belt and immediately regretted, back to fire loot fishing for head, i have marquee, koralon, chest and boots, i know chances for sephuz and prydaz are pretty high now but so are for darkli

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