Nether Tempest + Whispers

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Nether Tempest + Whispers

Unread postby Steamie Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:35 pm

So, the reason NT was OP was because of quickening and its' snapshotting. The same should apply to whispers, when it proc you NT and before it ends you NT. Is NT better than erosion with whispers or not?
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Re: Nether Tempest + Whispers

Unread postby Causese Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:35 am

the gap between nt and erosion is 31k+ dps for me
there's no way that a trinket that barely proccs makes up for it

quickening was present throughout the fight
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Re: Nether Tempest + Whispers

Unread postby Steamie Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:29 am

I see, guess Im not gonna try out NT then. Btw, just a question about whispers. During the debuff, should I just spam arcane explosion and barrage to get up the lost mana from the burn I did during the proc? AE doesnt have a cast time and the debuff doesnt affect barraage cd for some reason.
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Re: Nether Tempest + Whispers

Unread postby jimmyo Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:46 am

So, the reason NT was OP was because of quickening and its' snapshotting. The same should apply to whispers, when it proc you NT and before it ends you NT. Is NT better than erosion with whispers or not?

No, the reason NT was OP with Quickening was because it had no CD, the mana cost didn't scale with Arcane Charges, and it could proc Arcane Missiles. NT served as a method of maintaining quickening stacks so you could go barrageless for extended periods. The damage was always secondary.

If you weren't going barrageless in 7.1, NT and Erosion were within 1-2% of each other. 7.1.5's removal of Quickening combined with the damage nerf to NT put Erosion so far ahead that NT is an afterthought.
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Re: Nether Tempest + Whispers

Unread postby Maillard Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:46 am

I see, guess Im not gonna try out NT then. Btw, just a question about whispers. During the debuff, should I just spam arcane explosion and barrage to get up the lost mana from the burn I did during the proc? AE doesnt have a cast time and the debuff doesnt affect barraage cd for some reason.
the trinket debuff affects your gcd so it doesn't really matter, think you just stick w/ your normal spells and suffer the tax while it's up.
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Re: Nether Tempest + Whispers

Unread postby Kythos Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:12 am

agreed. wish NT was more situational (should be best in theory on Botanist, and yet it doesn't scale compared to all the +damage modifiers talents)

as far as the debuff from Whispers, I tend to barrage and slow build back up with AB or AE, I do try and hold onto AMs till its gone.
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