Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby testacular Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:49 pm

Are there any fights where IF is definitely superior?
Totally, in ANY, let me repeat that, ANY Mythic+ with Volcanic affix (7+) you want to have IF.
I am saying that from a position of arcane mage who did (timed) runs on up to mythic +16 with volcanic affix.
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby magella Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:14 pm

Are there any fights where IF is definitely superior?
Totally, in ANY, let me repeat that, ANY Mythic+ with Volcanic affix (7+) you want to have IF.
I am saying that from a position of arcane mage who did (timed) runs on up to mythic +16 with volcanic affix.
I used RoP the past week in EU on volcanic and had no problems with it. You can literally still stand inside the rune and still dodge the volcano. Sure, there will be some dps loss if you cancel a lot of casts while RoP is up however most of the time they're easy to avoid with slipstream.

I tried IF for a few dungeons, didn't feel I had the same damage output at all and not having RoP for difficult trashs on fortified just felt really gimp.
I only did +10-16 on time last week if that is of any importance.
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby Effia Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:23 pm

Are there any fights where IF is definitely superior?
Totally, in ANY, let me repeat that, ANY Mythic+ with Volcanic affix (7+) you want to have IF.
I am saying that from a position of arcane mage who did (timed) runs on up to mythic +16 with volcanic affix.
Not really, bank an AM, judge whether you can finish a blast when the Volcanic appears, if you can, finish it and move casting AM, if you can't, cancel Blast and cast the AM while losing only a minor amount of dps. Completed a 17 with Volcanic just fine.
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby Deckzor Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:02 pm

In dungeons we are casting like 80% Explosions. So in 20 high keys with vulcanic i almost ate none while dancing around it in my Rune of Power.
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby Kythos Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:02 am

I want to try CU and ORB with my new Mystic kilt :D

MoA, RoP, AP, Barrage, CU, barrage, ORB, AM AM AM Barrage

i call it the trash compactor... lolol

I am curious about CU vs resonance for Kilt, guessing CU on star augur and krosus, resonance on the res.

anyone running orb for Skorp, elisandre, trillax, tich?

I have yet to try orb and kilt, thoughts?
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby Toytoy Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:39 am

I want to try CU and ORB with my new Mystic kilt :D

MoA, RoP, AP, Barrage, CU, barrage, ORB, AM AM AM Barrage

i call it the trash compactor... lolol

I am curious about CU vs resonance for Kilt, guessing CU on star augur and krosus, resonance on the res.

anyone running orb for Skorp, elisandre, trillax, tich?

I have yet to try orb and kilt, thoughts?
AO and Kilt, coupled with Resonance and a good AOE trinket is very good for Skorpyron, Spellblade and Tich fights. I have Aran's and Fury as mine and not the best of trinkets but this build and gears have never has put me behind. Pretty much going OOM is not going to be an issue since you will be doing ABarr everytime you get 4 ACs.
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby Kythos Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:50 pm

long time Resonance user, still learning CU...

no fights in NH are PURE single target. everyone has adds at some point. I think it comes down to personal preference, familiarity with the fight and when to do which one.

With 4p t19(kilt/shard)(amp, Slip, Rop, Resn, Chono, Ersn, OP)(27c, 24h, 24m, 7v) I feel Resonance has a leg up.

25% on 1 target is better than a "free barrage" every 40 seconds IMO;

with high haste I feel I can do ABx4 AM ABarrage rotations rather fast... if i get 4 barrages out between burns i get 100% more dmg (if pure ST, if there are 2 targets it takes off in damage...) at the same time I can be "mana neutral: doing so with regen + Kilt regen.

on fights like Spellblade, Skorp, tich, botanist, Chonomatic I feel resonance shines.

With CU i do get 1.2 mil -(1.8 mil opening bursts if whispers procs) but I am still learning CU.

Sorry for my rambles, coffee time ;D
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Re: Mystic Kilt 7.1.5: Raids and Keystones

Unread postby Kythos Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:54 pm

I want to try CU and ORB with my new Mystic kilt :D

MoA, RoP, AP, Barrage, CU, barrage, ORB, AM AM AM Barrage

i call it the trash compactor... lolol

I am curious about CU vs resonance for Kilt, guessing CU on star augur and krosus, resonance on the res.

anyone running orb for Skorp, elisandre, trillax, tich?

I have yet to try orb and kilt, thoughts?
AO and Kilt, coupled with Resonance and a good AOE trinket is very good for Skorpyron, Spellblade and Tich fights. I have Aran's and Fury as mine and not the best of trinkets but this build and gears have never has put me behind. Pretty much going OOM is not going to be an issue since you will be doing ABarr everytime you get 4 ACs.
Same. running Starlight and FuryotBurningSky on Skorp. want to try ORB this week on Heroic... I found that both ORB and CU is overkill and you rather miss the damage of Resonance on Barrage.
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