Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Saphi Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:39 am

I really struggle with comparing this new trinkets...

At the moment i got:

900 Chrono Shard
900 Grimoire
895 Fury
890 Metronome
895 Twisting Winds

For pure ST Chrono + Metronome seems to be the best but for any cleave encounters I really don't know what to pick ^^

(I am playing with 4pc, without any relevant legendarys and most of the time with MI)
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Makz Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:33 am

I really struggle with comparing this new trinkets...

At the moment i got:

900 Chrono Shard
900 Grimoire
895 Fury
890 Metronome
895 Twisting Winds

For pure ST Chrono + Metronome seems to be the best but for any cleave encounters I really don't know what to pick ^^

(I am playing with 4pc, without any relevant legendarys and most of the time with MI)
For Cleave, never use Twisting Winds. I would recommend The fury + Metronome, the extra mastery will offset the big int drop from Chrono shard by boosting your ignite on fights like Guldan. Grimoire just feels pretty weak because even tho the onuse does a lot of dmg, you only get haste, so you lose either 2k int or 1k stat.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Hellflames Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:33 pm

Hi. new user here (not new mage), what would you pick for st/cleave/aoe from this list?

885socket twisting wind
890 stat stick vers
875 star gate
875 grimoire
885 rot
860 ruby (got chest too, not equipped)
880 sinew
880 Oakheart
880 Skovald
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby alexs1mmo Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:56 pm

I've personally been having some odd results with my trinkets and simming

My 885 Fury/Metronome combo seems to outperform my whispers even though its 895.

Anyone else having similar results?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby alexs1mmo Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:00 pm

Hi. new user here (not new mage), what would you pick for st/cleave/aoe from this list?

885socket twisting wind
890 stat stick vers
875 star gate
875 grimoire
885 rot
860 ruby (got chest too, not equipped)
880 sinew
880 Oakheart
880 Skovald

I'd probably pick statstick verse and stargate in every circumstance.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Hellflames Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:53 pm

Have to say that grimoire is super for aoe, pretty much a weaker Kjbw, pair it with Comb and RoP and crits for 1.5M, did 25Mil on hc aluriel yesterday
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby orchid666 Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:37 am

Noob question because those sim results confuse me.
I have a 865 Darkmoon Deck equipped and a 860 metronome that sleeps in my bank. Between the 2 its basically Crit vs haste.
As far as I know, crit >haste for mage fire, so i have a hard time understand why metronome would do higher damage than my Darkmoon or a Stat crit trinket for that matter.
Am I missing something?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Flaszka Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:31 am

I think something's wrong, but I don't know what. I've got:
870 Metronome
875 Star Gate
870 Construct Core w/ socket
865 Bough
860 Pillar
870 Grimoire w/ socket
880 Prism
and my sims show that BiS are Star Gate and Core. I'm doing 3112123 with legendary Belt and Wrist.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Lahrast Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:01 pm

I think something's wrong, but I don't know what. I've got:
870 Metronome
875 Star Gate
870 Construct Core w/ socket
865 Bough
860 Pillar
870 Grimoire w/ socket
880 Prism
and my sims show that BiS are Star Gate and Core. I'm doing 3112123 with legendary Belt and Wrist.
what i've found with belt/bracer and 2/4p is that you've got a semi hastecap (to where haste is as strong as crit, weakest but not worthless afterwards) at about 20,8%, metronom is strong below that point, weaker above
tbh all your trinkets are non-optimal but i'd go for metronome&gate

i don't see how it would be hard to just sim all possible trinkets single-equipped and compare the delta in dps
that's what i would advise everybode here that posts those darn trinket-question posts, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that is super annoyed by now that every 2nd post is "what trinket should i use, i have xxx"
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Flaszka Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:13 pm

what i've found with belt/bracer and 2/4p is that you've got a semi hastecap (to where haste is as strong as crit, weakest but not worthless afterwards) at about 20,8%, metronom is strong below that point, weaker above
tbh all your trinkets are non-optimal but i'd go for metronome&gate

i don't see how it would be hard to just sim all possible trinkets single-equipped and compare the delta in dps
that's what i would advise everybode here that posts those darn trinket-question posts, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that is super annoyed by now that every 2nd post is "what trinket should i use, i have xxx"
I simmed all trinkets, but I was asking that, because I had no idea why it happens. I also forgot to say I'm 2pc. Just did stats sim and it looks like this:
Anyway, thanks for answer. Last question: in scorch phase do I only use scorch/fire blast/pyro, do full rotation when avaiable or focus on hardcasting pyro?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Oz1222 Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:56 pm

I think something's wrong, but I don't know what. I've got:
870 Metronome
875 Star Gate
870 Construct Core w/ socket
865 Bough
860 Pillar
870 Grimoire w/ socket
880 Prism
and my sims show that BiS are Star Gate and Core. I'm doing 3112123 with legendary Belt and Wrist.
what i've found with belt/bracer and 2/4p is that you've got a semi hastecap (to where haste is as strong as crit, weakest but not worthless afterwards) at about 20,8%, metronom is strong below that point, weaker above
tbh all your trinkets are non-optimal but i'd go for metronome&gate

i don't see how it would be hard to just sim all possible trinkets single-equipped and compare the delta in dps
that's what i would advise everybode here that posts those darn trinket-question posts, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that is super annoyed by now that every 2nd post is "what trinket should i use, i have xxx"

Regarding simming single equip trinkets- First, how does one do this? Do we unequip all trinkets and then /SimC, and then use the "copy" function for each trinket? If this is it, I foresee a small issue with not being able to appreciate the synergy of both trinkets with each other and/or the change in stat weight due to the stats on trinket 1. Is there a simple way to compare all combinations/pairs of available trinkets?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Lahrast Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:01 pm

I think something's wrong, but I don't know what. I've got:
870 Metronome
875 Star Gate
870 Construct Core w/ socket
865 Bough
860 Pillar
870 Grimoire w/ socket
880 Prism
and my sims show that BiS are Star Gate and Core. I'm doing 3112123 with legendary Belt and Wrist.
what i've found with belt/bracer and 2/4p is that you've got a semi hastecap (to where haste is as strong as crit, weakest but not worthless afterwards) at about 20,8%, metronom is strong below that point, weaker above
tbh all your trinkets are non-optimal but i'd go for metronome&gate

i don't see how it would be hard to just sim all possible trinkets single-equipped and compare the delta in dps
that's what i would advise everybode here that posts those darn trinket-question posts, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that is super annoyed by now that every 2nd post is "what trinket should i use, i have xxx"

Regarding simming single equip trinkets- First, how does one do this? Do we unequip all trinkets and then /SimC, and then use the "copy" function for each trinket? If this is it, I foresee a small issue with not being able to appreciate the synergy of both trinkets with each other and/or the change in stat weight due to the stats on trinket 1. Is there a simple way to compare all combinations/pairs of available trinkets?
use the copy-method, goes like this:
use your profile, under it you write:

copy="trinket combo name"

copy="trinket combo name2"
etc. etc.

for all possible useful combinations you can just copy-paste them under each other, no need for stat-weights at this point, determine the best combo and then do another run for stat-weights and graphs and whatever you need
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Xaazier Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:32 pm

You could also use simpermut addon to generate combos quickly
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Dacien Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:29 am

Have to say that grimoire is super for aoe, pretty much a weaker Kjbw, pair it with Comb and RoP and crits for 1.5M, did 25Mil on hc aluriel yesterday
Orb of Destruction (Grimoire proc) was my third highest damage source on Heroic Tich a week or so ago, at 30 million damage done. It was barely edged out by Living Bomb, and Dragon's Breath was way on top due to Darkli helm.

That trinket is insane if timed right.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Hellflames Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:16 pm

Have to say that grimoire is super for aoe, pretty much a weaker Kjbw, pair it with Comb and RoP and crits for 1.5M, did 25Mil on hc aluriel yesterday
Orb of Destruction (Grimoire proc) was my third highest damage source on Heroic Tich a week or so ago, at 30 million damage done. It was barely edged out by Living Bomb, and Dragon's Breath was way on top due to Darkli helm.

That trinket is insane if timed right.
You can have it up every eye phase on gul'dan and can fit 1 out of 2 into combustion for insane dmg, much better than ruby, too bad it doesn't scale with artifact, thanks blizz for being one of 2 classes whose paragon traits only affect 1 school of magic...

Minimum range can be quite annoying though
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Greymouser Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:30 am

Hi guys, sorry for my bad english. I am in trouble with whispers trinket in fire. It is in the first place on the trinket's board but on my logs the proc rate is very low. erratic metronome seems more regular. What do you think about whispers ?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Makz Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:51 am

Hi guys, sorry for my bad english. I am in trouble with whispers trinket in fire. It is in the first place on the trinket's board but on my logs the proc rate is very low. erratic metronome seems more regular. What do you think about whispers ?
I have been getting pretty good results with whispers(895), but its a bit of a coinflip. When everything procs I can dump 1.66s cast Pyros, but at least a few stars need to align for that. Considering Metronome has such a high uptime, im spending all my coins on Coin Anomaly mythic to get a high metronome and hopefully lege trinket too in order to ditch Whispers.

Tldr: Whispers is a gamble. You can pug Mythic anomaly for coins to get 900+ metronome.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Imaskar Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:28 pm

If you want to exchange them, then what is the other trinket? According to sims it is best to have them both, but idk how to handle that much haste.

About the use of whispers... If you time pyro hardcast at the absolute end of a green proc, you negate the red one a bit.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Greymouser Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:52 pm

If you want to exchange them, then what is the other trinket? According to sims it is best to have them both, but idk how to handle that much haste
I play with Stargate and Erratic (even ST). Simcraft shows me a dps loss with them (5 or 6 kdps) but I think it's less risky.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby CaliFireMage Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:07 pm

Tldr: Whispers is a gamble. You can pug Mythic anomaly for coins to get 900+ metronome.
Funny, I was literally thinking this exact same thing. You can really just farm Chromatic on Nl/H/M and just look for the TF. Im in the boat of literally all I have I left to get from Nighthold is a better version of Metro (have 870) or the Heroic Whisper (have 880 ver) for my last item pre-7.2

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