Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

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Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Sura Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:54 am

Cord of Infinity: Each time Arcane Missiles hits an enemy, the damage of your next Mark of Aluneth is increased by 1.0%. This effect stacks.

Shard of the Exodar Your Time Warp will be applied to yourself at 25 sec duration when you are affected by Temporal Displacement or similar effects.
(source: mmo champion)

What do you think about the change to Cord of Inifinity? Will it be worth taking it?

Personally I do respect the change to Shard of the Exodar - it was a very strong legendary, aspecially on mythic + (had almost always bl and if on cooldown, i used drums).
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Causese Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:44 am

Cord of infinity does nothing during your opener since you aren't using any arcane missiles prior to your first MoA and delaying your opener isn't an option either for that small damage gain... :roll:

Cord of Inifnity:
Mark of Aluneth always scores a critical hit. (ticks too)

^would fix opener issue and give us a situational aoeburst-legendary for mechanics like guldan eye spawn or whatever :roll:
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Sura Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:22 am

based on a raid environment, you are right.

however, i am looking forward to test this on mythic +
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby seoh Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:49 am

Shard change seems a bit strange. Perhaps the legendary is too strong, but I'm apprehensive to nerfs to mage as a whole right now. Cord change seems nice in that its tending away from just mana gain, but seeing as the 1/5 MoA's will have no buff (assuming a 5 min fight), I do not think this will make a huge difference.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Kythos Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:13 am

I do not understand shard changes... does it just extend the duration now? does it cast Time Warp for me? does TW go on cd? strange wording.

if this is true, it is a lust/warp extender only?
great for frost... rip shard for arcane?

the cord changes are per hit...
some people tested ptr and said they got in 100 arcane missiles hits between 1 and 2... so 100% more damage per MoA... which is now "cleave" as well as new MoA mana return trait.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby loonatiq Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:32 am

I dont have shard but I was really hoping to get it. Right now im not sure.

For me change means that someone else need to hero first so then when you are ready for your next burst with CDS you use time warp which will be 25s. If thats how it works its not that bad since 2 heroism bursts are still pretty decent. Nonetheless it's very sad that they nerf legendary that was good for all specs.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby maynord Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:41 am

Very happy about Cord change, I know it is somewhat viable in its current form but the buff was extremely boring.

I was just looking through my H Augur log from last night and on average I landed 50 Arcane Missiles every minute, which equates to a 50% MoA buff every time I cast it. IMO that's really huge.

With the CoI buff, I really feel like our spec is in a good spot in terms of legendaries. All of our class specific legendaries are really good tbh.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Hellflames Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:25 pm

I have belt too and is quite underwhelming right now, hopefully with those changes it will be competitive with bracers and kilt
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Deltoramasta Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:01 pm

I'm happy with the shard change, but am quite curious about the Cord.

I assume the belt will act in a way that it will give 5% (or 8% with a Rule of Threes proc) for each missile charge. I imagine there is a cap, maybe 50 or 100%? I can see it having potential on sturdy AoE phases such as Spellblade. Considering the base damage of Mark is being increased; this might end up being a good AoE/Cleave legendary. Maybe see some Arcane Orb play with it (for lots of missiles!).

As for Shard - it is still a great legendary for Arcane ST. Since you really only need the 2nd lust for the duration of your AP and runes, the nerf does not really effect Arcane that much. The big thing is that, for 3 lusts, the fight duration needs to be around ~7minutes (Somebody else lust -> you lust at 1:30~ -> you lust at ~6:30) minutes instead of the current 5 minute.

Overall seems like a good PTR pass so far.

Last edited by Deltoramasta on Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby loonatiq Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:02 pm

Improving belt is fine, but the problem is with the shard which was huge portion of our damage.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby ardomur Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:53 pm

Which is exactly what Blizzard wants. If you don't have Shard, you are missing this huge portion of damage because of RNG, getting Prydaz you get a stat stick and no damage vs. someone who gets double uptime on BL/TW, depending on the fight could be even tripple.
I expected a nerf as they nerfed the fire bracers, having BL/TW for 2 of your Burns is still a strong legendary
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby loonatiq Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:33 pm

I agree with the fact that 2 Time Warps are still strong.

As for the other argument - i'd rather have very strong legendary even if I dont have (i dont have shard) cause it will mean there is still way to improve, even if it means farming content for a chance to get it - im fine with that since our damage is not garbage without it. Actually the difference here is that without shard we do decent damage with shard we do high damage as for fire its without bracers you do crap damage ST and with them you do okay.

Overall I would vote for something like duration nerf of next time warps to maybe 20 seconds. That would be a nerf but wouldnt hurt numbers of possible uses.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Haruichi Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:02 pm

Shard of the Exodar Your Time Warp will be applied to yourself at 25 sec duration when you are affected by Temporal Displacement or similar effects.
(source: mmo champion)
Since our own TW does now causes Temp. Dis., I guess we effectively have to get someone else to cast TW first or the effect of Shard will be wasted? Meaning, not only a direct damage nerf but also a slight QoL nerf.
Last edited by Haruichi on Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby loonatiq Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:03 pm

Shard of the Exodar Your Time Warp will be applied to yourself at 25 sec duration when you are affected by Temporal Displacement or similar effects.
(source: mmo champion)
So, since our own TW does now causes Temp. Dis., I guess we effectively have to get someone else to cast TW first or the effect of Shard will be wasted?
Yes. Actually this is not a big deal in raids, it might be problematic in m+
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Haruichi Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:05 pm

Yes. Actually this is not a big deal in raids, it might be problematic in m+
Indeed. Was specifically thinking of QoL nerf in M+.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby ardomur Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:15 pm

I just always found it funny, that Mages and Shamans had basically the same Legendary.
For Shamans it extends the Buff of Heroism/Bloodlust by 75%, so you get +30 sec of Bloodlust and Mages get a free 2nd Timewarp/Bloodlust that they can use at any time, which makes the Mage Legendary so much better, as you can Line it up with a second set of CD's and not just an extended BL.
Also the only way Shamans could get a 2nd Bloodlust is Lusting on Pull on Gul'dan. Mages on the other Hand would get 2 normal TW buffs and up to 4 (depending on how fast you are in the last phase)
Why they didn't give us the same benefit as Shamans in the first place is what i don't understand
I'm not saying that we deserved the nerf, but for Mages who haven't gotten the best legendarys its nice, we can catch up. If we now get a Buff to our overall Damage to compensate i'd be satisfied
The only sucky thing is Lusting on your own in M+ which you could do with Drums (on pull, and TW after at anytime), so "only" losing the 3rd BL which tbh never lines up with anything, or do you guys Lust on CD in M+?
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Kythos Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:09 am

not as big of a nerf as I originally thought, but still cuts out 2 mages with shard TWing back and forth in Mythic+ or long fights.

Might have to keep my loot spec on arcane for new MoA Cord for AOE/cleave awesomeness
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Mardwen Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:42 am

Why would you respect the change to the shard? It sims below others and for some like me, it's the only decent one they have. I really don't understand nerfing non-BiS items ... Who cares about M+ anyways? The loot caps at 15 anyways; we're screwing unlucky chaps in raids to balance bragging rights now?
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby magerlol Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:15 pm

The shard should be an on use ability that gives us some type of blood lust. Ideally it would be something like, 2 charges and when you wear the ring you can no longer benefit from the other blood lusts. Essentially rendering your own timewarp and others hero's useless. This would allow blizzard to properly balance the item (% of haste and time). This would not only be a QOL improvement, but make the shard usable in EVERY fight. The current iteration of the Shard is crazy...it can be the BIS on fight, and lower end in other fights. That is before we talk about pugging with the shard or doing mythic plus w/o another player who can lust...its a very annoying legendary but it def. feels good when you can get proper usage. I'll take a less powerful shard if it means I can lust whenever I want 2x every fight.

Take away 3 lusts, give us 2 every time, and balance the stats...GG.
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Re: Upcoming Legendary changes 7.2

Unread postby Kythos Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:03 am

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