The FAIL Thread

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The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Komma Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:50 am

Sometimes, shit happens. Sometimes, shit happened because you messed up. This thread is for sharing your own epic fails.

Let me start by example. Here is a perfect example of how NOT to use Greater Invis on Spoils:

Code: Select all

0.00s Komma dies from Commander Zak'tar's Set to Blow -0.35s Commander Zak'tar Set to Blow Komma 863233 (O: 756767) -0.77s Komma's Greater Invisibility fades from Komma -4.58s Komma gains Greater Invisibility from Komma
Sometimes on farm, you get greedy trying to stay in Rune of Power. Sometimes, you don't realize that the cutter laser is chasing a buyer:

Code: Select all

0.00s Komma dies from Top Cannon's Mortar Blast -0.30s Top Cannon Mortar Blast Komma 456543 (O: 55533) -0.35s Cutter Laser 1 Tar Explosion Komma 494843
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby zhengma Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:52 am

I've seen the term "EPIC FAIL" on Western Internet quite a bit, but I don't know the subtle criteria for it. If I were to interpret it literally, here are some examples (it's too hard to look through my entire WoL archive for evidence but I promise that they all happened to me):

  • Throw 13 FB on my lovely little Elemental at max HP, thinking I'm nuking the boss, wondering why there isn't a single FoF procced.
Tier 16:
  • All Puddles, dozens of them, hit the central pond the very instant my Temporal Shield expires;
  • Yelled in Ventrilo "Pass the Mark of Anguish to me!" before realizing I'd used my IB a minute ago.
  • Tried to Blink across Blind Hatred (the eye beam) only to Blink right into it;
  • Switched to FB just for the trash before Sha with the twisted intention to troll other DPS, but got killed early. Then forgot to switch for a different Tier 5 Talent for the boss fight;
  • Tried to do a HALO jump off the tower, hitting Slow Fall the last moment. At that last moment, realized I'm targeting a friendly unit;
  • Stomped on the mine and keep firing, at the instant when it's exploding, found that IB is on GCD;
  • Ran into the middle of, and got killed by, a excrement-load of Foul Slimes, just to make sure AE can hit them all;
  • My very first LFR run, 3 days after I hit level 90. Spent the entirety of a Def Stance tunneling boss. The leader said "K, why don't you give me a share of the marijuana you're smoking and GTFO?"
  • Used the "Move To" command to let my WE stomp an Imploding Energy void zone cuz yeah I'm that lazy;
  • Got "Set to Blow", run to a corner and IB, blown right after the IB expires, triggered Cauterize, got healed to full, and as I attempted to rejoin the battle, got blown into Oblivion by the bomb someone else discarded onto the ground.
  • Thok got eyes on me. Double Blink + Blazing speed, arrived at the far end of the room in 3 GCDs. Thok abandoned after a while, and I started running back normally, but then he got eyes upon me again (because I'm farthest to him) and got stomped into mincemeat without somewhere to run towards.
  • Dancing elegantly in the face of ripple after ripple of drills from below the ground, imagining I was doing the Rag dance as Paragon did. Stepped back right into a sawblade, got a nasty cut on my spine and thrown forward, right as another wave of drills rushing out of the ground...
  • Trying to let my Mirror Images to take the shot for me: it seems that as dumb as a mantid, Hisek is still capable of telling the real me apart from 3 unreal one, which is much better eye sight than I had in a similar situation in Scholomance.
  • A lone tank was holding Garry, covered in nasty blue goo, and a whole bunch of small Sha, while yelling in Vent "10 percent! I can hold them forever! Just tunnel the boss!" I saw the icon of Frozen Orb pop up and instinctively hit the hotkey. A small Sha died to it, all the rest are enhanced, and the tank need to edit the "forever" part...
Well, now that I wrote them down, I found these are not EPIC FAILS, just plain NOOB FAILS. Hope these still count.
Last edited by zhengma on Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:23 am

Throw 13 FB on my lovely little Elemental at max HP, thinking I'm nuking the boss, wondering why there isn't a single FoF procced.
I've done that before, so I made a macro to make sure that couldn't happen anymore.

Code: Select all

#showtooltip Frostbolt /cast [harm, nochanneling] Frostbolt
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Chev Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:04 pm

[*] Tried to do a HALO jump off the tower, hitting Slow Fall the last moment. At that last moment, realized I'm targeting a friendly unit;
I too have made a lot of the same mistakes. but for the one above, use Blink. It will instantly put you on the ground softly and you don't need wait to time slowfall properly or even wait for slow fall to put you on the ground.
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Akraen Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:04 pm

I've seen the term "EPIC FAIL" on Western Internet quite a bit, ...
  • Throw 13 FB on my lovely little Elemental at max HP, thinking I'm nuking the boss, wondering why there isn't a single FoF procced.
Haha, I have done this SO MANY TIMES! It definitely counts :)
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Soggs Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:44 pm

I managed to precisely AT back into the beam on Norushen last raid. Also I to got greedy on IJ and ate the saw blade and earth borer at once.
Shoot me a pm if you want me to elaborate on my crazy thoughts. I sometimes lose track of what I actually meant to say.

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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby zhengma Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:35 pm

Throw 13 FB on my lovely little Elemental at max HP, thinking I'm nuking the boss, wondering why there isn't a single FoF procced.
I've done that before, so I made a macro to make sure that couldn't happen anymore.

Code: Select all

#showtooltip Frostbolt /cast [harm, nochanneling] Frostbolt
Copied and Pasted.

On my off-spec I've been extensively use [nochanneling] to ensure all 5 waves of Arcane Missile goes out with my jigging hand spamming buttons, but I didn't thought about doing the same to Invocation on my main-spec all these months. That is true EPIC FAIL.
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Malon Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:55 pm

Ever since Blinking into the Norushen death beam, I've tried to avoid using the spell on that fight. WHY can't they design a world (or at least an instance) without these ridiculous areas that Blink can't bypass?
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Soggs Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:28 pm

Ever since Blinking into the Norushen death beam, I've tried to avoid using the spell on that fight. WHY can't they design a world (or at least an instance) without these ridiculous areas that Blink can't bypass?
That I ask myself all the time when it fizzles arounds Sha prisons and Norushen.
Shoot me a pm if you want me to elaborate on my crazy thoughts. I sometimes lose track of what I actually meant to say.

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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Turkeyburger Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:51 am

Blinking off the ledge during Siegecrafter progression:" target="_blank

At least I saved the raid from a saw blade.....
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Xtenz Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:09 am

I repeatedly blink through the doorways in SoO and fall to my death on the opposite side of the world.

I even do this right after reminding myself that it'll happen again.
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby voltaa Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:15 am

My finest moment from DeFUNestrate
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Aowyn Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:36 am

I once started casting a teleport to Dalaran to hunt some transmog pieces in Naxxramas and Oculus. As it was casting, I alt-tabbed to read Altered Time posts. Soon, I heard my mage die and realized I had teleported to Ancient Dalaran...
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Komma Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:48 am

I once started casting a teleport to Dalaran to hunt some transmog pieces in Naxxramas and Oculus. As it was casting, I alt-tabbed to read Altered Time posts. Soon, I heard my mage die and realized I had teleported to Ancient Dalaran...
I remember doing that when I got a whisper from some low level folks asking if I could port them to Dalaran. I felt like helping out so I said yes.

I only realized that something went wrong when I saw two dead party members on grid. :oops:
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby zhengma Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:54 pm

I once started casting a teleport to Dalaran to hunt some transmog pieces in Naxxramas and Oculus. As it was casting, I alt-tabbed to read Altered Time posts. Soon, I heard my mage die and realized I had teleported to Ancient Dalaran...
I remember doing that when I got a whisper from some low level folks asking if I could port them to Dalaran. I felt like helping out so I said yes.

I only realized that something went wrong when I saw two dead party members on grid. :oops:
Sorry but didn't quite get it...You got your lockout ruined or what?
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Soggs Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:27 pm

There is a murder time fun time portal to ancient Dalaran or rather where Dalaran was. That portal spawns you about 100 yards above the ground at dalaran crater, so usually people go splat before the realized what happend. :D
Shoot me a pm if you want me to elaborate on my crazy thoughts. I sometimes lose track of what I actually meant to say.

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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby zhengma Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:34 pm

There is a murder time fun time portal to ancient Dalaran or rather where Dalaran was. That portal spawns you about 100 yards above the ground at dalaran crater, so usually people go splat before the realized what happend. :D
After doing the "Theramore's Fall" scenario, you'll be forever phased to the post-nuked Theramore. If you attempt to teleport to Theramore, well, had better cast Slow Fall on yourself beforehand.
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Aowyn Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:51 pm

That's a different portal. The portal I'm talking about is the one that ports you to where Dalaran was before moving to Northrend, which is in Hillsbrad (near Undercity). Theramore is another portal and unavailable to Horde players (we get a portal to Stonard instead).

In order to learn this portal, you need to retrieve a book in the Scarlet Halls dungeon, where the boss with fire spells is burning all the books there. Defeat him quickly, before he can burn everything, and you can find the book in one of the shelves.

It's a portal most mages use to troll people. Not every class has a Slow Fall or immunity, or engineer parachutes. It can be used, though, to get to some parts of the Eastern Kingdoms faster; practical for archaeology.

Also, there's a dead paladin NPC at the bottom of the crater, arguably because a mage trolled him. Were one of those low level folks a paladin, Komma?

Links: ... n#comments" target="_blank

Alliance's spell:" target="_blank
Horde's version of Theramore:" target="_blank

Dead paladin:" target="_blank
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Amitwin Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:05 pm

It was the very beginning of my guilds HC progress, and I had just swapped from NM Gaze to NM 1H+OH.
I had completely forgotten that now I wasn't using a staff, my wand actually had an auto-attack... yeah.

Code: Select all

00:00:00.000 Immerseus engaged on 10-Man Heroic Difficulty. 00:00:00.029 Amitwin Shoot Immerseus *11649*
I was a little confused as this tiny little wand sparkle flew over everyone's head, so all I could say was "...Did I just pull?" We wiped, and of course the GM immortalised the moment with an image for being such an idiot.
Well, people didn't forget about that, and a month later I happened to fat-finger my keyboard. I have Scorch bound next to Pyroblast and at 2.5secs I pre cast Pyroblast....except this time it wasn't Pyroblast.

Code: Select all

00:00:00.000 Iron Juggernaut engaged on 10-Man Heroic Difficulty. 00:00:00.020 Amitwin Scorch Iron Juggernaut 52262
Luckily it was only 1 sec before pull timer and the tanks taunted it back before I got slapped in the face, but they still gave me a grilling for that. :lol:
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Re: The FAIL Thread

Unread postby Charmander! Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:17 pm

I iceblocked bombardment / malicious blast when the iron star landed then sat there like an idiot thinking being immune would prevent it fixating me, and had it explode in my face.

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