Would love to see a change to shard where its an on use ability that does not interact with bloodlust. For example: 1 charge every 10 minutes, where you can use it anytime you want. While under the effects of the buff, you are immune to bloodlust and the debuff. Then they can tune the power of the on use ability. Such as bringing the haste down to 20% but keeping the duration.
Blizzard created a very interesting and imo cool legendary that will now fall to the wayside for more passive legendaries. If you have lust ring in the state of 7.2, I see no scenario where its better than the Wrist/Glove combo. I thought it being bis for one spec and middle of the pack for the other two was a good place to be in balance wise. It also gave people like me a chance to try different specs and not feeling too underpowered.
Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
Re: Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
As frost, I've made great use of the ring on every fight. Every fight I get 2 lusts (some 3 lusts) with an IV that I am able to keep going for the entire duration of both lusts. Sure, you may not be able to lust at the start on some fights, but you can still make good use of it, especially with 2xIL helping IV uptimes.
Sucks they nerfed it this much, It isn't that great for fire/arcane. Guess this is what happens when other classes cry about mage legendaries.
Sucks they nerfed it this much, It isn't that great for fire/arcane. Guess this is what happens when other classes cry about mage legendaries.
Re: Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
My assumption is that they want spec specific dps legendary items to be better for that specific spec's dps than non spec specific ones... for glacial spike frost for example, shard is the single best legendary item, despite it not being a frost specific legendary item.Actually in the Q&A when talking about the ring Ion said they wanted to nerf it because it was not in line with other legendaries. Not sure if he meant that it was too good or not shit enough like the other utility.
Re: Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
Whether it's overpowered or not, the item was essentially doomed to be nerfed. Time warp has been perceived by the community to be an insane buff for your entire raid group ever since raiding began. So it makes sense that if someone hears a Mage gets more than one TW, obviously it's overpowered. People fail to understand the cooldown used on a single player is much less impactful when compared to the entire group receiving a 30% haste buff. Therefore when a non-Mage sees they got beat by a Mage, they are, of course, going to point to the cooldown they perceive to be overpowered...even though that player is probably just doing pathetic percentiles.
Important to note that the ring is definutely powerful. However, if it's as ridiculous as the community perceives receiving double or triple time warp is, then you would see a lot more mages at the top of logs.
Important to note that the ring is definutely powerful. However, if it's as ridiculous as the community perceives receiving double or triple time warp is, then you would see a lot more mages at the top of logs.
Re: Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
It was the community's fault(overall, not mages) that got Fire nerfed as people were shouting "MAGES ON XAVIUS" and had the pitcforks up. Just like Mages bracers, the Guldan melee trinket should also be gutted but for some reason no one is complaining about Fury warriors as everyone likes to bash Mages.Whether it's overpowered or not, the item was essentially doomed to be nerfed. Time warp has been perceived by the community to be an insane buff for your entire raid group ever since raiding began. So it makes sense that if someone hears a Mage gets more than one TW, obviously it's overpowered. People fail to understand the cooldown used on a single player is much less impactful when compared to the entire group receiving a 30% haste buff. Therefore when a non-Mage sees they got beat by a Mage, they are, of course, going to point to the cooldown they perceive to be overpowered...even though that player is probably just doing pathetic percentiles.
Important to note that the ring is definutely powerful. However, if it's as ridiculous as the community perceives receiving double or triple time warp is, then you would see a lot more mages at the top of logs.
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Re: Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
This nerf still going through? Seems ridiculous when so many other legendaries are so much stronger.
Re: Shard of the Exodar in 7.2
This change has been reverted!!!
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