Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Vele Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:58 pm

Ok i am little bit confused what trinkets to use for ST so atm i have :

Erratic 870
Star Gate 900
Horn of Valor 900
B Sky 890
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Emmeh Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:18 am

Valor and Metronome. No question.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Freq147 Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:24 am


I have the following trinkets:

Stargate 900
Horn of Valor 885
Whispers 895
Burning Sky 895
Helya Crit 880
Nightbane Urn 890
Krosus Trinket 890

Can you help me find out which are my best trinket combo for ST?

And which Trinkets should I aim to get ?

Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Emmeh Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:07 pm

It depends a lot on your stats and gear. Whispers is a given since you don't have a metronome at the same level. However both the valor and crit statstick is good. Simply it for best results
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Hellflames Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:30 pm

Whispers is a bit of a gamble, its proc is totally unpredictable pretty much like pyro bracers, so if you're lucky you can do monster dps especially if you can hardcast pyro into proc, if it doesn't it simply acts like a stat stick, metronome is more reliable, procs are much weaker but more constant
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Pyrominator Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:34 am

Yesterday droped for me a 880 Horn of Valor , should i use it with the 900 + socket Whisper? I have also a 885 Metronome and 885 Infernal Writ. Now we are talking about single target.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Nyaline Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:55 pm

should I use 890 erratic or 880 whispers (with soc) in combination with my 910 star gate.
Theoretically whispers sims a lil higher but it feels so rng
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby broedrost Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:39 pm

should I use 890 erratic or 880 whispers (with soc) in combination with my 910 star gate.
Theoretically whispers sims a lil higher but it feels so rng
id play erratic+whispers over star gate i think, atleast on single target focused fights
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Nyaline Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:08 pm

but SG sims way better bc of massive int bonus
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Funkyfire Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:01 am

What I am actually curious about, is the consistency of Whispers vs Valor.

Since Whispers only sims for ~1-2k DPS better than Valor does (on the same iLvl of course), shouldn't Valor be always the better choice, because you're perfectly in control regarding combustion timing etc?
I am pretty aware that you CAN get 10-20k more DPS if you get plenty perfectly timed badass procs, but that should be a pretty rare case anyway.

I'm still not really sure if I should waste all my DKP on a high-ish rolled Whispers when I basically just can boost HoVs for some days.. :D
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby broedrost Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:51 pm

What I am actually curious about, is the consistency of Whispers vs Valor.

Since Whispers only sims for ~1-2k DPS better than Valor does (on the same iLvl of course), shouldn't Valor be always the better choice, because you're perfectly in control regarding combustion timing etc?
I am pretty aware that you CAN get 10-20k more DPS if you get plenty perfectly timed badass procs, but that should be a pretty rare case anyway.

I'm still not really sure if I should waste all my DKP on a high-ish rolled Whispers when I basically just can boost HoVs for some days.. :D
It all comes down to prefferance imo. Horn could be better for progression with sustained damage output, but Whispers can be fun for farm kills to make insane parses on a good try. However Whispers can be the better choice in progression too if you manage to get lucky so I guess it's up to you if you like gambling or nah.
Alot of high end mythic raiders just play metronome+whispers on most single target based fights because Combustion is no longer a huge dps spike like it was before, meaning it's a nerf to Horn as well. Do what you want with that information =D

However if you choose between spendning your DKP on a Metronome vs Whispers I'd go for Metronome any day, much more sustained haste boost and damage output.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Makz Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:27 pm

What I am actually curious about, is the consistency of Whispers vs Valor.

Since Whispers only sims for ~1-2k DPS better than Valor does (on the same iLvl of course), shouldn't Valor be always the better choice, because you're perfectly in control regarding combustion timing etc?
I am pretty aware that you CAN get 10-20k more DPS if you get plenty perfectly timed badass procs, but that should be a pretty rare case anyway.

I'm still not really sure if I should waste all my DKP on a high-ish rolled Whispers when I basically just can boost HoVs for some days.. :D
There are 2 aspects - 1) what you are comfortable with will give you the best results, if you feel super unlucky with whispers proc and want something which is always reliable, you go horn and 2) the whispers can proc like 7 times per fight or once, meaning sometimes you will have good parses sometimes bad, which gives your performance a bit of a wide spread.

The only must-have trinket is really a high metronome and for the 2nd you can have either whispers,horn or UC.
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Lahrast Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:04 pm

What I am actually curious about, is the consistency of Whispers vs Valor.

Since Whispers only sims for ~1-2k DPS better than Valor does (on the same iLvl of course), shouldn't Valor be always the better choice, because you're perfectly in control regarding combustion timing etc?
I am pretty aware that you CAN get 10-20k more DPS if you get plenty perfectly timed badass procs, but that should be a pretty rare case anyway.

I'm still not really sure if I should waste all my DKP on a high-ish rolled Whispers when I basically just can boost HoVs for some days.. :D
There are 2 aspects - 1) what you are comfortable with will give you the best results, if you feel super unlucky with whispers proc and want something which is always reliable, you go horn and 2) the whispers can proc like 7 times per fight or once, meaning sometimes you will have good parses sometimes bad, which gives your performance a bit of a wide spread.

The only must-have trinket is really a high metronome and for the 2nd you can have either whispers,horn or UC.
Fury of the Burning sky is also very good for ST and really excells at cleave, much better choice than WotD imo - simc says they're equal, reality says WotD is inferior due to 50% of the procs being wasted in "oh shit"-moments (and i have both 910...yeah i'm that guy :D)
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Tezuya Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:22 pm

What would you guys recommend for Krosus Mythic?
My best trinkets are

Metronome - 915
Grimoire - 910
Infernal Writ - 910
Star Gate - 905
Burning Sky - 895
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby illwil Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:58 pm

Probably metronome and stargate. might want to sim it tho....915 metronome :o
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Emmeh Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:25 pm

Id prolly use the Metronome with the Infernal Writ :P
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Amerika Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:28 am

Hello, i've been simming my mage with an 885 chrono shard and a 900 fury of the burning sky. I notice they are very close in the fire simulation OP with chrono shard just barely winning. You may be thinking "well you have different stat weights than the simulation". Yes thats quite true. What i am finding really odd though is that chrono shard is a whopping 9k dps decrease vs fury. Also that Simc is telling me mastery is my best ST stat now. I didnt think with any different sets of items i'd ever see mastery as #1 for single target. Im using the default Simc APL with an up to date client. Can anyone provide me with some answers? Is this actually a thing that mastery at one point can be our best stat ST and that chrono could be such a huge loss?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby House Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:54 am

Are you running out of mana in your sim? What is your haste value?
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Amerika Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:48 am

Are you running out of mana in your sim? What is your haste value?
Didn't OOM. Haste is at 6294 scaling at 12.10
Crit ~= Mastery > Int ~= Vers > Haste

Which is fairly weird because almost every sim ive ran in the past to determine upgrades on singles target it is nearly reversed. generally like Haste ~=Int >=Vers > Crit > Mastery

edit: i was using RoP at the time to sim which apparently greatly devalues my haste and boosts my mastery. I understand the devaluing of haste but not so much the mastery being my #1-2 stat. Also Chrono shard is only 700 dps behind with MI which is closer to what i expected. Oh well, one of lifes mysteries i guess...mastery good on ST with RoP
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Re: Fire mage trinket sims (all ilvls) by Binkenstein

Unread postby Tinker Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:06 pm

I'm having a fairly hard time with my trinkets as of late. It doesn't help that I have such a large amount of time accumulated right now, with some lucky titanforges in there. What would be the best picks?

890 Burning Sky
885 Whispers in the Dark
890 Forbidden Grimoire
890 Aran's Relaxing Ruby (I know, lucky as hell)
900 Stormsinger Fulmination Charge

I tend to carry Ruby + Burning Sky for AoE fights and Mythic+, which works fairly well as they both proc a lot, but I'm at a loss what to pick at fights with irregular adds (like Chronomatic Anomaly) or single target fights. Sims aren't very conclusive, and I find that for example Whispers in the Dark and Forbidden Grimoire don't work that well together because WitD is so good with MI while FG works so well with RoP.

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