Small buff tomorrow

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Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby DexterGX Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:37 am

[With maintenance in each region] Damage of all abilities increased by 6%.

Do you think it's enough to make Fire a good spec? I say 10% would have been more reasonable.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby magictricks Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:17 am

You would have to assume 6% is 6k dps on every 100k you push out. So if you were pulling 700k before that would now be 740k, not a huge buff but noticeable, hopefully it translates in to a lot more for the bracers (300%) and belt (350%).
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Taelon Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:21 pm

Shared this napkin math on discord:
MY balance view goal is getting 90.0 score in warcraftlogs
heroic: (skorpyx removed, exodar padding, best mages are frost)
75% = Fire 78.1
90% = Fire 77.6
so 12,5scor = 16% buff needed

Mythic: (skorpyx removed, best mage are frost)
75% = 78.7
90% = 79.0
So 11,2score = 14,2% buff needed

So Fire needs 14-15% buff. Playing it safe would be 10%.
In 7.2.5 most of that dmg needs to be converted into pyroblast / flamestrike and nerf pyrobracer (pref revamp). Koralon's could also be nerfed and that dmg put into scorch.

The big issue is despite the 7.1.5 changes fire scales horrible and needs buffs every 2-4weeks if you take that into account fire would need 17% buff. Unholy DK's seem to scale even worse though.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby MooseJuice Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:44 pm

What about converting the majority of that damage into fireball and scorch instead of pyroblast and flamestike? Seems less complicated that way and would directly address our issue with single target damage.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby bonermobile Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:58 am

A talent to increase Ignite's damage a significant amount while removing the ability for it to spread would be a simple way to solve the single target issues I think. Would also give mastery better value on single target as well.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby DexterGX Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:17 am

The change is live? o.O
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Elderberry Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:05 pm

Yes I believe the change is live. I had raid last night (HNH). At this point I know all the boss fights real well, where the opportunities for cleave are etc. and I was top on skorp, trilliax, tich. Folks were asking what I was doing differently, and I wasn't aware that the buff was going live immediately so I chalked it up to 2 new ST traits I had gotten, but I'm a dum dum. So my guilds are noticing even if I am not :). I do hope that we get a few more percent because I know that raid in and out and casual guildies who only show up for raid still out-do me. Still glad and grateful though.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Frostyspeed Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:10 am

The buff was great, fire mage is actually middle pack spec now with decent RNG/gear. I managed to top 5 on mythic krosus today and I saw my DPS was a lot higher than usual. I would say give us another 3-4% damage increase and we'd be very solid. We wouldnt be OP but we would be middle-higher pack (this is assuming decent gear and bis legendaries)
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Lavok Mon May 15, 2017 5:37 pm

Nice theorycradting but i kinda hate the fact that you say nerf bracers and belt. Dafuq wrong with you and every other mage thinking the same idea as you. Like cuase of your wining about the bracers and scorch fire mage are where they are now bottom rock down the ladder. Its called a fucking legendary LEGENDARY! They suppose to be strong what the fucking point of having the bracers or belt if you woult do almost the same without them.

Please theorycraft that stuff into your head

Nice math though
And the point of this necro post is exactly what?
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Selluth Mon May 15, 2017 9:38 pm

Nice theorycradting but i kinda hate the fact that you say nerf bracers and belt. Dafuq wrong with you and every other mage thinking the same idea as you. Like cuase of your wining about the bracers and scorch fire mage are where they are now bottom rock down the ladder. Its called a fucking legendary LEGENDARY! They suppose to be strong what the fucking point of having the bracers or belt if you woult do almost the same without them.

Please theorycraft that stuff into your head

Nice math though
Hey man nice necro. By the way you might want to reread his post - with some attention you'll notice they he wants some of the belt's power baked into the actual kit, and nerf it slightly to accommodate. My educated guess says he implied the same for bracers.

Sure they'll feel "less legendary-like" for people like you, but Blizzard has been trying to make all legendaries more balanced instead of having powerhouse ("required") legendaries such as our bracers. Sure, they're not doing a good job at it, but there's no reason why we should have outliers. There will always be a best and worst one so long as legendaries have throughput effects, but the gap shouldn't be so big that bracers are practically required.

Sorry to speak for others, but I'm sure many of us agree with going into that direction. It doesn't matter to most of the mythic raiders now - as we've collected most, if not all, fire legendaries by now - but it'd be a welcomed change for newer players and/or rerolls. Obviously extra number tuning on top of that would certainly help too. Pretty pointless to throw numbers around though if we're simply just at Blizzard's mercy as far as balancing goes unless somebody has a way to make our voices heard.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Jersh Tue May 16, 2017 1:21 pm

Is it really a necro if the post is less than a month old? Replying on just about any post on altered time would be a necro then.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Elderberry Tue May 16, 2017 3:59 pm

An inevitability is: if we continue to play fire mage, we will acquire all fire legendaries. It might take 6 months, it might take 18 months, but it will happen. Then we will change our loot specialization and start to acquire all of the legendaries for the next spec. In the next 6 months, I imagine we will see that more and more of the fire mage community will reach that place where they have helm, bracers, belt, ring, simply due to continued play. Should some legendary-enabled abilities be baseline? Maybe. But I think the real issue is making fire mages' DPS more "Legendary-Independent". The tuning, IMO, should be focused on our baseline spells and the mechanics of ignite, not our accoutrements. True, getting those BiS ledges make the spec much more FUN to play, but if our DPS is viable without them, this seems a better approach.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Spookytooth Sun May 21, 2017 4:06 am

At this point if your playing the game and not just logging in for raid you should be well on your way to having ALL legendaries not just the fire ones. The game has finally come to a point with tomb where we can easily swap between all 3 specs I fully expect to have 52 in all 3 weapons and 18 legendaries before tomb releases
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby kaqau Sun May 21, 2017 3:56 pm

At this point if your playing the game and not just logging in for raid you should be well on your way to having ALL legendaries not just the fire ones. The game has finally come to a point with tomb where we can easily swap between all 3 specs I fully expect to have 52 in all 3 weapons and 18 legendaries before tomb releases
For sure. If you do everything, which isnt a lot, you can get a legendary every 1-2 weeks. Getting 52 in all weapons will be cake with the AK you will have by the time ToS is out,
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby h0lyshadow Mon May 22, 2017 9:55 am

Yup, completed the Fire bracket and switched to loot spec Arcane, already got the first. Screw Frost.
I miss only Sephuz from the generic pool, so in 2 months I will be full Fire/Arcane, ready to swap in ToS depending on fights.

Way a better scenario than ToV and NH release, at least.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Elderberry Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:09 pm

I haven't been on much recently due to life stuff and some burnout between NH and ToS. WE got a 6% buff, but has there been any other upticks in our base damage? I just did H NH with my guild last night and was pulling over 1M on most boss fights not really trying. At ilvl 906 this probably shouldn't be too surprising but for my relative skill, it seemed to me that something had been tweaked.
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Re: Small buff tomorrow

Unread postby Serrawyn Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:41 pm

I just did H NH with my guild last night and was pulling over 1M on most boss fights not really trying. At ilvl 906 this probably shouldn't be too surprising but for my relative skill, it seemed to me that something had been tweaked.
I hate to be the skeptic, but I'm ilvl 914 and have 99% parses across the board in heroic NH with 5/10 boss fights still coming in under 1m DPS. If you're ilvl 906 and pulling over 1m on most bosses "not really trying," then your meters might be bugged.

I don't think any tweaks have been made, and by all accounts we're still in need of them.

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